Post Journal
All lines in an EDI journal that do not have a Yes in the Errors existing field, can be posted and thus transferred to your partners.
It is also possible to post only some of the lines by setting filters in the EDI journal. If you post all lines without setting a filter, all lines without a Yes in the Errors existing field are posted and the files will be created for your partner. The lines with a Yes in the Errors existing field remain in the journal.
Protocols of the Export
To open the EDI Protocol, navigate to EDI Protocols. The transferred data is logged here.
The EDI Protocols page is accessed using the Tell Me feature. Choose the icon, enter EDI Protocols, and then select the related link.
General data is displayed in the header of the protocol and document-specific data in the lines.
The fields of the EDI Protocol, on the General FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
No. | Here a consecutive number is automatically assigned for unique logging. |
Transaction Type | The logged transaction is displayed here. |
Transaction Type Description | The description of the logged transaction is displayed here. |
Partner No. | The partner of the logged transaction is displayed here. |
Test Indicator | Specifies whether the transfer of data was marked as a test. |
Comment | The logged remark of the transaction is displayed here. |
Acknowledgment Interchange Protocol No. | The number of the EDI Protocol with which the current protocol was confirmed is displayed here. For example, if you send sales invoices to a customer with COSMO EDI and the customer sends you a confirmation of receipt of the sales invoices using the APERAK_IMP transaction, then COSMO EDI creates its own protocol for processing the confirmation and links it to the protocol that belongs to the sending of the sales invoices by storing the protocol number of the confirmation in the protocol of the sales invoices in this field. |
Acknowledgment Status File | This field contains the status of the received confirmation from a partner. For example, if a customer sends you an electronic confirmation of sales invoices received with COSMO EDI, the status of the confirmation is displayed in this field. The options are: - Confirmed - The data of the current protocol have been confirmed. - Provisionally Confirmed - The data of the current protocol have been provisionally confirmed. - Rejected - The data of the current protocol have been rejected. |
User ID | The user ID of the employee who posted the transaction is displayed here. |
Processing Date | Processing date of transaction |
Processing Time | Processing time of transaction |
Error Existing | This displays whether there were any errors when the transaction was posted. Under certain circumstances, it is also possible to post incorrect lines of a journal. To be able to check this later, this field and the errors are also logged. |
Warning Existing | Indicates if warnings existed when the transaction was posted. It is also possible to post with existing warnings, but the warnings are still logged. |
Confirmation Existing | If confirmations were available for the transaction, this is indicated by Yes in the field. |
Invoice List No. | If the transaction is linked to the creation of an invoice list, the invoice list number is displayed here. From the protocol entry, it can then be printed from Actions > Print > Print Invoice List. This field is only relevant for exporting invoices and invoice lists and not for importing data. |
The fields of the EDI Protocol, on the Lines FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Line No. | Here a consecutive number is automatically assigned for unique logging. |
Document Type | The document type affected by the data import is displayed here. For example, if you have imported a sales order, Sales Order will appear here. |
Document No. | The document number affected by the data import is displayed here. For example, if you have imported a sales order, the number of the sales order in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central that was created or updated is displayed here. |
Document Sub-No. | Specifies an additional document number. This can be the used journal name, for example, when transferring the remittance advice (transaction REMADV_EXP). In this case, the used template is transferred to the Document No. field. When importing delivery requests (transaction DELFOR_IMP), the customer's blanket order number is saved in the Document Sub-No. field. In this transaction, the Document No. field then contains the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central blanket order number. |
External Document No. | The invoice number assigned by the vendor is entered in this field, for example, when importing purchase invoices (transaction INVOIC_IMP). In this transaction, the purchase invoice number generated in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is then entered in the Document No. field. |
Document Archive No. | When transferring delivery requests (transaction DELFOR_IMP) with the COSMO Automotive module, a delivery request archive with the imported data is created in addition to the creation of a protocol. This archive is then used to evaluate changes between the last and current delivery request. |
Document Modification Type | Here it is displayed whether it is one of the following document changes: - New - The transferred document was regenerated. - Change - The transferred document has changed an existing one (for example, DELFOR - Delivery Request). - Deletion - The transferred document should be deleted (for example, ORDCHG_IMP – Sales Order). |
Comment | The logged comment of the document is displayed here. |
Protocol No. Confirmation | The number of the EDI Protocol with which the current protocol was confirmed is displayed here. For example, if you send sales invoices to a customer with COSMO EDI and the customer sends you a confirmation of receipt of the sales invoices using the APERAK_IMP transaction, then COSMO EDI creates its own protocol for processing the confirmation and links it to the protocol that belongs to the sending of the sales invoices by storing the protocol number of the confirmation in the protocol of the sales invoices in this field. |
Status Acknowledgment | If the transferred document was confirmed, the status of the confirmation for this document is displayed here. The options are: - Correct - The transferred document was confirmed as correct. - Incorrect - The transferred document was confirmed as incorrect. |
Partner Reference Type Acknowledgment | There are two options in this field if there is a confirmation for the current protocol line: - Data exchange - This option is set if the confirmation status refers not only to the current document but to the complete data transfer. In this case it is possible, for example, that a complete data transfer is confirmed or rejected. - Message - This option is set when the confirmation status refers only to the current document. In this case, it is possible that not the complete data transfer, but only one document within the data transfer was rejected. |
Partner Reference No. Acknowledgment | The reference number of the partner that belongs to the confirmation of the protocol line is stored here. |
Partner Status Acknowledgment | If the protocol line belongs to a confirmation of the partner, the status of the confirmation for the document is displayed here. The options are: - Correct - The document for the protocol line was confirmed as correct. - Incorrect - The document for the protocol line was confirmed as incorrect. |
File Path | The name and path of the imported file are displayed here. |
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