Warehouse Shipment Sequence Planning
The warehouse shipments sequence planning is a possible intermediate step to prioritize, summarize and release the created outgoing goods for the warehouse staff. Only released outgoing goods are visible to the warehouse staff in the sequence process.
The prioritization consists of two components. The 1st component is the picking group with corresponding picking group Prio.No., the 2nd component is a Prio.No., which corresponds to a prioritization within the respective picking group.
The picking groups were introduced to structure the planning of warehouse shipments. Warehouse shipments can be assigned to the respective picking groups. The picking groups have a certain value which reflects the space in the prioritization (1 – highest prio, 2 – second highest prio etc.). Later the priority of the warehouse shipments is defined within each picking group.
- Logistics picking group:
Each picking group must have a priority number assigned to it that will affect the sorting of the warehouse shipments.