Inbound Warehouse Request Line Page
The warehouse request line list shows all the released and not yet handled inbound request lines for planning the warehouse work.
The page has two sections: the lines and a summary showing the total weight of all the lines waiting to be handled and the number of lines. The lines are filtered by the location the user has access to, so that each warehouse worker sees only those that belong to their setup.
The overview contains document lines for which no goods receipt has been created yet.
The fields in the lines are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Type | Indicates the type of the document, in this case "inbound". |
Source Document No. | Indicates the number of the source document (purchase order, transfer order or sales return order number). |
Source Document Line No. | Indicates the line number within the given source document. |
Source Doc. Type | Indicates the type of source document, which can be sales/transfer/purchase. |
Source Document Status | Indicates the status of the source document (Released/Open). |
Item No. | Indicates the number of the item. |
Description | Indicates the description of the item. |
Tour No. | Indicates the tour number if the receipt is assigned to a tour. |
Location Code | Indicates the location to where the receipt will be done. |
Quantity | Indicates the quantity to be handled. |
Unit of Measure | Indicates the unit of measure of the item. |
Weight | Indicates the weight in KG. |
Destination No. | Indicates the code of the vendor/location/customer from where the goods are coming in. |
Due Date | Indicates the source document date. |
Net Weight | Indicates the net weight of the item on the line (from the Item Card). |
Outstanding Qty. Whse. Receipt | Indicates the outstanding quantity to be received on warehouse receipt document. |
Outstanding Quantity | Indicates the outstanding quantity to be received. |
Qty. Received Whse. Receipt | Indicates the quantity received on the warehouse receipt document. |
Qty. Per Unit of Measure | Indicates if the basic unit of measure of the item differs from the one defined on the line, then it shows how much of the basic UM = to 1 unit of the line UM (this definition comes from the item alternate unit of measure definition). |
Qty. Whse. Receipt | Indicates the quantity on the warehouse receipt document. |
Qty. to Receive | Indicates the quantity to be received on the warehouse receipt document. |
Qty. Received | Indicates the the quantity received for the given line. |
Responsibility Center | From the source document, if applicable. |
Salesperson Code | From the source document, if applicable (buyer in case of a PO). |
Shipment Method Code | Indicates the shipment method from the source document. |
Ship-to.. data | Indicates the name, address and other contact information defined at the Ship-to code. |
Unit Volume | Indicates the volume of one item, defined on the Item Card. |
Variant Code | Indicates the code of variant item, if applicable. |
Weight Order Outstanding Quantity | Indicates the weight of the outstanding quantity. |
Whse. Document Type | Indicates the type of document, "receipt" in case of inbound line types. |
Whse. Document No. / Whse. Document Line No. | Indicates the number or line number of the warehouse receipt document. |
Cubage | Based on the volume info on the Item Card and the quantity to be shipped, the system calculates the volume of one unit to be shipped. |
Height / Length / Width | Indicates the measurements defined on the Item Card. |
The fields in the Summary section are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Total Weight | Indicates the total weight of all line items. |
No. of Lines | Indicates the total number of lines on the document (same as the lower page information). |
The actions on the Actions and Related menus are described in the following sections.
Actions Menu
To use the actions on the Actions menu, several lines can be marked simultaneously. Each action is described in the following table.
Action | Description |
Create Whse. Receipt | Creates a warehouse receipt for the selected lines on the warehouse request line list. |
Assign Tour | Assigns a tour number to the selected lines. A tour contains a tour date, a shipping agent and the shipping agent service type. These data is assigned to the selected rows. The tour number is transferred to the goods issue and shipping units and is used for time planning. It is possible to assign a tour to only one or several lines on the warehouse request line list. |
Change Shipping Agent | Assigns or changes the shipping agent and shipping service of the line. |
Related Menu
The actions on the Related menu are described in the following table.
Action | Description |
Open Source Document | Opens the source document of the selected line. This can be a purchase order, transfer order or a sales return order. |
Open Whse. Receipt | Opens the warehouse receipt. |
Open Tour Document | Opens the tour document if one exists. |
Item Availability by Variant | Opens the list that shows the available inventory of the variant items, if exists. |
Item Availability by Location | Opens the list that shows the inventory of the given item in each location. |
Item Availability by Periods | Opens the list that shows the available inventory balance taking into consideration the requirements and the planned receipts. |
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