Setup of Partners
In addition to the identification of the communication partners, the data of the EDI partner is used to control the processing of its incoming and outgoing messages. In this section, only the cross-transactional setup is described. For more information on the transaction-specific settings in the EDI partner, see the respective sections.
The EDI Partners page is accessed using the Tell Me feature. Choose the icon, enter EDI Partners, and then select the related link.
Choose the New button to create a new EDI Partner Card.
General FastTab
The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
No. | Specifies the number of the partner, which identifies the partner uniquely. |
Description | Specifies the partner. |
Unloading Plant | If you use COSMO Automotive, specify the unloading plant of the partner for whom you want to exchange data. In COSMO Automotive you must create a separate partner for each unloading plant. |
Partner Identification No. | Specifies the number that uniquely identifies the partner of your company when exchanging data. This number can be a GLN, a DUNS, a phone number, a BFA or any other number that is transferred when data is exchanged. |
Partner Identification Type | Determines the type of number for the number specified in the Partner Identification No. field. The options are: - GLN - This number is a GLN (Global Location Number). This 13-digit number is assigned by GS1 and identifies the full company address. - DUNS - This number is a DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System). A DUNS number is a unique vendor number assigned by Dun & Bradstreet. It is assigned once to a specific business location and is therefore a unique number. The DUNS number is an identification number that applies worldwide and across all industries. - DUNS with 4 digit suffix - A 4-digit suffix is added to the DUNS. - Phone-Number - The number is a telephone number. - BFA (BGA)-No. - The number is a BFA. No. - Other - The number is a different number. |
Our Identification No. | Specifies the number that uniquely identifies your company to your partner when exchanging data. This number can be a GLN, a DUNS, a phone number, a BFA or any other number that is transferred when data is exchanged. |
Our Identification Type | Defines what type of number the number specified in the field Our Identification No. is. The options are: - GLN - This number is a GLN (Global Location Number). This 13-digit number is assigned by GS1 and identifies the full company address. - DUNS - This number is a DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System). A DUNS number is a unique vendor number assigned by Dun & Bradstreet. It is assigned once to a specific business location and is therefore a unique number. The DUNS number is an identification number that applies worldwide and across all industries. - DUNS with 4 digit suffix - The DUNS, but a 4-digit suffix is added to it. - Phone-Number - The number is a telephone number. - BFA (BGA)-No. - The number is a BFA. No. - Other - The number is a different number. |
Our No. at Partner Site | Specifies, for example, the vendor number under which a customer that you create here as a partner manages you. Or it can specify customer number under which a vendor that you create here as a partner manages you. |
Reply Identification No. | Specifies the identification number for return lines that you want to communicate to your vendor, for example, when you send purchase orders by EDI if this is a different one from your own. |
Forwarding Identification No. | Specifies the identification number for forwardings that you wish to communicate to your vendor when sending purchase orders via EDI, for example, if this is a different one from your own. |
Language Code | Defines the language code, in which e.g. texts are to be sent or received. |
Partner Group Code | Specifies a partner group assigned to the partner, which you can use later for assigning data from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central with those of your partner. For more information on the procedure, refer to Partner Data Mapping. |
Our GLN | This field displays your own identification number transferred from your partner. This number must be stored in the EDI partner as Internal identification number so that the application can find the EDI partner for the order. To find the EDI partner, the application uses both the GLN Supplier field (= Partner Identification No. in the EDI Partner) and the Our GLN field (= Our Identification No. in the EDI Partner). Only the EDI partner is found in which both fields are correctly set up. |
Export FastTab
The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Agreement No. | If necessary, enter the number of an agreement that must be transferred to your partner when sending data. |
Show VAT | If the value-added tax is to be displayed when exporting the documents, you must select this checkbox. If you transfer documents from Germany to Switzerland, for example, no value-added tax is displayed. |
Numeric Document Numbers | If selected, the non-numerical characters that may be present in a delivery note number of Dynamics 365 Business Central are removed before they are transferred to your partner. |
Numeric VAT Registration No. | Select the checkbox so that the application transfers your VAT ID in purely numerical format. |
Force Packaging Hierarchy | If selected, you can only export the delivery note if there are also document packaging materials for the posted sales delivery document and you have placed the goods shipment in a packaging material hierarchy. If this is not the case, the export cannot be posted in connection with the selected checkbox. |
Setting Up Customers
Although COSMO EDI determines the communication partner for incoming and outgoing messages via the EDI partner, business processes in sales for which you want to apply or transfer data using COSMO EDI, only occur in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in connection with a customer. Therefore, you must create a link between the communication partner and the business partner - that is, between the EDI partner and the customer.
