Compare BoQ Versions
The Comparison Matrix compares different versions of BoQs for different contractors, which allows you to see the prices for each BoQ position for each contractor. The versions to be compared must be entered in the Contractors page, which is accessible from the BoQ Card.
Contractors Page
The fields on the Contractors page are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Code | Unique identifier of the contractor. |
Vendor No. | Indicates if a vendor exists for the contractor. |
Vendor Name | Auto-populated if a vendor is selected. Otherwise, you can manually enter the contractor's name. |
Version No. | Indicates the current BoQ version for the contractor. A version is automatically created if a purchase document is created. For more information, see Create Purchase Documents. |
Compare | Determines if the contractor is included in the price comparison. |
Reference Contractor | Determines if the contractor is designated as the price difference calculation. |
Total Amount | Indicates the total amount from the lines in the BoQ Positions FastTab in the BoQ version. |
Purchase Quote | Indicates whether a purchase quote exists. For more information, see Create Purchase Documents. |
Purchase Order | Indicates whether a purchase order exists. For more information, see Create Purchase Documents. |
The actions on the Contractors page are described in the following table.
Menu | Action | Description |
Home | Comparison Matrix | Opens the Comparison Matrix page that shows the BoQ positions, including general position information as well as quantities and units of measure. |
Show Version | Opens the version of the related Bill of Quantities Card for the selected contractor. | |
Purchase | Create Purchase Quote | Creates a purchase quote for a BoQ to request pricing from the selected contractor. For more information, see Create Purchase Documents. |
Create Purchase Order | Creates a purchase order for a BoQ after accepting a quote from the selected contractor. For more information, see Create Purchase Documents. |
Show Purchase Quote | Opens an existing purchase quote for the selected contractor. For more information, see Create Purchase Documents. |
Show Purchase Order | Opens an existing purchase order for the selected contractor. For more information, see Create Purchase Documents. |
Actions | Update Purchase Quote | Updates the lines of a linked purchase quote after importing a BoQ file with pricing. For more information, see Select a winner and make an order. |
The Vendor Statistics and Buy-from Vendor History FactBoxes provide additional information about the selected contractor.
Set up contractors
After you create the BoQ, define the contractors that you want to send the BoQ to for offers.
- Choose the
icon, enter Bills of Quantities, and then choose the related link.
- Select the BoQ where you need to assign contractors.
- On the Related menu, choose the Contractors action.
- In the Code field, enter a unique code for the contractor.
- In the Vendor No. field, select a vendor if one exists for the contractor. Otherwise, leave blank.
- In the Vendor Name field, enter the contractor's name if not auto-populated by a selected vendor.
- Select the Compare check box to include the contractor in the price comparison.
- Repeat steps 1-7 for the remaining contractors.
Assign versions to contractors for comparison
After you receive the 84 files from the contractors, create a new BoQ version for each and import the file. Then you need to assign the versions to the contractors.
- On the main BoQ page, open the Contractors page.
- In the Version No. field for each contractor, select the BoQ version to be included in the price comparison.
- The Total Amount field is updated to match the amount from the imported file.
- On one of the contractor lines, select the Reference Contractor check box to be designated as the price difference calculation. In the Comparison Matrix, the other contractor's prices will be calculated with a percentage of this contractor's prices.
View the price comparisons
On theContractors page, choose the Comparison Matrix action on the Home menu. You can also open the Comparison Matrix page from the main Bill of Quantities Card by choosing the Comparison Matrix action on the Home menu.
The Comparison Matrix page shows the BoQ positions, including general position information as well as quantities and units of measure. The contractors included in the comparison are separated in the following columns and the last column shows the average price of all the contractors. The Contractors FactBox shows the total amount per contractor.
For each BoQ position, each contractor shows the unit price, total price, and percentage of the reference contractor's price, which is always 100%.
For example, Contractor 1 is set as the Reference Contractor. The table below shows the results for all contractors.
Position No. | Contractor 1 | Contractor 2 | Contractor 3 | Average Price |
05. | 11580.00 (100%) | 11280.00 (97.4%) | 11760.00 (101.6%) | 11540.00 (99.7%) |
05.001. | 120.00 | 1440.00 (100%) | 110.00 | 1320.00 (91.7%) | 140.00 | 1680.00 (116.7%) | 123.00 | 1480.00 (102.8%) |
05.002. | 120.00 | 1440.00 (100%) | 110.00 | 1320.00 (91.7%) | 140.00 | 1680.00 (116.7%) | 123.00 | 1480.00 (102.8%) |
05.003. | 600.00 | 5400.00 (100%) | 580.00 | 5220.00 (96.7%) | 600.00 | 5400.00 (100%) | 593.00 | 5340.00 (98.9%) |
05.004. | 550.00 | 3300.00 (100%) | 570.00 | 3420.00 (103.6%) | 500.00 | 3000.00 (90.9%) | 540.00 | 3240.00 (98.2%) |
If a contractor does not provide a price for a BoQ position, then the entry will be 0.00 | 0.00 | (0%).
The contractor with the best prices is shown in bold green. Based on the table above, Contractor 2 would be shown as best price.
Contractors are deleted if a Bill of Quantities with version 0 is deleted.
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