Complex Barcode Function
- How do I set up barcode categories?
- How do I define barcode formats for complex barcodes?
- How do I manage barcode lines in the Barcode Setups page?
- How do I assign barcodes to a page using Global Page Customization?
- How do I configure Complex Barcode Settings on barcode lines?
- How do I use Complex Barcodes in COSMO Mobile Solution?
Summary: This guide explains how to configure and use the Complex Barcode Function in COSMO Mobile Solution. It covers defining barcode categories, setting up barcode formats, managing barcode lines, assigning barcodes to pages, and configuring Complex Barcode Settings. It also provides details on using complex barcodes within the mobile application for scanning and processing data.
You can use COSMO Mobile Solution to scan complex barcodes. A complex barcode includes specific data about, e.g., items and locations. In the Mobile Solution Center page, a specific tile within the Application group is Barcode Setup, which opens the Barcode Setups page.
To set up barcode categories
To set up complex barcodes, you first need to define the barcode categories.
In the Mobile Solution Center page, choose the Barcode Setup tile.
In the Barcode Setups page, choose the Barcode Categories action.
In the Category Code field, enter the name of the category.
In the Default Data Type field, choose the type of the data that the complex barcode contains.
If there is a prefix on this part of the barcode, enter it in the Default Prefix field.
In the Default Data Format field, define how the given part of the barcode needs to build up (#-numeric character; ?-alphanumeric character; – date character).
Repeat steps 3-6 for all needed categories.
To set up complex barcodes
In the Barcode Setups page, define the Code and the Description of the used barcodes.
In the Lines FastTab, you can manage the lines of the given barcode, where you can choose from the previously defined barcode categories and make the buildup of the given barcode (which you want to scan). With this, you can define what data the whole complex barcode includes. For example, the "LOT NO" and "EXP DATE" barcode categories are defined for the ITEM TRACKING barcode setup.
To assign barcodes in Global Page Customization
The created barcodes can be assigned to a page in the Global Page Customization but only one can be selected for use. In the relevant page, choose the Assign Barcodes action and then select the Selected checkbox for the barcode type to use for the page. For example, the "ITEM TRACKING" barcode is selected for use in the CCMSItemTrackingWS page.
The final step is to set the Complex Barcode Settings on the Lines FastTab. In the Barcode Line Link page, define which part of the previously chosen barcode corresponds to which data via mapping of the categories. For example, the "EXP DATE" and "LOT NO" categories are mapped to the "Expiration_Date" and "Lot_No" fields, respectively.
Once set up, Complex Barcodes can be used in COSMO Mobile Solution. It works like the simple barcode scanning, but it can paste the data into the appropriate field, as customized in the previous settings.
Use in Mobile Application
In the mobile application, you can see the Complex Barcode Scanning function button on the top of the different functions. Choose this button if you are scanning with the camera of the device or press the configured button on your device if you scan it with a built-in barcode scanner.
For example, when the Complex Barcode Scanning function is accessed in the Item Tracking screen in the mobile application, the mapped lot number and expiration date fields are automatically populated from the item.
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