Variable for Specific Weight
The Variable for Specific Weight is used to calculate the Weight field of a Document BOM/Construction BOM. The Specific Weight value is defined in the Base Material page and then the Base Material is assigned to the item on the Config. to Order FastTab.
In the Attribute Values for the item that requires a specific weight calculation, variables relating to the fields in the Configure to Order Setup page are used:
- In the Attribute field, enter the variable defined in the Variable for Weight field, e.g., MWEIGHT.
- In the Formula Valid field, enter the variable defined in the Variable for Specific Weight field, e.g., SPECWEIGHT.
The Variable for Net Weight (Item) functionality is used with the Variable for Specific Weight, which means that the weight from the Item Unit of Measure page or Net Weight field is transferred to the Master BOM line based on the Variable for Weight setting. For more information, see Variable for Net Weight.
The variable relating to the specific weight is connected to the specific weight in the base material, which is then assigned to the item. When the item is added to a Master BOM, the weight variable transfers to the line with the weight from the Item Units of Measure page or Net Weight field, along with the special weight variable. When the Document BOM/Construction BOM is created, three weight values are transferred to the Document BOM Attributes:
- net weight (NETWEIGHT) from item units of measure or net weight field.
- specific weight (SPECWEIGHT) from base material assigned to the item.
- item weight (MWEIGHT) from the value stored in the SPECWEIGHT variable; if the variable was not assigned to the item attribute, then the value will be from the master BOM line.
The specific and item weights will be the same as long as the SPECWEIGHT variable is assigned to the item weight line in the item attributes.
See Also
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