What's new in version 6.3
Version 6.3.203244.0 of COSMO Project Construction is a Hotfix of the 6.3.202310.0 release.
Version 6.3.202310.0 of COSMO Project Construction is a Hotfix of the 6.3.191751.0 release.
Version 6.3.191751.0 of COSMO Project Construction is a Hotfix of the 6.3.184284.0 release.
Version 6.3.184284.0 of COSMO Project Construction is a Hotfix of the 6.3.178699.0 release.
Version 6.3.178699.0 of COSMO Project Construction is a Hotfix of the 6.3.174648.0 release.
Version 6.3.174648.0 of COSMO Project Construction adds improvements, optimized performance, and bugfixes to enhance your overall experience.
Features and enhancements
The following features are included in this release:
Pull Request | Description |
PR9565 | Changed global variables to protected in Calculation Statistics page. |
PR9540 | Redesigned "CCS PRCS Measurement Mgt." codeunit to increase maintainability. |
PR9595 | Refactored business logic of Fast Calculation page. |
PR9803 | Optimized performance of Calculation Statistics. |
PR9815 | Added the transfer of "Description 2" field from Construction Project to Job. |
PR9822 | Added Construction Invoice Plan fields to Sales Order Archive for restoring a Sales Order with the Copy Document function. |
PR9830 | Enhanced performance for deleting Job Line Budget lines. |
PR9916 | Added keys to improve performance in Job Line Budget table. |
This release fixes the following issues found in the previous version of the app:
Pull Request | Description |
PR9814 | Fixed issue in which the Service Description in Construction Projects could not handle paragraphs. |
PR9844 | Fixed usage of composite keys for improved performance. |
The following hotfixes are included in this release:
Hotfix No. | Pull Request | Description |
6.3.203244.0 | PR11583 | Removed procedure call in the BoQ Budget Calculation page due to incompatibility with minimum Advanced Manufacturing Pack dependency version. |
6.3.202310.0 | PR10983 | Fixed issue in which reducing the "Line Discount %" or "Line Discount Amount" fields to zero in the Total (External) FastTab of the Vernier Adjustment page reset the values to the previous value. |
PR11045 | Fixed issue when updating the source data when placing a PQM with a placing unit. | |
PR11052 | Fixed calculation of values in Execution Units with Cost Type filter. | |
PR11089 | Added implementation of Manual Pricing logic for Replace Catalog Item function. | |
PR11091 | Fixed missing reset of Catalog Item No. in Search & Replace Component function. | |
PR11143 | Obsoleted "Job No." and "Location Code" filters in Job Procurement Planning. | |
PR11284 | Fixed issue in which the BoQ Pos. No. was not unique with OeNorm Undivided Positions and resulted in data failures, e.g., when a BoQ Pos. No. is used to find a Job Line. | |
PR11301 | Fixed error message that occurred when transferring Construction Charges to Sales Order/Invoice/Credit Memo if the last sales line did not contain a Job No. because the Job No. is required to find the Fixed Job Line. | |
6.3.191751.0 | PR10639 | Fixed issue in which the Contact field was not filled with the name of the contact from the Sell-to Contact No. |
PR10640 | Fixed issues in which replacing a Catalog Item in Job Line and Procurement Line did not work correctly. | |
PR10693 | Fixed "Line does not exist" error in Fast Calculation. | |
PR10695 | Fixed value of "Manual Pricing" for the transfer of component "Unit Price" fields in Fast Calculation. | |
PR10793 | Fixed field lookups in Measurement and Registered Measurement lists. | |
PR10849 | Fixed issue in which the Qty. to Ship in a Sales Order was not updated correctly when using the Apply Measurements action. | |
PR10852 | Fixed issue in which the Description was not automatically added to BoQ Short Text when using the Create BoQ Structure functions. | |
PR10932 | Fixed issues with Unit Price Parts and rounding in Base Calculation. | |
PR10938 | Fixed issue in which the EFB Calculation values could be different than the Base Calculation and Sales Budget. | |
6.3.184284.0 | PR10367 | Fixed error on Purchase Quotes Manager option "Update Source Data" for Execution Units with general components. |
PR10432 | Fixed issue in Job Budget Calculation in which Manual Pricing was not considered for Catalog Items. | |
PR10436 | Fixed error in "Get Calculation Groups" action for Calculation Groups with blank Cost Type. | |
6.3.178699.0 | PR10149 | Optimized performance by adding "Manual WBS Calculation" function that calculates the Job Budget Calculation WBS field when the page is opened and then only recalculates it when the new "Update WBS" action is run manually. Improved performance for the page search. |
Removed or deprecated features
Removed obsolete controls, objects and methods:
Pull Request | Description |
PR9611 | Obsoleted "Inventory Total" and "Inv. Proc. Loc. Code" fields in Job Procurement Line table. |
PR9671 | Removed obsoleted measurement invoicing through Invoice Planning. |
Technical specifications
Details | Version |
Requires Microsoft Base Application | |
Requires COSMO Advanced Manufacturing Pack | 6.3.178349.0 |
Requires COSMO Project Construction - Integration Library | |
Requires COSMO Licensing | |
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