Create a configuration in your launch.json connected to the container
Creating launch.json files
After creating a new container you're almost ready to start development. To connect to your container to publish and debug your app, you need to create a configuration in your launch.json
- In the Visual Studio Code extension right click on the container you created before and choose Create launch.json for this container.
- A
file has been created for your app and test app. Eachlaunch.json
generated have different startup object depending of the path of your apps. App folder have Page Customer List as startup object and Test folder have Page AL Test Tool
Updating launch.json files
You can also use Create launch.json for this container to update any existing launch.json files: If a configuration for the container name does not exist yet, then it will be added. Else the configuration will be replaced.
JSON files containing comments won't be updated, and no notification will appear.
Replace configuration properties commented out with properties whose names start with //.
Bad code example:
// "startupObjectId": 130451,
Good code example:
"//startupObjectId": 130451,