To determine the business partner of the processes in sales, you must assign the EDI partner to the corresponding customers and delivery addresses and set up the necessary identification numbers for the data transfer there. To do this, choose Partner > Customers to open the Customer Card of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and then go to the EDI FastTab.
EDI FastTab
The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
EDI Blocked | If selected, the customer is blocked for all COSMO EDI transactions. You will not be able to process incoming or outgoing data. |
EDI Partner No. | Specifies the EDI partner that serves as the communication partner for the customer. |
EDI GLN | If the customer has a GLN with which the customer can be uniquely identified, it is entered here. |
EDI DUNS | If the customer has a DUNS with which the customer can be uniquely identified, it is entered here. |
EDI Additional Ident.-Code | If the customer has neither a GLN nor a DUNS that can be used to uniquely identify the customer, you must enter an identification number in this field to make this possible. If you do not have one of the three numbers, you will not be able to uniquely identify the customer and exchange data with them via COSMO EDI. |
EDI Third Party Delivery | If the customer is a third-party customer, i.e. a customer whom you supply indirectly via a partner and not yourself, select this option. This field controls, for example, the identification numbers transmitted by EDI, which are different for third-party delivery transactions than for "normal" business transactions in which you are responsible for supplying the customer. |
EDI Buying Group | Specifies the buying group to which the customer belongs, if applicable, see Setting Up Buying Groups. |
EDI Member No. | Specifies the member number of the customer, which the customer has with the buying group. |
EDI Drugstore Sales allowed | If an item is Drugstore Sales only, it can only be processed by EDI at a customer's site if the customer has selected this checkbox. Otherwise, processing is not possible, for example, when importing orders for this customer. |
Setting Up Buying Groups
If your customer belongs to a buying group via which the invoicing of the goods and services provided is to take place, you can set this up in COSMO EDI.
The EDI Buying Groups page is accessed using the Tell Me feature. Choose the icon, enter EDI Buying Groups, and then select the related link.
The fields on the EDI Buying Group page are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Code | Identifies the buying group uniquely. |
Description | Describes the buying group. |
GLN | Specifies the GLN (Global Location Number) of the buying group. |
Agreement No. | Enter the agreement number under which the billing with the buying group takes place. |
Agreement Date | Enter the date of the agreement under which the billing with the buying group takes place. |
Name | Name of the buying group for printing and transferring the invoice list |
Address | Address of the buying group for printing and transferring the invoice list |
Post Code | Post code of the buying group for printing and transferring the invoice list |
City | City of the buying group for printing and transferring the invoice list |
Phone No. | Phone number of the buying group. |
Fax No. | Fax number of the buying group. |
Country Code | Country code of the buying group. |
Currency Code | Currency code of the buying group. |
VAT Registration No. | VAT registration number of the buying group. |
Print long Invoice List | If selected, a more detailed invoice list for the buying group can be printed. |
Export Cr.-Memo with INVOICE | If selected, the credit memos will also be transferred to the buying group when the invoices are exported. |
Setting Up Ship-to Addresses
If deliveries to the customer are made to different ship-to addresses and these are to be identified with your partner based on the data to be exchanged, these identification numbers are to be entered in the ship-to addresses of the customer so that COSMO EDI can take them into account in the data transfer.
Access the shipping addresses of the customer by choosing Partners > Ship-to Addresses on the EDI Partner Card or Customers > Ship-to Addresses on the Customer Card. Mark the shipping addresses with the numbers for identification. Next, create or select the shipping addresses and enter the EDI Partner and the Identification Number in the EDI FastTab.
