Logistics Pre Pick Page
User can see Pre Pick Active field on the pool-whs. shipment page by the whs. shipment header part.
Pre picking page is achieved with the Pre Pick function across the Navigate group of the pool-whs. shipment page.
Pre picking page has two parts:
- Whs. activity part with the connected pre picking lines
- Bin content page with the Location code, Item No., Unit of Measure Code filters.
Page has two functions: Register Line and Cancel Line.
After the register line function, the warehouse entries are generated for the pre picking activities.
After the registration of the Pre pick, the Pre pick active field's value changes to NO and the status of the connected warehouse activity will change to Open.
Pre pick active field is available on the warehouse shipment page too.
On the warehouse activities page, the standard delete function was modified. The system checks, that the pre picking exists for the warehouse activities line.
If the pre picking is not register, the system deletes the warehouse activities line and the connected pre picking lines.
If the pre picking is register, the user gets the warning message by the delete function.
For this Pick exist registered Pre Pick Activities. The inventory will remain on the Pick Place. Do you want to continue?
By the YES answer, the inventory will remain on the Pick Place. The registered pre pick lines will be not deleted.