On the Workflow page, the individual activities for a process are entered and linked to each other. Additionally, each activity is assigned to a team. Indentation of the individual tasks visualizes the dependencies between the tasks.
Open a workflow using Tell Me. Choose the icon, enter Workflows, and then choose the related link.
Select an existing workflow or create a new one.
General FastTab
The fields on the General FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
No. | In the No. field type in the number of the workflow. If a number series is defined, a number is automatically assigned after pressing the Enter key. |
Description | In the Description field enter a description for the workflow. |
Workflow Category | Workflows can be classified using the Workflow Category field. The tasks in the Workflow Portal can be filtered according to these categories allowing the concentrated processing of tasks of a certain type. |
Status | Use Status to determine the status of a workflow. Only workflows with the status Certified are automatically run by the system. The options are: - New – Select this option for a new workflow. Afterwards you can change the content of the fields. - Certified – Select this option to certify a workflow. You cannot change the content of the fields. Only certified workflows can be run and processed. - Under Development – Select this option for a workflow that is currently under development. With this option, you can change the content of the fields - Closed – Select this option for a workflow that will not be used any more. |
Creation Date | The Creation Date field shows when the workflow was created. The field is automatically populated by the application and cannot be changed. |
Date Modified | The Date Modified field shows when the workflow was last changed. The field is automatically populated by the application and cannot be changed. |
Page Filter | In order to make a manual workflow available only in certain pages, you can define the corresponding pages in the Page Filter field. The syntax is: #Page ID#[Page ID#] Example Page Filter #41#42# for Sales Quote and Sales Order. |
Choose Functions > Add Page on the Actions menu to add pages.
Lines FastTab
Workflow lines describe the workflow process. They contain the tasks together with their entry and exit conditions, and events that the workflow describes.
The relevant fields on the Lines FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Line No. | Specifies the number of the Workflow line. |
Step | |
Entry Event No. | In the Entry Event No. field, select the workflow event that should automatically trigger the checking of the entry condition of the workflow line. Note: This field is optional and is only required if workflows should be initiated automatically. Furthermore, entry conditions initiate only those tasks that are on the level 0 (are not indented). |
Entry Condition Code | The Entry Condition Code field contains a reference to the condition that must be valid so that the corresponding Workflow Line is processed. |
Entry Condition Description | The Entry Condition Description field shows the description for the selected entry condition. This field cannot be edited. |
Task Template No. | The Task Template No. field contains the task template which is used when a workflow task is created by the system (the template will be copied into an actual task). |
Task Description | The Task Description field shows the description of the selected task. This field cannot be edited. |
Table ID | The Table ID field determines for which table (from the entry condition) the task should be created. Note: If you have set up Workflow Object Properties and correctly linked the forms and reports used in the task templates with the corresponding tables, the Table ID field will be populated automatically. |
Table Caption | The Table Caption field shows the name of the selected table. This field cannot be edited. |
Team Selection | The Team Selection field determines which Workflow Team receives and is responsible for processing of the tasks created from the current line. The options are: - Static – The workflow team is specified in the Team Code field. This team is responsible for the tasks created from the current line. - Initiator – The task initiator is at the same time the recipient. - Escalation – The task is sent to the superior team based on the escalation level of the task initiator. By default, this field has the value 1, which means, that nearest higher level (if available) will be used. - Custom Function – The task recipient is determined by a programmed user-defined function. The function code is specified in the Team Custom Function Code field. - Field – The task recipient is determined dynamically based on the content of one field in the table on which the task is based. |
Team Code | Use the lookup in the Team Code field and select the responsible workflow team from the list. Note: If no workflow team code can be determined when a task is initiated, then the Team Code field is used to resolve it. |
