EDI Discount Mappings
In addition to items, you can also make postings to G/L accounts, resources or charges in sales invoices and credit memos of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. When you then transfer the data of these invoices and credit memos to your customers, you must assign a code that is understandable to the customer to the G/L account, resource or charge numbers you have posted and used, so that the customer knows what type of item it is. For example, if your customer uses the EANCOM codes for charges in documents and you post freight charges in a sales invoice to a specific G/L account, you must assign the EANCOM freight charge code to the G/L account you use.
The EDI Discount Mappings page is accessed using the Tell Me feature. Choose the icon, enter EDI Discount Mappings, and then select the related link.
Note that in COSMO EDI - similar to the general guidelines - discounts are deducted (discounts) and added (charges) in an invoice. Discounts are therefore used in COSMO EDI both negatively and positively.
During the transfer of a sales invoice or sales credit memo, COSMO EDI checks whether G/L accounts, resources or charges also occur for the posted items and whether you have stored a discount mapping for them. If this is the case, the posted item is treated as a separate charge item and transferred to your customer using the EDI discount code stored in the discount mapping.
The fields for setting up EDI Discount Mappings are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Type | Select from the following options: - G/L Account - The discount mapping is carried out for a G/L account. - Resource - The discount mapping is carried out for a resource. - Charge (Item) - The discount mapping is carried out for a charge (item). |
No. | Here you enter a G/L account, resource or charge number for which the discount mapping is to be carried out, in accordance with the option specified in the Type field. |
Discount Description | Describes the discount mappings. |
EDI Discount Code | Specifies the code for the discount. For many message formats, such as EDIFACT/EANCOM, special code lists exist which contain a specification of the discount codes to be used. There it is specified, for example, that the FC code is to be used for freight costs. However, it is also possible that your partner gives you individual codes for the different discounts, which you can also set up here. |
Processing Type | Discounts (charges) in an invoice can either apply to the entire document or be shown as a line of the document. For example, freight charges are typical charges that apply to the entire document, while free goods discounts affect one line of the document. To consider this difference, COSMO EDI provides the following options: - Discount - The discount applies to the entire document and is shown as a document discount. - Position Line - The discount is an item in the invoice and must be transferred as an item line. In this case, partner data must also be assigned so that, in addition to the discount code, a dummy item or a dummy EAN, for example, can also be transferred. You must therefore distinguish whether a discount (charge) on a paper document represents a line in the invoice or whether it is shown at the end of the invoice. If the discount is a line, select the Position Line option in this field. If you want the discount to be displayed for the entire document, select the Discount option in this field. |
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