Codeunit CCS DMS Document Actions
codeunit 5306017 "CCS DMS Document Actions"
public "CCS DMS Document Actions" CreateFileMetadataInDialog(RecRelatedVariant: Variant; ContentType: Record "CCS DMS Content Type"; Folders: Text; FileName: Text; var ListItem: JsonObject): Boolean
Opens the metadata dialog in edit and lookup mode for uploading a new file.
This function makes a COMMIT to modally run the metadata dialog, if configured in the Content Type.
Name | Type | Description |
RecRelatedVariant | Variant |
The record from the document box. |
ContentType | Record "CCS DMS Content Type" |
The file's content type. |
Folders | Text |
The folder name for visualization. |
FileName | Text |
The file name for visualization. |
ListItem | JsonObject |
The list item response from the web service as JsonObject. |
Return Value
Returns true if the user clicked on "OK". Returns false if the user clicked on "Cancel".
public "CCS DMS Document Actions" GetContentTypesForRecord(RecRelatedVariant: Variant; var TempContentType: Record "CCS DMS Content Type" temporary): None
Returns the content types for the record.
Name | Type | Description |
RecRelatedVariant | Variant |
The record from the document box. |
TempContentType | Record "CCS DMS Content Type" temporary |
The Content Type as SharePoint target. |
Return Value
public "CCS DMS Document Actions" GetFileFilterUrl(ContentTypeJson: JsonObject; ListItem: JsonObject): Text
Get the file filter url for hyperlinking.
Name | Type | Description |
ContentTypeJson | JsonObject |
ListItem | JsonObject |
Return Value
The full file url as text.
public "CCS DMS Document Actions" GetFileUrl(ContentType: JsonObject; ListItem: JsonObject): Text
Returns the absolute file url in SharePoint.
Name | Type | Description |
ContentType | JsonObject |
ListItem | JsonObject |
The list item response from the web service as JsonObject. |
Return Value
The full file url as text.
public "CCS DMS Document Actions" OnActionEditFileMetadata(RecRelatedVariant: Variant; ContentTypeJson: JsonObject; ListItem: JsonObject): Boolean
Opens the metadata dialog in edit and lookup mode for updating the metadata of an existing file.
Name | Type | Description |
RecRelatedVariant | Variant |
The record from the document box. |
ContentTypeJson | JsonObject |
The file's content type as JsonObject. |
ListItem | JsonObject |
The list item response from the web service as JsonObject. |
Return Value
Returns true if metadata updated. Returns false if the user clicked on "Cancel".
public "CCS DMS Document Actions" OnActionEmailFile(RecRelatedVariant: Variant; ContentTypeJson: JsonObject; ListItem: JsonObject): Boolean
Attaches the file to an e-mail and sends it.
Name | Type | Description |
RecRelatedVariant | Variant |
The record from the document box. |
ContentTypeJson | JsonObject |
The content type as JsonObject. |
ListItem | JsonObject |
The list item response from the web service as JsonObject. |
Return Value
Returns true if file is mailed. Returns false if the user clicked on "Cancel".
public "CCS DMS Document Actions" OnActionOpenLibraryUrl(ContentType: JsonObject): None
Opens the list in SharePoint as hyperlink.
Name | Type | Description |
ContentType | JsonObject |
The Content Type as JsonObject. |
Return Value
public "CCS DMS Document Actions" OnActionShowFileMetadata(RecRelatedVariant: Variant; ContentTypeJson: JsonObject; ListItem: JsonObject): None
Opens the metadata dialog in view mode without lookup.
Name | Type | Description |
RecRelatedVariant | Variant |
The record from the document box. |
ContentTypeJson | JsonObject |
The file's content type as JsonObject. |
ListItem | JsonObject |
The list item response from the web service as JsonObject. |
Return Value
public "CCS DMS Document Actions" OpenFileUrl(ContentType: JsonObject; ListItem: JsonObject): None
Opens the file in SharePoint as hyperlink.
Name | Type | Description |
ContentType | JsonObject |
The Content Type as JsonObject. |
ListItem | JsonObject |
The list item response from the web service as JsonObject. |
Return Value
public "CCS DMS Document Actions" UploadFileWithDialog(RecRelatedVariant: Variant; ContentType: Record "CCS DMS Content Type"; FileName: Text; TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"): Boolean
Uploads a file stored in a TempBlob for the current record, content type and file name.
This function makes a COMMIT to modally run the metadata dialog, if configured in the Content Type.
Name | Type | Description |
RecRelatedVariant | Variant |
The record as Record or RecordRef for metadata definition. |
ContentType | Record "CCS DMS Content Type" |
The Content Type as SharePoint target. |
FileName | Text |
The file name in SharePoint. |
TempBlob | Codeunit "Temp Blob" |
The file binaries to be uploaded. |
Return Value
Returns true, if a file was uploaded, for get documents.