Predecessor | Specifies whether there is a preceding task that must completed, before the task of this line can begin. |
Successor | Specifies whether there are any successor tasks which should be issued after this task has been completed. |
Incomplete Tasks | Displays the amount of all incomplete tasks for this workflow and workflow line. |
Completed Tasks | Displays the amount of all completed tasks for this workflow and workflow line. |
Exit Event No. | In the Exit Event No. field, you can specify a workflow event that automatically initiates the checking of the exit condition, and thus, automatically finishes the task. Note: This entry is optional and is only necessary, when open workflow tasks should be completed automatically. Usually this field will be left empty, since an active completion by a user is desired. When using an Exit Event No. and automatic completion of the tasks, only predecessors/successors with Flexibility None will be considered. |
Exit Condition | Specifies whether it is a condition or decision. |
Exit Condition Code | Contains a reference to the condition that must be valid so that a task that was created because of the current line can be completed. |
Exit Condition Description | Shows the description for the selected Exit Condition. This field cannot be edited. |
Comment | The Comment field can be used for a detailed explanation of the corresponding line. |
Confirmation (Task Initiator) | Determines if the creator of a task (a user) receives a confirmation about its completion. In case you would like to specify a specific team that should receive the confirmation message, you can enter it in the Confirmation Workflow Team field. |
Confirmation (Workflow Initiator) | Determines if the initiator of the first workflow task will be informed about the completion of the whole workflow. The workflow initiator then receives a confirmation that the last workflow task was completed. |
Access Conflict Handling | The reaction of the system for Task Handling Conflicts caused by processing of a task by different users is displayed in this field. The default value for this field is automatically entered depending on the setting in the Workflow Setup page. You can either accept the default value or override it by choosing another option. |
It is possible to duplicate one or more workflow lines by choosing Functions > Copy Line on the Lines FastTab.
A message that allows the user to copy the selected lines is displayed. After confirming the message with Yes, the selected lines will be copied under the existing workflow line and can be edited.
Any existing predecessor / successor relationships are not copied.
Workflow Line Card
To have a better overview when defining a single step of a process, open the Workflow Line Card page choosing the Card action on the Line menu.
The fields on the FastTabs of the Workflow Line Card are described in the following sections.
Task FastTab
Workflow-specific fields on the Task FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Task Template No. | In the Task Template No. field, the number of the task template is entered, which is used in executing the workflow line. |
Task Description | The Task Description field represents the designation of the selected task, which is associated with the number. |
Table ID / Table Caption | The Table ID and Table Caption fields show which records should relate to the stated task in the line. |
No Multiple Tasks | The No Multiple Tasks toggle can be used only for manual workflows or automatic workflows, which have an entry event of Event Type different from Periodic (in our example the field is grayed, since the Entry Event is periodic). Note: The application creates task duplicates by default when a workflow for the same data set is triggered multiple times. If the toggle is turned off (by default), then a new task will be created each time when a workflow line is initiated for a record. If the toggle is turned on, then only one task per specific record will be created, if there are no other open tasks of this workflow available for this record. In this way task duplicates can be avoided. |
Manual Workflow Allowed | Turn on the Manual Workflow Allowed toggle to use the current line for a manual workflow which can be started from different areas. |
Lock Record | Turn on the Lock Record toggle to lock the respective record that is involved in this specific activity until it has been completed. Only those users can make changes to the records that are part of the team that is responsible for processing the task. |
