Order Tracking Page
The order tracking page has two parts: General and Lines:
- In the General section it is possible to define what documents you would like to see.
- The Lines sections is showing the order tracking lines, which is a temporary table.
The General part page’s fields are:
- Document Type: Fill out what document type to use as a starting point (when coming from a specific document this is automatically populated).
- Document Sub Type: For most of the document types this is prepopulated, but in case of production orders here you can set an additional filter.
- Document No.: Fill out what document no. to use.
- Document Line No. : if the selected document no. contains a lot of lines it is possible to filter further using specific line no. filters.
- Show: this option field determines what to show on the lines
- Pending Documents – this will show documents which are not completely processed
- Posted/Registered Documents - this will show documents which are already completely posted/registered
- Version No. : this field is only relevant in case document type is set to Sales Order Arch., because in that case it is possible to filter on the archived version.
If you select the Order Status Tracking function, the system searches for documents related to the selected document number defined in the General section.
Here is an example:
- You can use this function on the Sales Order page. The Document No. will be the sales order No. field.
- The system will search according to Document No.
There are 2 functions on the Order Tracking lines page:
- Refresh – Refresh of the searching method. System should check the General part’s fields.
- Display – Connected document of the selected line is opened from where further navagation is possible.
The Order Status Tracking function is available on the following pages (under Related > Order > Order Status Checking):
- Sales order page (Sales Order (42, Document)
- Transfer order page (Transfer Order (5740, Document)
- Sales Order Arch. page (Sales Order Archive (5159, Document)
- Posted Transfer Shipment page (Posted Transfer Shipment (5743, Document)
- Prod. Order page (Released Production Order (99000831, Document)
- Purchase Order page (Purchase Order (50, Document)