Alloy Surcharges in PaC Structural Plan
Alloy surcharges are calculated in the PaC Structural Plan lines. The alloy surcharges can originate from the general alloy surcharges or ones set up specifically for the job.
The calculation of the expected alloy price and amount per Base Unit of Measure are shown in the Exp. Alloy Price (base) and the Exp. Alloy Amount (base x quantity) fields. Choose the value in either field to open the Alloy Surcharges Lines page.
The calculations are based on several settings (see Calculating Surcharges).
The fields on the Alloy Surcharges Lines page are defined for purchase processing in the Alloy Management for Purchases topic. Refer to these field definitions for general information.
You can also open the Alloy Surcharges Lines page by choosing Line > Alloy Surcharge Lines on the Related menu.
Calculate alloy surcharges
If changes are made to either the general or job-specific alloy quotations, choose Functions > Calculate Alloy Surcharge on the Actions menu. A dialog will open to select which lines should be calculated. The expected alloy prices are updated accordingly.
Recalculate alloy surcharges after item replacement
If an item has been replaced in the PaC Structural Plan line due to running the Search and Replace Components function, the alloy surcharges will be automatically recalculated.
View alloy statistics
Alloy Statistics show the total calculated alloy surcharges (total alloy weight (kg) and expected alloy amount) for each alloy type assigned in the BoQ Budget Calculation.
To access the Alloy Statistics page, choose Related > Alloy Statistic on the PaC Structural Plan page or Related > Construction Work > Alloy Statistic on the BoQ/PaC Job Card/Jobs list.
See Also
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