Special Direct Unit Costs from Vendors
Stored direct unit costs from vendors can be applied when the direct unit costs are calculated.
When an item is selected, the master vendor is displayed automatically in the Vendor No. field. If a special direct unit cost is found for the item from the vendor, this value is included in the calculation. The parent remaining budget is adjusted.
Project-Specific Purchase Conditions
Item purchase prices and line discounts can be transferred from the project to the Project Budget Calculation. Depending on whether the New sales pricing experience feature update has been enabled, this feature uses the Purchase Price Lists (new) or the Item Purchase Prices and Item Purchase Discounts (old) from the Project Card.
It is possible to transfer purchase prices and line discounts from a purchase quote to the master data (Item) and project-specific prices. If a project is attached to the purchase quote line, the related project information is also included as well as the source document (purchase quote) information.
The Transfer Purchase Conditions function can be used at any time a purchase quote is created, such as during the procurement process or when using COSMO Purchase Quote Manager.
For more information, see Transfer Purchase Conditions from Purchase Quote.
See Also
Project Budget Calculation Page
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