DMS SharePoint Filters
A DMS SharePoint Filter defines which files in the document library are displayed in the Document Box. Only the documents from the document library that meet the filter criteria are listed.
The configuration of the SharePoint filter can be opened within the General section in the Table Setup via the Filter and SharePoint Filters buttons.
Related fields in further detail
The fields in the DMS SharePoint Filter page are described in the following sections.
Comparison Operator
The options are:
- = (equal sign), <> (not equal to sign), > (greater than sign), >= (greater than or equal to sign), < (less than sign), <= (less than or equal to sign)
- Contains (X) – Considers all values that contain X.
- Starts With (X) – Considers all values that begin with X.
- Is Null – Considers all empty values.
- Is Not Null – Considers all values that are not empty.
If an empty value is entered in the DMS SharePoint Filter configuration, this corresponds to Is Null.
Value Class
The options are:
- Constant – Enter a user-defined value (constant) that will be used as a fixed filter value (such as document type).
- Filter – Enter a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central filter value to define ranges.
- Field – Use the lookup in the Value Field field to select a field value of the current record (table setup) that will be used as the filter value.
- Formula – Enter a formula that is calculated before filtering the document list.
- Lookup – Use the lookup in the Value Field field to select a system value from a list. The options are: User ID, Workdate, System Date, System Time, Company Code.
Value Field
Specifies the actual information based on the selection in the Value Class field:
- Const – User-defined, fixed value
- Field – Field number for the current table setup
- Date Formula – Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central formula to calculate the date
- System – Code of the system value
After there are more than 5,000 elements in a SharePoint list, the filtered fields must be managed by indexed columns. Document libraries are technically lists, with a document field to store the files. The management of indexed columns works well, but problems can arise when uploading files via the REST (Representational State Transfer) service, which DMS uses. A way to avoid the limitation is to upload files into folders. Each folder can again contain 5,000 elements, and so on. However, since a folder is an element, there should only be a maximum of 5,000 folders inside a folder, again.
No column indexing was done when the current Library Set 2.0.1 was created. Therefore, users must manage the column indexing of the filtered fields within SharePoint or the folder structure will not be visible. Column indexing must be completed before the limit is reached; subsequent adjustments are not possible.
Example of a valid SharePoint filter
Based on the description in this chapter, the SharePoint filter is used to narrow down the files to be displayed in the document box.
This is represented by a filter condition. One possible condition could be the following:
Column | Example Value |
Field name | CCDMS_Customer_No |
Field label | Customer number |
Comparison operator | = |
Value class | Field |
Value field | 1 |
Value label | No. |
This filter condition, in the default configuration, ensures the display of files for a customer.
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