Codeunit CCS DIS Conversion Mgt.
codeunit 5100918 "CCS DIS Conversion Mgt."
public "CCS DIS Conversion Mgt." OnBeforeConvertValueByTag(var SourceCodeTag: Code[20]; var FldValue: Variant): None
Subscribe this event to implement your own source code conversions.
The event is fired right before the source code conversions are executed.
It does not provide a IsHandled parameter. Existing code conversions will still be executed afterwards.
This method is pending obsolete. Extend Enum 'CCS DIS Conversion Code' and implement the interface 'CCS DIS Conversion'. 2.6
Name | Type | Description |
SourceCodeTag | Code[20] |
The source code tag to define the conversion. You can change the tag after your conversion, to avoid standard code execution. |
FldValue | Variant |
The value before and after the conversion, as reference. |
Return Value