Create Purchase Documents
Purchase Quotes and Purchase Orders can be created from a BoQ version or the Contractors page. Many of the fields in the Bill of Quantities Card page are used when the documents are created from the Contractors page.
The reason for creating a purchase quote for a BoQ is to request pricing from contractors. Once a BoQ is created and you are in the Offer Request phase, you can open the Contractors page, add the vendors to create quotes for and then create the quotes to send for pricing. A BoQ version is automatically created for each vendor/quote combination and then you can export the BoQ file from the version. When the pricing is returned, you can enter the prices manually in the purchase quote or you can import the BoQ file into the BOQ Version if one is provided.
After gathering all pricing, you can compare total amounts of the quotes in the Contractors page and/or all individual prices of the quotes in the Comparison Matrix page.
Once a contractor is selected, you can create the purchase order from the existing purchase quote. Alternatively, you can create a purchase order directly from the Contractors page.
Purchase Documents for BoQs
In the Bill of Quantities Card, the general product posting group is defined for use in the purchase documents. When the purchase document is created, the BoQ Position No., BoQ Position Type, Description, Unit of Measure Code, Quantity, Unit Price, BoQ Price Type, and Line Discount % are transferred to the purchase lines. Additionally, the BoQ Short/Long Texts are transferred from the BoQ to the purchase documents and from the quote to order with the Make Order action.
Prior to creating the purchase documents, ensure that unit of measure codes have been assigned to the BoQ unit of measure codes of the positions in the Bill of Quantities Card. For more information, see BoQ Unit of Measure Assignment.
Request pricing from contractors
The general processes for requesting pricing from contractors is described in this section.
Assign vendors to contractors for BoQ
- Open the Bill of Quantities Card page.
- Set the fields in the General FastTab as defined by your business processes but ensure that the Data Exchange Phase = Offer Request and Data Exchange Type = Vendor.
- In the Customer FastTab, enter your company information.
- In the Administration FastTab, choose the relevant posting group in the General Product Posting Group field if not automatically populated from BoQ Management Setup.
- On the Home menu, choose the Contractors action.
- Enter a unique Code.
- Assign the Vendor and repeat this step for all other contractors.
To create purchase quotes for contractors
Similar to COSMO Purchase Quotes Manager functionality, purchase quotes are created per vendor (contractor).
- Select the first contractor and then on the Home menu, choose the Create Purchase Quote action.
- Choose the Yes button to create the quote.
- If any of the Unit of Measure Codes have not been assigned to the units of measure in the BoQ Positions, a message will open stating the missing code.
- Go back to the Bill of Quantities Card and enter the missing code.
- The purchase quote is created and the BoQ Version No. is 1.
- Go back to the Contractors page and notice that the Version No. field is updated and the Purchase Quote field is set to Yes.
- Create the purchase quote for the next contractor. Notice that the BoQ Version No. is 2 for this quote.
- Create the purchase quotes for the remaining contractors.
To export the BoQ file
For contractors that transmit BoQ files, export the file from the BoQ version.
- In the Contractors page, select the contractor to export the BoQ file to.
- On the Related menu, choose the Show Version action.
- In the Bill of Quantities Card, choose the Export File action on the Home menu.
- Save the file and then send to the contractors for pricing.
Update pricing from contractors
Once you receive the pricing from the contractors, you can either import a provided BoQ file into the BoQ Version or enter it manually in the Purchase Quote.
When updating pricing with a BoQ file, the pricing in the Purchase Quote is not updated automatically but can be done with the Update Purchase Quote action (see Select a winner and make an order). When manually updating pricing in the Purchase Quote, the BoQ Version pricing is not updated.
To update pricing with a BoQ file
- In the Contractors page, select the contractor and then choose the Show Version action on the Related menu.
The Bill of Quantities Card opens for the selected vendor and version. - On the Home menu, choose the Import File action.
- Locate and select the BoQ offer file .*84.
- Repeat these steps for the other contractors that provided BoQ offer files.
To manually update pricing
- In the Contractors page, choose the Yes value in the Purchase Quote field or choose Show Purchase Quote from the Purchase menu to open the purchase quote for the selected contractor.
- In the Lines FastTab, enter the prices from the contractor in the Direct Unit Cost... field for the BoQ Positions.
- Repeat these steps for the other contractors where manual entry is necessary.
To compare pricing
If pricing is added through the BoQ file import, the Total Amount field is updated in the Contractors page (a page refresh might be needed).
To see the individual prices for each BoQ Position, open the Comparison Matrix.
Pricing added manually to a purchase quote is not included in the Comparison Matrix.
- In the Contractors page, choose the Compare check box on each line to include in the comparison.
- On the Home menu, choose the Comparison Matrix action.
- Go back to the Contractors page.
Select a winner and make an order
Once you have compared the bids from the contractors, you can choose the winner and prepare to create the purchase order. The process for creating the purchase order differs depending on how the pricing was updated.
- If you updated pricing by importing the BoQ file, you can run the Update Purchase Quote action from the Contractors page, which updates the purchase quote lines based on settings in the request page, such as quantity or direct unit cost. Then you can create the purchase order using the standard Make Order action.
- If you manually entered the pricing in the purchase quote, then you can make any necessary adjustments in the purchase quote and then create the purchase order using the standard Make Order action.
A purchase order is created directly from the Contractors page if COSMO Bill of Quantities Management is used without COSMO Project Construction. If used with COSMO Project Construction, then the purchase order would be created using the Procurement functionality.
To update the purchase quote and create a purchase order
- In the Contractors page, choose the contractor who won the bid.
- On the Actions menu, choose the Update Purchase Quote action.
- In the Update Purchase Quote Options request page, select what information to update. The options are:
- Select all
- Update Unit of Measure
- Update Direct Unit Cost
- Update Line Discount
- Update Quantity
- Update Position Type
- Update Price Type
- Choose the OK button.
A message opens stating that the purchase quote was updated and asks if you want to open it. - Choose the Yes button.
- On the Home menu, choose the Make Order action.
- Choose the Yes button to create the purchase order.
- Go back to the Contractors page and notice that the Purchase Quote field is set to No and the Purchase Order field is set to Yes.
To make an order from the quote
- In the Contractors page, choose the contractor who won the bid.
- Select the Yes value in the Purchase Quote field.
- On the Home menu, choose the Make Order action.
- Choose the Yes button to create the purchase order.
- Go back to the Contractors page and notice that the Purchase Quote field is set to No and the Purchase Order field is set to Yes.
View purchase quotes and orders
On the Bill of Quantities Card for the BoQ Versions, you can view related purchase quotes and purchase orders from the Related menu.
On the Contractors page, you can view the related purchase quotes and purchase orders from the Purchase menu or by choosing the Yes value in the Purchase Quote and Purchase Order fields.
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