ORDERS_IMP – Processing
To open the EDI Journal in which the current orders are to be imported, navigate to Processing within COSMO EDI.
Ensure that the transaction type matches the data to be transferred. In this case, since you want to transfer orders, use the ORDERS_IMP transaction type.
The EDI Journal is accessed using the Tell Me feature. Choose the icon, enter EDI Journal, and then select the related link.
To import the current partner data of the ORDERS_IMP transaction type, on the EDI Journal, choose Home > Create Proposal or use the key combination Shift+F3.
Confirm the window that opens with OK to start importing any existing partner data of transaction type ORDERS_IMP into the current STD journal.
Provided that your partners' order data is available, the result of the import should be a filled journal in which you can view the order data transferred to you by your customers.
For each imported order, one line is displayed here. For more information on the imported data, choose Line > Import Data. This opens the detail card of the imported order.
Here you can view the transmitted addresses, texts, documents and identification numbers, EAN and customer item numbers and the ordered quantities of the items and correct them if necessary if they are incorrect or incomplete.
The fields of the detailed import data on the EDI ORDER_IMP Detail Card are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
EDI Import Document No. | This is a consecutive number assigned per imported document. |
Journal name | Displays the current journal name. |
Transaction Type | Displays the current transaction type. |
Document Type | Displays the current document type (220 = Sales Order). |
Document Date | Date of document |
Shipment Date | Shipment date for all document lines |
Delivery date, latest | The latest delivery date for all document lines |
Delivery date, earliest | The earliest delivery date for all document lines |
GLN Buyer | This identification number must be stored with the customer who is to appear as Sell-to Customer No. in the sales order to be created. In other words, this number identifies the buyer of the order. |
Buyer Details | Specifies the name and address of the buyer. |
GLN Delivery Address | This identification number must be deposited with the delivery address to which the delivery is to be made. This number therefore identifies the delivery address for the order. The delivery address can be the same as the buyer's address if the buyer does not want / does not have to be delivered to different addresses. However, it is also possible that the buyer wishes the goods to be delivered to different addresses and informs you of this via an identification number. In this case, you must set up the delivery to addresses for the Sell-to Customer No. and store the identification number there. So if you do not work with different delivery addresses for one buyer, this number can only be the same as that of the buyer. In this case, the identification number is the same as that in the customer. However, if a buyer has different delivery addresses with different identification numbers, you must create each delivery address as such in the customer and enter the respective identification number in it. |
Delivery Address Details | Specifies the name and address of the delivery address. |
GLN Invoice Receiver | This identification number must be deposited with the customer who is to appear as Bill-to Customer No. in the sales order to be created. This number therefore identifies the invoice for the order. If the buyer also receives the invoice for the order, this number in this field is the same as the number in the GLN Buyer field. If, for example, a branch orders and is therefore a buyer, but the invoice is received by the customer's head office, then the number stored here is different from that of the buyer. In this case, you must store this number with the customer who has been entered as Bill-to Customer No. in the Sell-to Customer No. |
Invoice Details | Specifies the name and address of the invoice receiver. |
GLN Supplier | In this field your partner transfers his own identification number. This number must be stored in the EDI partner as partner identification number so that the application can find the EDI partner for the order. |
Our GLN | This field displays your own identification number transferred from your partner. This number must be stored in the EDI partner as Internal identification number so that the application can find the EDI partner for the order. To find the EDI partner, the application uses both the GLN Supplier field (= Partner Identification No. in the EDI Partner) and the Our GLN field (= Our Identification No. in the EDI Partner). Only the EDI partner is found in which both fields are correctly set up. |
Blanket Order Number | If the order belongs to a blanket order, the blanket order number is displayed here. |
Buyer Order No. | The transferred sales order number is displayed here. |
ORDERS_IMP Error Correction
Before you can post the lines of the journal and generate sales orders from them in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, you must correct the errors indicated by the selected Errors existing checkbox.
To view the errors in a line, choose Line > Errors or directly choose the Errors existing field.
There are different types of errors.
Correct the errors by setting up the relevant information correctly.
When you have made all corrections, choose Home > Update Errors and Warnings. If all errors have been corrected, the Yes disappears in the Errors existing field and you can post the line. If not all errors have been corrected or new ones have been added, the Yes remains and the line cannot be posted. In this case, you must correct the displayed errors and run the update again.
ORDERS_IMP – Posting
If all errors in a line in the journal have been corrected, the Errors existing field no longer contains a Yes. All lines of a journal without a Yes in the Errors existing field can be posted. Choose Post or Post and Print in the start area of the page to obtain an additional printed transaction log.
COSMO EDI creates a new sales order for each line and logs the creation in the EDI Protocol.
To switch to the last protocol and view the order numbers generated by the application, navigate to EDI Protocol within COSMO EDI.
The EDI Protocol page is accessed using the Tell Me feature. Choose the icon, enter EDI Protocol, and then select the related link.
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