Rich Text Editor in BoQ Job Text
In the BoQ Job Texts page, the integration of the Rich Text Editor from COSMO Text Module allows you to view existing text in an easy reader as well as quickly adding text to be converted to the proper GAEB regulations.
Enable the rich text editor
- Choose the
icon, enter Text Module Setup, and then choose the related link.
- In the Rich Text Editor FastTab, turn on the Enable Rich Text Editor toggle.
- Leave the other defaults in this FastTab.
Access rich text editor in BoQ Job Text
The rich text editor can be accessed wherever there is BoQ Job Text. In the BoQ Job Texts page, choose the Rich Text Editor action on either the Short Text or Long Text FastTabs.
The short or long text is shown in the Rich Text Editor page, where you can quickly view and scroll through text.
Add rich text to convert to BoQ Job Text
If you have added BoQ positions and need to add short or long text, you can add it using the rich text editor. In the Rich Text Editor page, enter each line as it will need to be separated correctly in the text for the BoQ position.
You can also copy text from other sources and paste it in the rich text editor.
When you close the page, the text is added to the BoQ Job Text lines per GAEB specifications.
See Also
BoQ Position List
BoQ Budget Calculation
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