Access Conflict Handling | Use this field to define how the application should react if there are processing conflicts among different users of a team (two or more users are trying to work on the same task). An access conflict exists, if a user wants to process a task out of the Workflow Portal, which was already started by someone else. The application records the User ID of the processor and the processing time in the task. This information is displayed in a conflict situation. This field is the default value for the same field in the Workflow Line. The options are: - Message – The user receives a message in the workflow portal that the task has already been taken over by another user. The user can also edit the task (for example, because the assigned page is opened). - Error – The user receives an error message in the workflow portal that the task has already been taken over by another user. The editing of the task is interrupted (for example, the assigned page is not opened) and prevents multiple users from processing the same task via the Workflow Portal. - None – No message generated in a conflict situation. |
Blocked | Select the Blocked checkbox to prevent that there are any tasks created for this line (a workflow might be certified and in production, but a certain activity or branch should not be active). |
Conditions FastTab
Relevant fields on the Conditions FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Entry Condition Code / Entry Condition Description | The Entry Condition Code and Entry Condition Description fields contain a reference on the condition, which must be met before the respective line is considered for execution. |
Reverse Entry Condition | Turn on the Reverse Entry Condition toggle, if the task should be issued when the specified entry condition is not fulfilled. |
All Predecessors Must Be Completed | If the All Predecessors Must Be Completed toggle is turned on, this indicates that all predecessors must be completed before this task will be issued (if there are multiple tables involved in a workflow this could lead to a scenario where multiple tasks for a single workflow activity are created. In case that they should all be completed before the workflow continues, this option can be used). This option makes sense, for example, for sales documents, since the tasks of all Sales Lines (for example, Check Sales Price) must be completed before the following task (for example, Print Order Confirmation) can be started. |
Current Workflow is not running | If the Current workflow is not running toggle is turned on, the workflow will only be started if there is no open task from this workflow for the specific record. |
Exit Condition | |
Exit Condition Code / Exit Condition Description | The Exit Condition Code and Exit Condition Description fields contain a reference on the condition, which must be met before a task, which was created based on the current line, can be terminated. |
Strict Exit Condition | An exit condition has always to be fulfilled, to terminate a workflow task. If you want to allow the completion of a task, for example, a user cannot enter all data at the moment, but the workflow should be continued, clear the Strict Exit Condition checkbox. Thus, a task can be completed despite of an invalid exit condition. |
Confirm Exit Condition | If the Confirm Exit Condition toggle is turned on, the user gets notified when completing a task with invalid exit condition. This field is typically used if Strict Exit Condition is false, to indicate an invalid exit condition. |
Password required | If the Password required toggle is turned on, this will prompt users to enter their password upon completion of a task. This option can be used when additional security is required to authenticate the person who completes critical tasks. |
Events FastTab
Relevant fields on the Events FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Entry Event No. / Entry Event Description | The Entry Event No. and Entry Event Description fields contain a reference on a workflow event, which must have occurred to check the respective entry condition. |
Periodic Events/Multiple Tasks | The Periodic Events/Multiple Tasks field is used together with entry events of type Periodic. If the toggle is turned on, then a new task will be created for a record each time when the periodic event is generated. If the toggle is turned off (by default), then a new task for a specific record will only be created if there are no open tasks of this workflow available for this record. In this way task duplicates are avoided. Example You have a Check Credit Limit workflow that is generated periodically: - Toggle is turned on – Each time when the workflow is periodically activated, a new task is created for the same customer (duplicate tasks). - Toggle is turned off – Only one task is created for one and the same customer. And only after this task is completed, a new one will be created during the next periodic activation of the workflow. |
Exit Event No. / Exit Event Description | The Exit Event No. and Exit Event Description fields can contain a reference on a workflow event, which must have occurred to check the respective exit condition. |
Auto-Complete Team Restriction | Turning on the Auto-Complete Team Restriction toggle avoids automatic completion of a task by an exit event, if a user, who is not member of the workflow team, triggers the event. |
Notification FastTab
Relevant fields on the Notification FastTab are described in the following table.
