What's new in version 2.5
Version 2.5.109705.0 of COSMO Vendor Rating added the recalculation of vendor rating entries.
Features and enhancements
The following features are included in this release:
Pull Request | Description |
5754 | Implemented Recalculation of Vendor Rating Entries - A new option "Recalculate Vendor Rating Entries" has been added to the request page of "Calculate Vendor Rating" report. When activated, existing vendor rating entries (of documents within the report's filter) will be recalculated based on the current vendor rating parameter and quality rating settings. |
5742 | Added Event Publisher "OnBeforeTestFieldAssertTermsOfDelivery". |
5866 | Added sv-SE to supported locales. |
5231 | Updated COSMO Licensing Implementation. |
This release fixes the following issues found in the previous version of the app:
Pull Request | Description |
N/A | N/A |
Removed or deprecated features
Removed obsolete controls, objects and methods:
Pull Request | Description |
5866 | Obsolete Public Procedures of Codeunit 5034705 "CCS VR StdIntegrations" integrating Standard Events. |
Technical specifications
Details | Version |
Requires Microsoft Base Application | |
Requires COSMO Licensing app | |
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