DMS Content Types
Content Types are configured in the Content Types section on the DMS Document Library Card. These can be used as a filter to upload a document for the same record with different metadata settings, or to show different filtered document lists from SharePoint for the same document library.
To display a content type in the Document Box, the following criteria must be met:
- The Visible in Document Box checkbox must be selected on the content type.
- The content type must have a released table setup for the corresponding table number of the current record, where the Document Box is displayed.
- The (current) record must match the filter criteria of the record filter (Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central table filter).
- The user needs at least reading rights for the document library to retrieve the document list for the Document Box.
To configure a DMS content type page
- On the Content Types FastTab of the DMS Document Library Card, choose the Edit Type action to open the DMS Content Type page.
- On the DMS Content Type page, fill in the fields as necessary. Hover over a field to read a short description.
Specific fields on the Settings FastTab
The Versioning area on the Settings FastTab describes the behavior for uploading and modifying documents.
The options for Duplicate Handling are:
- Setup – If selected, the value in the Duplicate Handling field on the DMS Setup page is used.
- New Version – Creates a new version for the uploaded document. If Versioning is disabled in the document library, the existing document will be overwritten.
- Timestamp – Appends a timestamp at the end of the new file’s name and before the extension: <Year>-<Month>-<Day> - <Hour>-<Minute>-<Second>, for example Bicycle 2019-04-03 11-23-54.bmp.
File names must be unique for each target folder!
The following figure illustrates a possible folder structure.
The options for Version CheckIn Type are:
- Minor Version – New minor version (for example, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, ...), set as the default value.
- Major Version – New major version (for example, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, ...).
- Overwrite Version – Overwrites without generating a new version (for major version configured). The file will be checked out if the SharePoint has a major version configured). The file will be checked out if the SharePoint document library has a minor version configured.
For more information about the fields on the Table Setup FastTab, see Table Setup.
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