DMS Document Libraries
Document libraries are configured in the DMS Document Library Card page. Choose the icon, enter DMS Document Libraries, and then choose the related link.
The DMS Document Libraries are a list of all DMS Document Library Cards. A DMS Document Library in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central defines the connection to the corresponding document library in SharePoint. A document library owns several content types (see DMS Content Types) which furthermore bind different tables (see Table Setup) with independent metadata (see DMS Metadata) and table filters (see SharePoint Filters and Record Filters).
The following figure illustrates the hierarchy of configuration.
After configuring the document library, it is necessary to open the field list by choosing Fields on the DMS Document Library Card. Then choose the Update Fields action to update the list from SharePoint. The list of fields will be retrieved in the current Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central’s signed in user context. Therefore, the Dynamics 365 Business Central web client must access SharePoint and the user must have at least read access to the document library.
Specific Fields on the General FastTab
Server Relative URL
Defines the part of the document library's address (URL), in-between the server URL and the internal (static) name. This field will be automatically validated by using the Update action.
This part is usually defined by website collections and websites. An address (URL) is structured in the following way:
<Server>/<Relative URL>/<Internal Doc. Library Name>/Forms/<View>.aspx for example,
Other examples to retrieve the relative URL are:
Relative URL:marketing
Relative URL:dms/operations
Relative URL:websites/documents
Choose the Update action after configuring the document library to update the list from SharePoint, in the current Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central’s signed in user context.
Specific Fields on the Rollout FastTab
Rollout Done
Indicates whether the document library was created on SharePoint. This field will be automatically validated by using the Update or Build action.
Choose the Build action after configuring the document library to build the list in SharePoint in the current Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central’s signed in user context.
Content Types
Content Types are subgroups of document libraries and are configured on the Content Types FastTab in the Document Library Card. For more information, see DMS Content Types.
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