The setup fields can be found on the location card at the Warehouse section: Use Put Away Strategy boolean and Put away strategy code fields.
By the Put Away Strategy Code field, the Whse. Strategy List page is opened with 2 filters: the "Put-away Type" and "Location".
The Warehouse section of the Item card contains the field Put-away Strategy Code, one filter is used: the Type is Put-away. This strategy code has higher priority than the location card's strategy code.
Directed Put-away and Pick and Use Put-away Strategy don't work parallelly, the fields value can't be YES at the same time.
Item setups
- cubage: calculated based on the setup in the item unit of measure definition (accessible from the item card)
- weight: net weight of the item on the source document multiplied by the quantity to handle
Put away strategy card
You can define the Put away strategies on the Put away strategy card.
Code and Description are mandatory and Location Code is optional. On line level the actual strategy rules are being defined. You can select from different options:
Find Type Bin Content
- Empty Bin: the system will find an empty bin, which also complies the other strategy filters for that line.
- When there are outstanding put-aways for the bin, it is not considered as empty!
Check Bin Size
- If this field is Yes, the system compares the default bin size from the receipt line (which is inherited from the item) with the available bins with the same or higher bin sizes.
Check Max. Cubage and Weight
- If this field is Yes, the system should check the Max. Cubage field and Max. Weight field. The item’s cubage and weight are calculated on the warehouse activity lines and compared with the maximum weight defined in the Bin Size table
- The system will recommend bins, which have the same or higher weight value.
- This option is only possible for locations with Bin Capacity Policy set to 'Prohibit More Than Max Capacity'.
Zone Filter
- With this field it is possible to filter the put-away to a specific zone.
Bin Code Filter
- With this field it is possible to filter the put-away to a specific bin. It is adviced to have a final strategy line with a bin code filter defined as 'buffer' bin.
When the put away is generated and the strategy setup or bin data are modified afterwards, it is possible to recalculate the target bins based on the modified strategy and/or bin data by using the Reallocate Targit Bins function on the Warehouse Put-away.
In case the put away is created for a location for which the Use Put-away Strategy field is set to Yes, the system will apply the following strategy rules:
- If there is a put away strategy defined for the item it will apply that first (on item level it is not mandatory to set a put-away strategy)
- If there is a put away strategy defined for the location it will apply that second (on location level it is mandatory to have a put-away strategy defined when the USe Put-away strategy field is activated )
The put away strategy has four lines:
- The system should find one bin with "not same item", in AREA01 Bin Area and should check the Bin size and max. cubage and weight. The system doesn’t find the bin with the specified conditions.
- The system continues to search according to the second line’s parameters. Bin is with "not same item", and system should check the Bin size and max. cubage and weight. The system doesn’t find the bin with the specified conditions.
- The system continues to search according to third line’s parameters. It should find an empty bin without other condition. The system doesn’t find any empty bin.
- The system checks the next line of the put away strategy. On the fourth line, one bin code is determined.
The bin of the put away will be 010301.
If the system found a good bin at one of the put away strategy’s lines, it will not continue searching.
If the system finds more good bins, the default value is the priority. Without default value, the sequence is according to alphabetical or numbering order.
Additional information on the Bin
The warehouse activity line cubage and weight appears on the Bin list under the location. You can compare the maximum cubage and weight with the actual cubage and weight, and if the check cubage and max weight flags are set to TRUE, then the put-away warehouse activity will take into consideration the value of those fields. The registering of the put-away is not blocked if the maximum is smaller than the actual.