ORDERS_IMP – Automatic Release
When the imported orders are posted with the transaction type ORDERS\IMP, they initially receive the Open status. If you want the orders to receive the Released status, so that they can be automatically considered in the inventory and delivered if necessary, COSMO EDI offers you a configurable automatic for this purpose, which can thus lead to the complete automation of the order entry process.
To set up the automatic releases, navigate to EDI Automatic Status Releases within COSMO EDI.
The EDI Automatic Status Releases page is accessed using the Tell Me feature. Choose the icon, enter EDI Automatic Status Releases, and then select the related link.
Here you can set up different types of automatic releases for a specific customer or group of customers, subject to certain criteria.
The fields for setting up automatic releases on the EDI Automatic Status Releases page are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Type | Specifies whether the setup is to apply to all, one or a group of customers. Select from the following options: - <Blank> - If this field is left blank, the current setup applies to all customers. - Customer - The setting applies to a specific customer whose number you specify in the No. field. - Customer Price Group - The setting applies to all customers in a particular customer price group whose number you specify in the No. field. - EDI Buying Group - The setting applies to all customers in a particular buying group whose number you specify in the No. field. |
No. | Depending on the option selected in the Type field, you do not enter a value, you enter a customer, a customer price group or an EDI buying group. The automatic release then applies to the target group entered here. |
Release Type | Select from the following options: - Conditional - The automatic release for the current target group depends on the following settings, whose criteria are checked by the application during order creation. If the criteria are met, the order is released automatically. - Never - There is never an automatic release for the current target group. - Always - There is always an automatic release for the current target group. |
Minimal Order Value (LCY) | If a value is entered here, the order is only released when the minimum order value is reached. |
No Null-Price allowed | The order is only released if all lines have a price. |
Minimal Shipping Duration | The order will only be released if the delivery date requested by the customer does not fall below a certain time range from today. |
No double Positions allowed | The order is only released if there are no duplicate item positions in the order. If an item is included in the order more than once, there is no automatic release. |
Send ToDo for non-release | If no automatic release takes place, an e-mail address can be entered here which receives a notification of the unsuccessful release. |
Alternative ToDo Receiver | If no automatic release takes place, a second email address can be entered here, which receives a notification of the unsuccessful release. |
Sequence of Determining the Automatic Release
The application uses a fixed sequence when determining the possible automatic release for a customer order. Let us assume that the application is to check for an automatic release for the customer 20000 who has the customer price group INTERN and to whom the EDI Buying Group GROUP 001 was assigned. The order of searching for this would be as follows.
- If an automatic release exists for exactly this customer
- Type = Customer, No. = 20000
- If an automatic release exists for all customers
- Type = Customer, No. = <Blank>
- If there is an automatic release for the customer price group of the customer
- Type = Customer Price Group, No. = INTERNAL
- If an automatic release exists for all customer price groups
- Type = Customer Price Group, No. = <Blank>
- If there is an automatic release for the EDI Buying Group of the customer
- Type = EDI Buying Group, No. = BUYING GROUP 001
- If there is an automatic release available for all EDI Buying Groups
- Type = EDI Buying Group, No. = <Blank>
- If a basic automatic release is available
- Type = <Blank>, No. = <Blank>
Therefore, you can setup the automatic release on 7 different levels. The search for a suitable setup is carried out from specific to general. If no setup is found, there is no automatic release.
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