Field / Area | Description |
Team Selection | The Team Selection field determines which Workflow Team receives and is responsible for processing of the tasks created from the current line. The options are: - Static – The workflow team is specified in the Team Code field. - Initiator – The task initiator is at the same time the recipient. - Escalation – The task is sent to the superior team based on the escalation level of the task initiator. - Custom Function – The task recipient is determined by a programmed user-defined function. The function code is specified in the Team Custom Function Code field. - Field – The task recipient is determined dynamically because of the content of one field in the table on which the task is based. Which field and whose content is used is defined in the Team Field No. field. |
Team Code | The Team Code field contains the team, who is responsible for the task of the current line. |
Escalation Level | With Team Selection Escalation, the Escalation Level field allows you to define to which higher level the task is sent. The field is set by default with 1, which means that the next higher level (if available) is determined. |
Team Custom Function Code | By using Team Selection Custom Function, you select the team function in the Team Custom Function Code field, which determines the recipient in a free programmable function. |
Team Field No. / Caption | If you have selected Field in the Team Selection, you must enter a field number in the Team Field No. field, which contains the Workflow Team Code. The number of the field is based on the table which is used by the task. In the generation of a task the Workflow Team is dynamically determined via the current field content. / The caption shows the table field and content. |
Create E-Mail | If you turn on the Create E-Mail toggle, the task should be additionally sent as email (in addition to the message that is created within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central). Note: There must be a valid E-Mail Address provided in the User Setup page. In addition, the Create E-Mail toggle must be turned on in the Workflow Setup page. |
Delivery Date Formula | In the Delivery Date Formula field, you can type in a formula (for example, 1W – after one week) that tells the application on which date the task should be sent. The application calculates the date using this field and the system date. |
Attach Documents | If you want to attach workflow documents of the record, to which the task is related, to an email, turn on the Attach Documents toggle. |
Document Category Filter | If you want to attach workflow documents of a certain document category to an email, you must enter the desired category in the Document Category Filter field. Note: If you turn on the Attach Documents toggle, but no Document Category Filter, then all documents of the record, to which the task regards, are sent as attachment of the email. |
Completion Confirmation to | In the Completion Confirmation to area, you can determine who will receive a confirmation after completion of a task. Possible recipients are Task Initiator, Workflow Initiator, or a certain Workflow Team. Choose the Create Confirmation E-Mail toggle to determine that a completion confirmation is sent by email. Note: There must be a valid E-Mail Address provided in the User Setup page. In addition, the Create E-Mail toggle must be turned on in the Workflow Setup page. |
Approval FastTab
The fields of the Approval FastTab steer the approvals within a predefined workflow. The Approval, Approval Team, and Approval Team Selection fields control automatic approval processes over predefined workflows.
Field | Description |
Approval | If the Approval toggle is turned on, an automatic approval after the task completion will be performed. |
Approval Team Selection | In the Approval Team Selection field, you enter the Workflow Team that represents the approval level. The options are: - Static – The approval team will be selected in the Approval Team field. - Field – The approval team will be selected dynamically on the basis of one table fields content the task is based on. Which table field and content should be observed is defined in the Approval Team Field No. field and displayed in the Approval Team Field Caption field. - Team – The workflow team is equal to the Approval Team. - Approver – The user ID of the user, who finishes the approval task and approves is coincidentally the approval team. |
Approval Team | In the Approval Team field, fill a Workflow Team for the Approval Team Selection option Static. This team represents the approval level. In case you leave this field blank, the approver is urged to fill in a workflow team of which they are a member. |
Approval Team Field No. | For the Field option, enter the field number in the Approval Team Field No. field, which contains the Workflow Team Code. The number of the field is based on the table the task uses. When finishing the task, the approval team will be dynamically detected through the current field value. |
Approval Team Field Caption | Specifies the field caption of the approval team. |
Approval Type Code | Specifies the code of the approval type. |
Completer must not be Task Initiator | If the Completion Restriction Completer must not be Task Initiator toggle is turned on, an open workflow task cannot be completed by the user who initiated the task. |
Completer must not be Workflow Initiator | If the Completion Restriction Completer must not be Workflow Initiator toggle is turned on, an open workflow task cannot be completed by the user who initiated this workflow. |
For more information, see Approval Management.
The FactBox Pane on the right side of the Workflow Line Card contains several links. The fields of the different panes are described in the following section.
Workflow Statistics
Incomplete Tasks and Complete Tasks display the amount of all completed and uncompleted tasks for this workflow. To open the overview for the workflow, choose the displayed number.