The relevant fields on the Ship-to Address page are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
EDI Partner No. | Specifies the EDI partner that serves as the communication partner for the shipping address. |
EDI GLN | If you have a GLN for the customer's delivery address with which it can be clearly identified, enter it here. |
EDI Additional Ident.-Code | If you have neither a GLN nor a DUNS for the shipping address, you must enter an identification number in this field to enable this. If you do not have one of the three numbers, you will not be able to uniquely identify the shipping address and exchange data with it via COSMO EDI. |
EDI DUNS | If there is a DUNS for the shipping address with which it can be clearly identified, enter it here. |
Setting Up Vendors
Although COSMO EDI determines the communication partner for incoming and outgoing messages via the EDI partner, business processes in purchasing for which you want to apply or transfer data using COSMO EDI, only occur in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in connection with a vendor. Therefore, you must create a link between the communication partner and the business partner - that is, between the EDI partner and the vendor.
The Vendor Card page is accessed using the Tell Me feature. Choose the icon, enter Vendors, and then select the related link.
Choose a vendor from the list or create a new one.
The relevant fields on the Vendor Card are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
EDI Blocked | If selected, the vendor is blocked for all COSMO EDI transactions. You will not be able to process incoming or outgoing data. |
EDI Partner No. | Specifies the EDI partner that serves as the communication partner for the vendor. |
EDI GLN | If the vendor has a GLN with which the customer can be uniquely identified, it is entered here. |
EDI DUNS | If the vendor has a DUNS with which the customer can be uniquely identified, it is entered here. |
EDI Additional Ident.-Code | If the vendor has neither a GLN nor a DUNS that can be used to uniquely identify the customer, you must enter an identification number in this field to make this possible. If you do not have one of the three numbers, you will not be able to uniquely identify the vendor and exchange data with them via COSMO EDI. |
Setting Up Order Addresses
If the order can be placed with your vendor at different order addresses and if your vendor is to identify these using the data to be exchanged, you must assign identification numbers to the order addresses so that COSMO EDI can take these into account during data transfer.
Access the order addresses of the vendor by choosing Related > Vendor > Order Addresses on the Vendor Card. Mark the order addresses with the numbers for identification. Next, create or select the order address and enter the Identification Number.
The relevant fields on the Order Address page are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
EDI GLN | If you have a GLN for the vendor's order address with which it can be clearly identified, enter it here. |
EDI DUNS | If you have a GLN for the vendor's order address with which it can be clearly identified, enter it here. |
EDI Additional Ident.-Code | If you have neither a GLN nor a DUNS for the order address, you must enter an identification number in this field to enable this. If you do not have one of the three numbers, you will not be able to uniquely identify the order address and exchange data with it via COSMO EDI. |
Setting Up Shipping Agents / Transports
Although COSMO EDI determines the communication partner for incoming and outgoing messages via the EDI partner, business processes in shipping for which you want to apply or transfer data using COSMO EDI, only occur in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in connection with a shipping agent. Therefore, you must create a link between the communication partner and the business partner - that is, between the EDI-Partner and Seller's agent/representative.
To determine the business partner of the processes with your shipping agents (forwarding agents), you must assign the EDI partner to the appropriate shipping agent. To do this, go to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central shipping agents.
The Shipping Agents page is accessed using the Tell Me feature. Choose the icon, enter Shipping Agents, and then choose the related link.
The relevant fields on the Shipping Agents page are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
EDI Partner No. | Specifies the EDI partner that serves as the communication partner for the shipping agent. |
Vendor No. | Connect the shipping agent to a vendor so that COSMO EDI can access the addresses, GLN etc. of the vendor when data is to be sent to the vendor. Because Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central does not allow you to store address details with the shipping agent, COSMO EDI takes this indirect approach via a vendor. |
Setting Up Item References
You can use item references in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to create both cross-partner and partner-specific (for customers and vendors) connections between your item and that of your partner. This can be done across partners at barcode level - for example, using an EAN number that is valid for all partners - or using a partner-specific number under which your customer orders an item from you or you order an item from your vendor.
To find the item references, on the Item Card, choose Related > Item > Item References. COSMO EDI accesses the item references in sales, e.g. to determine your item via the customer item number transmitted by your customer.
In purchasing, item references are used, for example, to provide your vendor with the vendor item number that you order from him. The setup of the item references is therefore mandatory in COSMO EDI.
By setting up cross-partner barcodes, such as an EAN, you can achieve item uniqueness, which is the most sensible method of exchanging item numbers with each other.
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