Manufacturing Dimensions on Records
Manufacturing dimensions can be added to records using the two global shortcut manufacturing dimensions or the default manufacturing dimensions. The global shortcut manufacturing dimensions can be entered on the following pages:
- Item Card, Warehouse FastTab
- Item Variants
- Sequence Work Center Card, Scheduling FastTab
- Tool Work Center Card, Scheduling FastTab
- Insert Work Center Card, Scheduling FastTab
- Work Center Card, Scheduling FastTab
On each of these pages (except the Item Variants page), the Mfg. Dimension Template Code field can also be populated.
The captions of the global manufacturing dimensions are specified in the Code Caption field on the Manufacturing Dimensions page.
The value of the global shortcut manufacturing dimensions is transferred to the default manufacturing dimensions. On all card pages, open the default manufacturing dimensions by choosing the Manufacturing Dimensions action on the Work Center or Related menus.
The list views contain the global shortcut manufacturing dimensions and the six shortcut manufacturing dimensions.
When a manufacturing dimension is changed in a record, it is also changed in the corresponding default manufacturing dimension. When a default manufacturing dimension is changed and this manufacturing dimension is one of the global or shortcut dimension, it is also changed in the corresponding record.
If a new item variant is created, the manufacturing dimensions of the related item are copied to the new item variant as default. Manufacturing Dimensions for the item variant can be opened by choosing Variant > Manufacturing Dimensions on the Related menu.
Dimension values can be shown in the Item Variants page. The two global manufacturing dimensions and the six shortcut manufacturing dimensions defined in the Manufacturing Dimension Setup page for item variants can be changed either in the Item Variants page or in the Default Mfg. Dimension page.
See Also
Manufacturing Dimensions Setup
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