Item Card
On the Item Card, the Config. to Order FastTab includes the fields that are specific to COSMO Discrete Manufacturing.
Config. to Order FastTab
The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Description 2 – Description 5 | Additional description fields, each holds up to 50 characters. |
Main Location Code | Main location code of the item. If a location code is filled in, the system will copy it when the item is inserted into the following documents: - Master BOM Line - Document BOM Line - Construction Order Line - Sales Line (Quotes, Orders, etc.) - Purchase Line (Quotes, Orders, etc.) - Production Order Components - Service Item Worksheet - Requisition and Planning Worksheet |
Part Type | It is necessary to mark the part type when the parts have to be manufactured specifically for this order (Production) and to be included in supply planning (Standard or Purchase) or for configuration of non-inventory items (Standard). The options are: - Standard: The BOM of this assembly group are for informational purposes only. In the Document BOM, the Information Line checkbox is selected. The components of this assembly group are not included in supply planning. - Production: This option is only possible for assembly groups. If an item is set up with this option, the Replenishment Method changes automatically to Prod. Order. With this option, the components of this assembly group are used in supply planning. In the Document BOM/Construction Order line, the Information Line checkbox is selected. NOTE: For the Production part type, the item must have a Master BOM. When using the standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central production BOM, this option is irrelevant. - Purchase: Same as Part Type = Standard except that if the Status of a Document BOM and/or Construction Line is changed to Released, a new Variant Code gets inserted to the Variant Code field in the BOM line. |
Separate Prod. Order | Determines if a separate production order will be created for this item; can only be turned on if Part Type = Production. |
Spare Part | Determines if the item is a spare part. This information is retained in the master and Document BOMs. In the service item, parts list components with this identification can be copied into the service item components. |
Wear Part | Determines if the item is a wear part. This information is retained in the master and Document BOMs. In the service item, parts list components with this identification can be copied into the service items components. |
Base Material | Identifies the assignment of a Base Material to the item. The Base Material will be used for the work package (see Work Packages). |
Long-Lead Item | Identifies items that need a longer time to be delivered or produced. This field is passed from the Item during processing and is shown as a FlowField in the following documents: Master BOM Line, Production BOM Line, Document BOM, Construction Line, Planning Component, Prod. Order Component, and Requisition Line. Choosing the value in this field opens the Items list, filtered on the item, regardless if the value is Yes or No. |
Separate Delivery | Indicates whether this item is set up for separate shipment. This setting is copied from the Item Card to the BOM and the production order where it can be changed as needed. |
Full Text | Displays the complete text of all description fields (1–5) by joining these values together. This field is not editable. |
Discontinued Item | Indicates if this is a discontinued item (see Discontinued Items). |
Replacement possible from | If a date is entered in this field, the replacement of the discontinued item will occur by this date, at the earliest (see Discontinued Items). |
Substitutes Exist | Indicates if a substitute item has been assigned to this item using standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central substitution functionality. A replacement must be assigned to use the discontinued item functionality (see Discontinued Items). |
Prototype | Indicates if this is a prototype item (see Prototypes). |
Prototype Type | Identifies the type of prototype that the program will use when it creates a new prototype item (see Prototypes). The options are: - Item: Select this option if the item will be copied into a new prototype item. - Variant: Select this option if a new item variant should be created only. |
Prototype No. Series | Identifies the number series used for items and/or variants created from this prototype item (see Prototypes). |
Created from Prototype | Identifies the originating prototype item number that this item was created from (see Prototypes). |
Prototype BOM Type | Indicates if the prototype was created from a Document BOM or Construction Order (see Prototypes). |
Prototype BOM No. | Identifies the Document BOM or Construction Order number from which the prototype item was created (see Prototypes). |
Prototype BOM | Identifies the BOM from which the prototype item was created (see Prototypes). |
Document BOM not editable | Indicates that Document BOMs created from this item cannot be edited. |
Checklist Template Exists | Indicates if a checklist template exists for the item. If you choose the Yes value, the related checklist template will open or a list of checklist templates if multiple ones were created for the item. |
Master BOM Exists | Indicates if a master BOM exists for the item. If you choose the Yes value, the related master BOM will open or a list of master BOMs if multiple ones were created for the item. |
KANBAN | Indicates if this item has been set up for Kanban processing (see Item Setup). |
Created from BOM Type | Identifies the BOM Type from which this item/item variant was created using the Create Items & BOMs function. The options are Document BOM and Construction Order. For more information, see Create Items and BOMs for sales or Create Items and BOMs for construction. This field is visible by choosing Show more. |
Created from BOM No. | Identifies the number of the Document BOM or Construction Order from which this item/item variant was created using the Create Items & BOMs function. For more information, see Create Items and BOMs for sales or Create Items and BOMs for construction. This field is visible by choosing Show more. |
Created from BOM | Identifies the BOM (BOM Type and No.) from which this item/item variant was created using the Create Items & BOMs function. For more information, see Create Items and BOMs for sales or Create Items and BOMs for construction. |
Home Menu
On the Home menu, choose the Copy Item action to create an item from an existing item. In the Copy Item page, either a target item number is entered or a number from a number series is produced automatically. At the bottom of the Copy Item page, three areas from COSMO Discrete Manufacturing are listed in the Configure to Order FastTab. The selected areas, along with all others, will be copied from the source item to the new item.
Actions Menu
The following sections explain the actions on the Actions menu that are specific to COSMO Discrete Manufacturing.
Functions Menu, Search & Replace Item
On the Functions menu, choose the Search & Replace Item action to find and replace items in the following documents:
- Master BOM Template
- Document BOMs
- Construction Order
- Service BOM
- Production BOM
- Production Order Component
- Production Structure
The fields/field groups on this dialog box are described in the following table.
