What's new in version 4.2
Version 4.2.221456.0 of COSMO EDI serves serves to consolidate the current state of development. It includes various enhancements, bugfixes, and refactoring efforts to improve the functionality and maintainability of the EDI systems.
Feature changes
The new features as well as any enhancements and/or improvements to existing functionality that are included in this release are listed in the following table.
Pull Request | Description |
N/A | N/A |
Technical changes
The technical changes (such as new integration events, permission set changes, etc.) that are included in this release are listed in the following table.
Pull Request | Description |
PR | Uppercase Field: Added in export/import mapping instructions. |
PR | Lookup Update: Adjusted for "Dest. Record Identifier". |
PR | Labels: Created for TransactionTypeCode and set as protected variable. |
PR | PurchHeader.Get: Implemented in "CCS EDI Order Mgmt/Splitting" for PurchaseCollectCompareTransfer. |
PR | Event & Refactoring: Added OnAfterGetAddressData event with necessary code refactoring. |
PR | Customer's Framework Order Number: Transferred to external document number in sales documents. |
PR | Transport Order Creation: Automated creation and packing material calculation during sales order shipments. |
PR | EDI Posting Sheet Warning: Added for past dates in delivery schedules. |
PR | Order Neutralization Error: Displayed if the order is in shipment during DELFOR_IMP. |
PR | Payment Terms: Applied from import orders ORDERS_IMP, even if not in EDI data. |
PR | Sales Orders Adjustments: Applied from framework orders in Report 5304945. |
PR | ORDRSP_EXP: Export only for previously transferred EDI orders. |
PR | Item Packing Materials Field: Added for specifying a code/text. |
PR | IntegrationEvents: Created for EventSubscriber usage. |
PR | Deletion Proposal: Allowed if order is for DELFOR_EXP. |
PR | SFTP Username Length: Increased from Text50 to Text200. |
PR | New Event Publishers: Added for transport. |
PR | Field Lengths: Extended in Partner Field Tolerance. |
PR | Codeunit Refactoring: Extensive refactoring of several Codeunits related to EDI management and handling. |
The issues from the previous version of the app that were fixed in this release are listed in the following table.
Pull Request | Description |
N/A | N/A |
The hotfixes for this release are listed in the following table.
Hotfix No. | Pull Request | Description |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
Removed or deprecated features
The obsolete controls, objects, and methods that were removed or deprecated in this release are listed in the following table.
Pull Request | Type | Description | Replaced by |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Technical specifications
The required minimum version of Business Central, COSMO Licensing, and any dependent app(s) are listed in the following table.
Details | Version |
Requires Microsoft Base Application | |
Requires COSMO Licensing | 2.2.148068.0 |
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