Codeunit CCS DIS Mapping Management
codeunit 5100920 "CCS DIS Mapping Management"
public "CCS DIS Mapping Management" CheckAndLoadRepositoryFieldStructure(MappingRepository: Record "CCS DIS Mapping Repository"; var TempRepositoryField: Record "CCS DIS Mapping Repository Fld" temporary): None
Loads the field structure from a mapping repository into temporary repository fields.
Name | Type | Description |
MappingRepository | Record "CCS DIS Mapping Repository" |
The mapping repository to load the field structure from. |
TempRepositoryField | Record "CCS DIS Mapping Repository Fld" temporary |
Returns the repository fields as temporary record. |
Return Value
public "CCS DIS Mapping Management" GetFieldDescription(MappingRepository: Record "CCS DIS Mapping Repository"; FldName: Text): Text
Returns the field caption of a repository field.
Name | Type | Description |
MappingRepository | Record "CCS DIS Mapping Repository" |
The mapping repository. |
FldName | Text |
The field name to lookup for. |
Return Value
The field caption or description.
public "CCS DIS Mapping Management" GetReleasedMappingVersion(Mapping: Record "CCS DIS Mapping"; var MappingVersion: Record "CCS DIS Mapping Version"): None
Returns the current valid released mapping version.
Runs an UI error if no mapping version was found.
Name | Type | Description |
Mapping | Record "CCS DIS Mapping" |
The mapping to find a version for. |
MappingVersion | Record "CCS DIS Mapping Version" |
Returns the mapping version. |
Return Value
public "CCS DIS Mapping Management" OnAfterCreateFieldStructureFromMappingRepository(var ToMappingRepository: Record "CCS DIS Mapping Repository"; FromMappingRepository: Record "CCS DIS Mapping Repository"): None
Subscribe this event to implement your own field structure creation.
The event is fired after the field structure was created based on another repository.
This method is pending obsolete. Use Mapping Interface CreateFieldStructure() to define the field structure 2.7
Name | Type | Description |
ToMappingRepository | Record "CCS DIS Mapping Repository" |
The mapping repository the new field structure is created for. |
FromMappingRepository | Record "CCS DIS Mapping Repository" |
The mapping repository the field structure is used as template. |
Return Value
public "CCS DIS Mapping Management" RepositoryToTempRepositoryField(MappingRepository: Record "CCS DIS Mapping Repository"; var TempRepositoryField: Record "CCS DIS Mapping Repository Fld" temporary): None
Copies the repository field structure into a repository field record.
Name | Type | Description |
MappingRepository | Record "CCS DIS Mapping Repository" |
The mapping repository to copy the field structure from. |
TempRepositoryField | Record "CCS DIS Mapping Repository Fld" temporary |
The created field structure records. |
Return Value
public "CCS DIS Mapping Management" TempRepositoryFieldToFieldStructure(var MappingRepository: Record "CCS DIS Mapping Repository"; var TempRepositoryField: Record "CCS DIS Mapping Repository Fld" temporary): None
Copies the temporary field structure record from a page to a mapping repository.
Name | Type | Description |
MappingRepository | Record "CCS DIS Mapping Repository" |
The mapping repository to store the field structure. |
TempRepositoryField | Record "CCS DIS Mapping Repository Fld" temporary |
The field structure to be stored. |
Return Value