Process a BoQ with Project Construction
The COSMO Bill of Quantities Management app allows you to transfer BoQ files electronically between companies for the purpose of bidding on and awarding construction projects based on a standard process.
This topic describes the process of creating the construction project to importing the BoQ from the customer to exporting the BoQ to the customer with your bid.
To create a construction project
- Choose the
icon, enter Construction Projects, and then choose the related link.
- Choose the New action.
- Insert a new number.
- In the Description and Description 2 fields, enter relevant descriptions of the project.
- In the Contact No. field, enter the number of the customer who sent the quote request.
- In the Person Responsible field, enter the resource responsible for the project.
- In the Salesperson Code field, enter the salesperson responsible for the project.
- In the Estimated Order Value (LCY) field, enter the estimates price for the project, if known.
- In the Bidding FastTab, enter the bidding date, submission and execution dates and a description of the service, if available.
- In the Construction Site FastTab, enter the location information for the construction site, if known.
For more information about the Construction Project, see Construction Project Card.
To create a BoQ job
- On the New menu, choose the Create Job action and then choose the Yes button.
- In the Project Types page, select the Project Type associated with Structure Type = Bill of Quantities.
- Choose the OK button.
The Bill of Quantities job is created with links to the project and the Job Card opens.
For more information about BoQs jobs, see Job Structure Type = Bill of Quantities (BoQ).
To import a BoQ file
On the Actions menu, choose the Import BoQ action.
In the Import BoQ To Job dialog, choose the ellipse in the Bill of Quantities No. field to open the Bill of Quantities page.
Existing bill of quantities are listed. If a bill of quantities doesn't exist:
- Choose the New action.
- Insert a new number.
- In the Description field, enter a relevant description of the BoQ file.
- On the Home menu, choose the Import File action.
- In the Import BoQ File dialog, choose the Choose button.
- Locate and select the BoQ file for import and then choose the Open button.
In the Bill of Quantities Card page, information from the BoQ file is transferred to the BoQ Positions FastTab as well as some information in the Placing and BoQ Info FastTabs.
Go back to the Bill of Quantities page.
Choose the file and then choose the OK button.
In the Transfer Price field, select which price should be transferred to the BoQ Budget Calculation. The options are None, Unit Price (LCY), and Direct Unit Cost (LCY). Typically for an initial import, the default of Unit Price (LCY) is used.
The BoQ Position Component Code, Sales Code, and Use Item Assignment fields are populated with default values from the Advanced Construction Suite Setup and Projects Setup pages.
Choose the OK button.
If any units of measure from the BoQ file do not exist in Business Central, the BoQ Unit of Measure Assignment page will open.
- In the Unit of Measure Code field for an empty line, select a corresponding unit of measure or add a new one.
- In the Item No. field for an empty line, select the item to use for the unit of measure when importing the BoQ to the job. For more information, see Advanced Construction Suite Setup.
- Choose the Close button.
In the Job Card page, information from the BoQ file is transferred to the BoQ Budget Calculation page as well as some information in the Bill of Quantities FastTabs.
For more information about about creating BoQs, see Create BoQs and about the Job Card, see Job Card.
The Import BoQ action is also accessible from the Construction Project by choosing Functions > Import BoQ on the Jobs FastTab.
To update the BoQ information
- In the Job Card, choose Calculation > BoQ Position List to review the BoQ information.
- On the Views menu choose either the Budget Calculation action or Fast Calculation action to update the BoQ information.
To export the BoQ
- Go back to the Job Card.
- On the Actions menu, choose Export BoQ.
- In the Export Job to BoQ dialog, the:
- Exchange Format field is set to the same as used for the import but can be changed as needed.
- Exchange Phase field is set to 84 Offer, which is the next step in the bidding process, but can be changed as needed.
- Transfer Price field defaults to the Unit Price (LCY) option but can be changed as needed.
- Choose the OK button.
- The Downloads dialog opens. Choose Open to view the file or Save as to save the file for later retrieval.
The Export BoQ action is also accessible from the Construction Project by choosing the Functions > Import BoQ drop-down arrow > Export BoQ on the Jobs FastTab.
To review the BoQ files from the job
On the Related menu, choose Construction Work > Data Exchange to open the list of related BoQ files.
Select the BoQ from the list.
This is the initial import of the BoQ, as noted in the Data Exchange Phase field = Offer Request.
To see the BoQ file that was exported to the customer, choose the Versions action on the Related menu or choose the value in the No. of Versions field.
Select the BoQ from the list.
This is the exported BoQ, as noted in the Data Exchange Phase field = Offer.
Next steps
Once the file is returned by the customer with their changes, repeat the processes above to import the BoQ file, make changes as needed, and export the file back to the customer.
These processes will continue until either you win or lose the bid.
- If you win the bid, you will complete the process by updating the construction project and job with relevant information. This may also involve completing any opportunity stages that were created for this project.
- If you lose the bid, you can complete any opportunity stages and then complete the construction project.
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