Field Group | Field | Description |
Search Item No. | Indicates the item to be found and displays the item description below. | |
Replace with | Identifies the item number that the searched for item is to be replaced with. If the same item number in the Search Item No. field is entered in this field, then the item with master data relating to orders is overwritten based on the fields selected in the Overwrite Fields area. This functionality is useful because all selected item data is replaced in the documents. For example, if you need to change the Description 5 field on an item, you don't have to change all documents manually. |
Search & Replace in | In this field group, choose the documents to be included in the item search and replace process. Turning on or off the All Tables toggle will turn on or off the other toggles. Turning on or off the Master BOM, Document BOM, Construction Line, Production BOM, and Production Structure toggles make the related sections below active or inactive. | |
Master BOM | Defines how the system is to behave with changes to the Master BOMs. | |
Version Management | Specifies which Master BOM Versions should be changed or if a version should be created. The options are: - Create New Version: A new version of the Master BOM is to be added. - Change Actual Version: The current BOM version is to be changed. - Change All Versions: The exchange in all BOM versions is made. |
Change Status | Determines if the status of the changed Master BOM should be set to a predefined status or if the status should remain at its current state. | |
Status After Change | Defines which status the Master BOM will have after the exchange and/or change of items. The options are New, Certified, Under Development, and Closed. | |
Doc. BOM / Construction Line | Only Status = Open | Determines if approved Document BOMs and construction orders can be changed. NOTE: If Document BOMs and construction orders are to be included in supply planning (as defined in the Configure to Order Setup page), purchase orders or production orders may have been already created for these lines. The Item Search and Replace function does not examine whether document lines, which should be replaced, have been created. |
Production BOM | Defines how the system is to behave with changes to the Production BOMs. | |
Version Management | Specifies which Production BOM Versions should be changed or if a version should be created. The options are: - Create New Version: A new version of the Production BOM is to be added. - Change Actual Version: The current BOM version is to be changed. - Change All Versions: The exchange in all BOM versions is made. |
Change Status | Determines if the status of the changed Production BOM should be set to a predefined status or if the status should remain at its current state. | |
Status After Change | Defines which status the Production BOMs will have after the exchange and/or change of items. The options are New, Certified, Under Development, and Closed. | |
Production Structure | Change Status | Determines if the status of the changed Production Structure should be set to a predefined status or if the status should remain at its current state. |
Status After Change | Defines which status the Production Structure will have after the exchange and/or change of items. The options are New, Under Development, and Closed. NOTE: The Certified option is available but is not allowed for production structures. |
Overwrite Fields | Fields turned on in this group will be overwritten for the items on the selected document(s) during the Item Search and Replace function. Turning on or off the All Fields toggle will turn on or off the other toggles. |
After choosing the OK button, a page opens that lists all the lines that would be changed. You can select individual lines to exclude and delete them using the standard Delete Line function. Choose the OK button to complete the replace function of the remaining lines.
The Service BOM document has no special status change option in the Item Search and Replace page. Choosing this option will search and can replace active and inactive items in the Service BOM.
Related Menu
The following sections explain the actions that are on the Item and Bill of Materials menus, accessed from the Related menu.
Item > Master BOM
Choose Master BOM > Master BOM to assign existing Master BOMs to an item. The fields on the Item - Master BOM page are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Item | Identifies the item associated with the Master BOM. |
Type | Indicates the type assigned to the Master BOM. This selection limits the possible Master BOM allocations. |
Master BOM | Identifies the Master BOM associated with this item. |
Description | Defaults from the Master BOM but can be modified. Choose the Card action to open the related Master BOM. For more information, see Master BOM Template. |
Item > Master BOM Where Used
Choose Master BOM > Master BOM Where Used to determine where the item is used as a component item or in a production BOM within the product structures.
The single or multilevel features can be used for maintenance or troubleshooting. The multilevel feature displays all effected BOMs.
Item > Attributes (DM)
Opens the Attribute Values page, where attributes and the relevant values are assigned to an item.
Attributes can be assigned to an item. Through development each attribute is provided a value. This item attribute is available in all documents relating to orders and can also be changed through the dynamic configuration.
Item > Checklist
Opens the Item Checklist Relations page, where Checklist instructions can be assigned to an item. The fields on the Item Checklist Relations page are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Checklist Type | Indicates the type assigned to the Checklist. This selection limits the possible checklist allocations. |
Starting Date | Date the item/checklist relationship becomes valid. |
Checklist Code | Identifies the checklist associated with this item. |
Purchase | Determines if the checklist is valid for purchase documents. |
Sales | Determines if the checklist is valid for sales documents. |
Construction | Determines if the checklist is valid for construction orders. |
For more information, see Checklists.
Item > Search Characteristics
Opens the Item Search Characteristics page, where the attributes for a search of the special characteristic list can be assigned to the item. For more information, see Search Characteristics.
For more information, see KANBAN System.
Item > Text Module
If you have the integration with Advanced Manufacturing Suite (AMS), this action is available. For more information, see COSMO Text Module.
Bill of Materials > Assembly > Assembly BOM
In the Assembly BOM page, you can enter configuration values in the Formula Valid and Formula Quantity per fields. For more information, see Assembly Orders.
Item - Configure to Order FactBox
The Item - Configure to Order FactBox provides an overview of some of the fields on the Config. to Order FastTab, such as whether Master BOMs or Checklists have been assigned to the item, the part type designation, whether the item is a spare part, wear part, long-lead item, discontinued item, and prototype, and whether the item requires separate delivery or production order.
The Item - Configure to Order FactBox is also accessible on the Items list page.
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