Test Orders
In the test orders, the determined actual values of a test are entered and, if available, compared with the predetermined required value. The goal of the test order is to determine if a test was successful within its required value specifications.
Test orders can be opened by status (Test Orders - Created, Test Orders - Value Recording, Test Orders - Testing Finished, Test Orders - Finished, and Test Orders - Cancelled) or from the Test Order List page where all test orders are listed. Choose the icon, enter the page name, and then choose the related link.
Test Order Card
The structural composition of the Test Order is essentially the same as that of the Test Plan.
The compilation of test orders can occur in different ways. Test orders can be created according to specification from an arrival or by arrival of material from a production order. These test orders can be created manually or automatically (based on Test Plan Assignment, see the table in Test Order Creation) and can be processed immediately. In the following sections, the fields are explained based on an automatically generated test order.
When creating a test order manually, the entry fields must be filled accordingly.
General FastTab
The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
No. | Unique identifier from the number series or manually entered if manual numbering is allowed. |
Description | Description of the test order. |
Test Destination Type | Predetermined if the test order to be carried out is related to test device or to an item test. |
Test Destination No. | Number that builds the basis for the test order, based on the value in the Test Destination Type field. |
Test Destination Variant Code | Variant that applies to the item, based on the value in the Test Destination No. field. |
Test Date | Date the test order is created. This date can be changed manually if the test is to be carried out at a later date. |
External Document Name | Identifies a document file that relates to the test order. If a file exists, choose the ellipsis button or choose the Show External Document action on the Home menu to open the file. To upload a file using the standard Import page, choose the Upload External Document action on the Home menu or choose the ellipsis button in this field. For more information, see Document Storage. NOTE: This field is displayed only if the Document Storage Point field = Per Record in the Quality Assurance Setup page. |
Vendor No. | Vendor number which builds the basis for the test order, if it is a Test Plan that has been generated upon arrival. |
Quantity to Test | The value in this field (= delivery quantity; is transferred from the recorded quantity in the arrivals) serves as a calculation basis for the calculation of the value in the Random Sample Quantity field. |
Test Plan No. / Test Plan Version Code | Automatically filled according to specification of the chosen Test Plan. |
Status | Current processing state of the Test Order. The options are: - Created: Set if no processing has occurred. - Value Recording: Set manually by choosing the Release action on the Home menu. Now it is possible to begin the test by entering the determined actual values. Erroneously entered determined values can be changed or tests can be cancelled while in this status. - Testing Finished: Set when all property sets have been processed. - Finished: Set manually, by choosing the Finish action on the Home menu, when all property sets have been processed. No changes can be made with this status. - Cancelled: Set manually, by choosing the Cancel action on the Home menu, when a test order needs to be cancelled. This may be necessary, for example, if one determined value lies beyond the expected values and as a result all further values are irrelevant. It is also possible to change the status of multiple test orders using the Change Test Order Status function, accessible using Tell Me. Choose the ![]() |
Stability Test Status | Current processing state of the Stability Test. The options are: - In Process: Set automatically and used internally to prevent parallel processing. - On Hold: Set when the order is created or after processing when further stability tests exist. - Cancelled: Set manually, by choosing the Cancel action on the Home menu, when a test order needs to be cancelled. This may be necessary, for example, if one determined value lies beyond the expected values and as a result all further values are irrelevant. This function can cancel only the Test Order or the Test Order and the Stability Test (see Cancel a Stability Test). - Finished: Set manually, by choosing the Finish action on the Home menu, when all property sets have been processed. No changes can be made with this status. It is also possible to change the status of multiple test orders using the Change Test Order Status function, accessible using Tell Me. Choose the ![]() |
No. Printed | Automatically populated/updated each time the test order is printed. |
Invalid Determined Value | Indicates if there are any differences after entering the actual values to the required value specification of the property set. |
Blocked Test Devices | Indicates if a test device used in the test order is blocked due to a lack of inspection or manual blocking. |
Random Sample Quantity | Quantity of the random sample that is to be tested when running an attribute testing (faulty/not faulty parts). The basis for this calculation is the Quantity To Test field. |
Inspection Result | Indicates the test result, calculated based on the test property values. |
Responsibility Center | Identifies the Responsibility Center that is allocated to the test order. |
Sample Exists | If you have the integration with Advanced Manufacturing Suite (AMS), this field is available. For more information, see Testing Samples. |
Lines FastTab
In the Lines FastTab, the Test Property Sets are allocated to the Test Order from the Test Plan.
Test Property Set Menu
On the Lines FastTab, choose the Test Property Set menu to access actions that relate to the selected Test Property Set line.
