Test Plan Assignment on Items and Item Variants
The Item Test Order Option, Sampling Method and Inspection Severity Code can be allocated to the respective item in the Test Plan Assignment page, which is accessed from the Quality Assurance menu on the Item Card.
Test Plan Assignment Page
In this page, assign test plans to different Source Types (such as Purchase Orders, Production Orders, and so on) with Item, Item Variant, Item Category, or Source No. to create individual setups. Test Orders/Test Incidents can be created based on Item Variants with separate Test Plans. Furthermore, this page offers the opportunity to enter customer-specific or vendor-specific test plans.
General FastTab
The fields in the General section are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Source Type Filter | Source type to allocate the test plan to. The options are Inventory, Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt, Sales Order, Sales Return Order, Sales Return Receipt, Production Order, Operation, Order-specific, Component, Certificate, Transfer Order, and None. |
Source No. Filter | Number of the source type selected in the Source Type Filter field. |
Item No. Filter | Item to be affected by these settings. |
Variant Code Filter | Item variant to be affected by these settings. |
Item Category Filter | Item category to be affected by these settings. |
Location Filter | Location to be affected by these settings. |
Lines FastTab
The fields in the Lines FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Source Type | Specifies the source type for the test plan assignment. |
Item No. | Specifies the item number for the test plan assignment. |
Variant Code | Specifies the variant code for the test plan assignment. |
Item Category Code | Specifies the item category code for the test plan assignment. |
Location Code | Specifies the location code for the test plan assignment. |
Source No. | Specifies the number of the source type selected in the Source Type field. |
Contact No. | Specifies the contact person that the Customer Certificate will be sent to, used only with Source Type = Sales Order. For more information, see Customer Certificate Card. |
Language | Specifies the language of the contact person that the Customer Certificate will be sent to, used only with Source Type = Sales Order. For more information, see Customer Certificate Card. |
Item Test Order Option | Defines the level on which an item should be tested. The options are: - No Test: no test orders are created. - Test on Item Level: a single test order is created for the item, regardless of lot- or serial numbers. - Test on Lot No.: a test order is created for each lot number. - Test on Serial No.: a test order is created for each serial number. For example, if a user posts a Receipt with two lots (Lot A and Lot B) the following tests are created, based on the Item Test Order Option: - Test on Item Level: One Test Order: Item No. is populated in the General FastTab; lot information is empty on the Test Plan Source FastTab. - Test on Lot No.: Two Test Orders (one for each lot): Item No. and Lot No. are populated. |
Sampling Method | Defines for the item if the sampling method according to DIN ISO 2859 should be applied. If the DIN ISO 2859 option is selected, the Inspection Severity Code and Sampling Method fields must be filled with the ISO2859 or DIN2859 values. In this case, an acceptance sample testing is applied based on faulty parts or errors. |
Inspection Severity Code | Required if the DIN ISO 2859 option is selected in the Sampling Method field. |
Test Plan No. | Number of the test plan that should be allocated to the item depending on the source type. |
Adjust Lot Status on Test | If selected, the lot status will automatically be set to: - The value in the Lot-/Serial No.-Status on Test Order Release field in the Quality Assurance Setup page when a test order is Released. - The value in the Lot-/Serial No.-Status on Test Order Finish field in the Quality Assurance Setup page when a test order is Finished. |
Automated Test Decision | Determines if the Lot/Serial No. Status can be changed automatically based on inspection result (see Automated Test Decision). |
Inspection Level | Indicates the Inspection Level for counting (AQL) to be used for testing; if this field is empty, Inspection Level II is used. |
Insp. Severity on Test Prop. | Indicates whether an inspection severity has been assigned to a test property (see Inspection Severities of Test Properties). |
No Test Order on Subcontr. | If selected, prevents duplicate testing requirements when creating a Purchase Order for a Production Order line, which may already contain a Test Plan Assignment (Source Type = Purchase Receipt) for the subcontracting order. |
Test Wait Time | Indicates the time needed to start testing, beginning from the Test Order creation. For example, it may define offset time to start testing after goods receipt posting. The Wait Time Unit of Meas. Code field is required to specify this time. For more information, see Test Order Scheduling. |
Wait Time Unit of Meas. Code | Used with the Test Wait Time field to complete the time specification. Codes of Capacity Units of Measure (from manufacturing) can be assigned here. For more information, see Test Order Scheduling. |
Copy Item Test Plan Assignment
Existing Test Plan Assignment records can be copied from a selected item to a selection of one or more items using the Create Item Test Plan Assignment function. This function can be accessed from the Test Plan Assignment page by choosing the Copy Test Plan Assignment action or using Tell Me by entering Create Item Test Plan Assignment and then choosing the related link.
The Create Item Test Plan Assignment function provides the ability to copy the Test Plan Assignment for a specific Source Type or for all existing Source Types of the "Template" Item.
The Template Item setup(s) can be copied to one or more items based on specific item filters in one step.
Inspection Severities of Test Properties
Different schedules can be assigned to each test property so that testing is done based on the Inspection Severities of a property as opposed to the Inspection Severity of the overall test plan.
Properties without a specific Inspection Severity will use the one assigned to the Test Plan Assignment line.
In the Test Plan Assignment page, choose the Property Inspection Severities action to open the Item Test Prop. Insp. Severities page.
If the first line has the Test Each Used checkbox selected, this means that a value has been entered in the Test Each (Times) field for the test property, and therefore an Inspection Severity cannot be entered on this line. If a different Inspection Severity Code is entered for a property, the Insp. Severity on Test Prop. checkbox is selected on the Test Plan Assignment page when the Item Test Prop. Insp. Severities page is closed.
Sample Planning
The Sample Planning action opens the Sample Plannings page where you can define the criteria for creating samples for the selected test plan assignment. You can assign a sample occurrence code that may or may not be linked to a sample size template chart or you can create your own sample size chart.
For more information, see Sample Size Charts.
Sample Drawing Instruction
If you have the integration with Advanced Manufacturing Suite (AMS), this action is available on the Related menu. For more information, see Testing Samples.
See Also
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