Document Layouts
A Document Layout contains the configuration for a specific layout. It is possible to create several different Document Layouts for the same report, which could be useful if the user needs to be able to change the layout when printing a document or if the administrator needs to test a layout while another is currently in use.
When a report is run, the system will default the latest Document Layout where today’s date is between the Starting Date and Ending Date and the Status = Certified. If there are several certified Document Layouts for the same reports, each with valid dates, then the user can change the Document Layout while running the report.
The Document Layout for a Sales Quote, for example, has five sections:
- Header of the Document
- Lines
- Total Section
- Footer with Responsibility Center information
- Footer with Company information
These sections refer to the structure of the printout.
Sections can have criteria that specify whether it should be printed or not. This is the case with sections 4 and 5. Sections can also be defined for iterations of tables only without printing anything.
In addition to the sections defined in the Document Layout, the system always prints a Report Top section on each page. This section includes the logo, page number and report label.
Each section has a list of fields that will be printed. The orientations of the fields within each section are defined as the Line and Indentation on the Document Layout Fields page.
In addition to the fields, there are also Filters, Criteria, Codeunits and Variables that can be defined for each section. These are used as follows:
- Document Layout Filters – specify the relations between the tables
- Document Layout Criteria – define if data should be shown or not
- Document Layout Variables – declare variables with formulas
- Document Layout Codeunits – write custom code using AL
Filters, Criteria, and Variables can also be used in conjunction with the Fields.
See Also
Document Layout Page
Document Layout Filters
Document Layout Criteria
Document Layout Variables
Document Layout Codeunits
Document Layout Fields
Run Report
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