Test Plan Source FastTab
The Test Plan Source FastTab contains fields that display information about the source document that created the test plan.
The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Source Type | Origin of the test order, if generated from a purchase delivery, a sales document, a production order, a process step, a stability test, or a production order component. |
Source Status | Status of the production order if the Source Type field is set to Production Order. |
Source No. | Number of the source document. |
Source Line No. | Line number of the source document to which the test order refers. |
Source Routing No. / Source Operation No. / Source Component Line No. | Routing, operation, or component line numbers from which the test order originated if the Source Type field is filtered on Production Order, Operation, or Component. |
Order-specific | Indicates if the Test Order was created from a Sales Order with an Order-specific test plan. |
Creation Date / Created by / Last Date Modified / Last Modified by | Test order creation and modification information. These values are automatically determined based on the current date and the active User ID and are non-editable. |
Lot No. / Serial No. | Item tracking information to which the test order refers; populated based on the selection in the Item Test Order Option field on the Test Plan Assignment page for the item (see Test Plan Assignment on Items and Item Variants). |
Package No. | This field currently has no functionality. |
Test Incident No. / Test Incident Order No. | Used with Test Incidents (see Test Incidents). |
Miscellaneous FastTab
The Miscellaneous FastTab contains information about evaluation levels and repeat orders.
In the Test Type and Test No. fields, the evaluation level that builds the basis for the test order is indicated by number. The values for these fields are transferred from the Test Status page, if they exist, on release of the Test Order. After completion of the test order, this page is filled by the appropriate newly determined value from the Inspection Severity page.
The Repeat No. and First Order No. fields indicate respective information as to the original test order if the current test order is a repeat test order.
Planning FastTab
Test Orders can be scheduled and therefore, receive Starting Date-Time and Ending Date-Time. The fields on the Planning FastTab are used with the Test Order Scheduling function. If no activities are assigned to Test Order Properties, then no Ending Date-Time is calculated.
The Starting Date/Time and Ending Date/Time are calculated based on the Source Type and the duration in the Test Order Activities. For more information, see Test Order Scheduling.
Home Menu
The actions on the Home menu are described in the following table.
Action | Description |
Test Order Property Sets | Opens the Test Order Property Set page, which lists all property sets that are allocated to this test order. |
Upload External Document | Opens the Import page from where an external document can be uploaded to the Test Order. For more information, see Document Storage. NOTE: This action is displayed only if the Document Storage Point field = Per Record in the Quality Assurance Setup page. |
Show External Document | Opens the external document that was entered in the External Document Path field on the General FastTab. For more information, see Document Storage. NOTE: This action is displayed only if the Document Storage Point field = Per Record in the Quality Assurance Setup page. |
Value Recording | Opens the QA Value Recording page, which contains various pieces of information that refer to the respective property set. All property sets to be examined are displayed consecutively and the ascertained actual-value is entered (see Record values in the test order). |
Calc. Sample Size | Calculates the random sample quantity and assigns it in the Random Sample Quantity field if the test order Status field is set to Created. The basis for this calculation is the value in the Quantity to Test field. Based on this value, a key letter is determined in the Sample Size/Inspection Level page. The required sample size is allocated to this key letter in the Sample Instruction Setup page. The sample size will be transferred to the Random Sample Quantity field. |
Release | Populates the Test Type and Test No. fields on the Miscellaneous FastTab, determines the current values from the Inspection Severity Plan, and populates the maximum accepted error quantity fields. It then changes the Status field to Value Recording. |
Cancel | Used when a test order needs to be cancelled. This may be necessary, for example, if one determined value lies beyond the expected values and as a result all further values are irrelevant. Changes the Status field to Cancelled. |
Finish | Used when all test order processing has been completed. Changes the Status field to Finished; no changes can be made with this status. |
Reset Value Recording | Resets the Status field from Value Recording back to Created. |
Reset Test Order | Resets the Status field from Finished back to Testing Finished. |
Add Document File | Opens the Related Document Files page where existing documents for the Test Order can be viewed or new documents can be added. For more information, see Document Storage. NOTE: This action is displayed only if the Document Storage Point field = Document File in the Quality Assurance Setup page. |
Activities | Opens the Test Order Activities page, which displays all activities related to this Test Order. An activity listed on this page may refer to more than one Test Order Property. It defines the starting and ending of individual testing activities and includes a link to assigned Resource and Work Center. All listed activities are parallel operations and therefore, the longest Execution Time defines the Ending Date-Time of the entire Test Order. For more information, see Test Order Scheduling. |
Reports Menu
The actions on the Reports menu are described in the following table.