Workflow Line Details
Incomplete Tasks and Complete Tasks display the amount of all completed and uncompleted tasks for this workflow and workflow line. To open the overview to this task, choose the displayed number.
The Predecessor and Successors fields show Yes or No. If there is a mandatory task that must be completed before the current task can be started, the Predecessor will show Yes. If the current task is the one that should be finished before a following task, the Successor will show Yes.
Definition of Predecessor / Successor
The Predecessor field shows whether there is a preceding task that must completed, before the task of this line can begin.
To select a predecessor, do the following steps.
- Choose the Predecessor field in the desired workflow line or choose the Predecessors/Successors action the Line menu. The Workflow Line Predecessors/Successors page opens.
- Select Predecessor in the Type field to enter the line number of the preceding task.
- Use the drop-down in the Line No. field and then select the workflow line of the preceding task from the list.
- With the help of the Condition not Valid checkbox in the Predecessor page, you can determine which task should be issued if the Exit Condition of the preceding task is not valid. Thus, case differentiations can be indicated. The Strict Exit Condition and Confirm Exit Condition fields are used together with this option to determine whether the application continues processing the workflow, or it creates a message about the invalid exit condition.
- The Approval Result field is also used to differentiate cases. In this field, you can set that a certain task will be issued only after approval (or denial) of the preceding task. The options are:
- <Blank> – Approval results are ignored.
- Approved – This task will be issued only if the preceding task was approved.
- Not Approved – This task will be issued only if the preceding task was not approved.
For more information, see Approval Management.
- The Flexibility field gives the user a possibility to decide about the further process flow. The options are:
- None – Predecessors/Successors are firmly defined.
- Selection – At the completion of this task the user can choose the succeeding task(s).
- Cancel – If after completing their task, the user does not select any succeeding task, then the task that is defined as Cancel will be issued.
When using an Exit Event No. in the workflow line and automatic completion of the tasks, only predecessors/successors with Flexibility = None will be considered.
The Successors field shows whether there are any successor tasks which should be issued after this task has been completed. You define Successors when you want to build loops in a workflow.
In order to define successors, you should make similar steps as you did to define the predecessors, but in the Successor page, select the option Successor in the Type field.
With the help of predecessors/successors, you can create loops in a workflow or you can create recurring workflows.
For a regular course of a sequential workflow it is enough to set up predecessors.
Menu Functions
Menu functions that are specific to the Workflow page are described in this section.
Add Page
To reduce the amount of possibilities when selecting manually a workflow starting from a page you can define explicit pages in the Page Filter field. If you do not know the pages, choose Functions > Add Page on the Actions menu. With this function, you can easily select convenient pages where the workflow should be started from.
Select the corresponding pages in the Object List and choose the OK button. The page numbers will be transferred in an appropriate syntax to the Page Filter field.
This function may be used repeatedly in a row. The selected pages will then be added to the pre-existing.
Choose Workflow > Pages on the Related menu to see which pages are defined in the Page Filter. The pages are sorted by their Object ID in the Object List.
Indent Lines
Choose Functions > Indent Lines on the Actions menu to indent the Task Description of the task in the workflow lines according to their predecessor – already during the setup of the workflow. By indenting the descriptions of the tasks, the dependencies of single task to each other get optically clear.
The workflow lines are indented automatically when certifying the workflow.
Copy from Workflow
Choose Functions > Copy from Workflow on the Actions menu to duplicate existing workflows. Create a new workflow and choose this function to select the available workflow. This one will be copied into the current workflow.
Copy Line
It is possible to duplicate one or more workflow lines in a workflow by choosing Functions > Copy Line on the Lines FastTab. To copy lines within a workflow, select the desired line(s) and then choose the Copy Line action.
After confirming the security query by choosing the Yes button, the lines will be inserted below the existing lines of the workflow. Now you can go on processing the lines.
Any existing predecessor / successor relationships are not copied.
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