Neutral Shipping Process
You can create a Neutral shipping by selecting the appropriate Order type code on the order.
If a shipment is neutral, then the SSCC label will be printed without a logo and sender information.
You can reach the Neutral Shipping field on the CCS LOG Order Type Codes (5292200, List) page.
If you want to create a Neutral shipping, you should select an order type code with Neutral shipping mark on the order.
If the selected order type's Neutral Shipping field is set to TRUE, the Neutral Shipping field should be YES on the CCS LOG Shipping Unit Card (5292234, Card). This field is not editable on the Shipping Unit Card.
If the shipping unit exists, the Order type code is not editable.
It's not possible to combine neutral shipping lines with normal shipping lines on the Shipping unit. (Source documents have Neutral order type code.)
The information is transferred to each shipping unit and the Shipping unit label should be printed without logo and sender information, if the Neutral shipment is activated.