Action | Description |
Test Order | Generates the Test Order report for preview or printing; this is typically an internal document. |
Analysis Certificate | Generates the Analysis Certificate report for preview or printing, which displays the test results of a test order. It is an external document that is provided to the customer. |
Sample Spare Label | Generates a Spare Label for a sample (see Sample Planning). |
Actions Menu
The actions on the Actions menu are described in the following table.
Action | Description |
Copy Test Plan | Copies a Test Plan which differs from the requirements in the master data for the examination of an item or test device, respectively. In doing so, the evaluation levels and property sets registered with the new Test Plan of the copied Test Plan are overwritten. The copying of a Test Plan is only possible when the Status field is set to Created. |
Copy Test Order | Copies evaluation levels and their allocated property sets from an existing test order into the current test order. This function is equipped with a safety scan in the occasion that existing evaluation levels and property set lines are entered with the current test order. The copying of one test order into another is only possible if the Status field of the destination order is set to Created. |
Create Repeat Order | The pre-condition for creating a repeat order is that the Status field of the test order is set to Finished. When this function is run, a message opens that states the test number of the repeat order. The repeat order is created with the Status field set to Created and can be processed. In the Miscellaneous FastTab, the number of the original (source) test order is displayed in the First Order No. field. |
Test Decision | On a Finished test order, opens the Lot-/Serial No. Administration page, which is used to release or block a lot (for more information, see Lot-/Serial No. Administration). NOTE: If a test order that has not been finished but exists for a lot, this lot cannot be released. It is merely possible to block the lot or conditionally release it for production. |
Create Return Order | Used to create a Purchase Return Order. This function is only available if the Test Order is related to a Purchase Receipt and the Inspection Result = Items are not OK. |
Compare Test Result | Used if the item has vendor-related Test Plans, the Test Order Status = Testing Finished or Finished, and the Inspection Result = Items are not OK. The results are compared to the Sales Order Test Plans that are related to a single customer number. |
Reset Inspection Result | Used to reset the value to Unspecified in the Inspection Result field (see Unspecified Inspection Result on Test Order). This function can only be run by an authorized user. |
Draw Sample | If you have the integration with Advanced Manufacturing Suite (AMS), this action is available. For more information, see Testing Samples. |
Related Menu
The actions on the Related menu are described in the following table.
Action | Description |
Test Order Properties | Opens the Test Order Properties page, which lists the values from the properties that were entered for the Test Property Set in the Lines FastTab. |
Internal Comments / External Comments | Comments can be used to add notes and remarks about a test order. - Internal comments are printed on documents that will not leave the company. - External comments will be printed on documents that can be sent to the customer or vendor. |
Return Orders | Opens the Return Orders that are created from the Test Order. This can be used if the Return Order is related to a Purchase Receipt. |
Source Document | Opens the document from which the Test Order was created. |
Document Files FactBox
If the Document Storage Point field = Document File in the Quality Assurance Setup page, then the Document Files FactBox will be accessible for attaching new and viewing existing Test Order documents. For more information, see Document Storage.
To process a test order
Release a test order for value recording
- Choose the
icon, enter Test Orders - Created, and then choose the related link.
- Open the test order to be processed.
- On the Home menu, choose the Release action.
The Test Order Card page closes (or a different order is active if one exists); the released order was removed from this view because of the status change.
Record values in the test order
Choose the
icon, enter Test Orders - Value Recording, and then choose the related link.
Open the test order to be processed.
On the Home menu, choose the Value Recording action.
The QA Value Recording page opens with the first Test Property Code from the test order.Enter the testing information based on the type of testing method:
Testing Method = Counting (AQL):
- If there are no errors, choose New > Det. Value within Exp.
- If there are errors, enter the number of units with errors in the corresponding Failed Qty. X fields and then choose New > Tested.
Testing Method = Measuring:
- Enter the result in the Determined Value field, and then choose the Next Property action to move to the next property.
- Fill in the Error Code field if there was a measurement testing failure.
Repeat step 4 for all remaining properties.
A message opens stating the testing is finished. Choose the OK button to close the message.
The QA Value Recording page closes automatically when all properties are tested and the Test Order is closed because the Status field has changed to Testing Finished.
Finish the test order
- Choose the
icon, enter Test Orders - Testing Finished, and then choose the related link.
- Open the test order to be finished.
- On the General FastTab, note that the Inspection Result field is set to Items are OK or Items are not OK, depending on the testing.
- On the Lines FastTab, note that the Tested field is set to Yes or No on each line, depending on the testing.
- On the Home menu, choose the Finish action.
- Choose the Yes button to close the test order.
The Test Order Card closes because the Status field has changed to Finished.
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