Services and traveling expenses are set up as resources (Type = Service and Traveling, respectively) and are used as components in budget calculation. Each can be calculated independently from a person resource.
The COSMO Project Manufacturing-related fields and functions on the Resource Card are described in this section.
Person FastTab
Person resources are used for Responsibilities, Planning, and Time Entry. The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field Group | Field | Description |
Person assignments | Person Work Type Code | Identifies a work time group that can be used to assign wage groups. |
Base Calendar Code / Project Work-Hour Template Code | Together these fields assist in the person's capacity calculation. | |
Used for exporting with the MS Project interface. | ||
Person Filters | Project Person Filter | Can only be used if the projects to which the respective filter setting applies are to be displayed in a project list. The Project Team information set up on the Project Card is considered. |
Activate Project Person Filter | Determines if the Project Person Filter setting is activated. | |
Project Line Person Filter | Can only be used if those project lines should be shown to which the respective filter setting applies. This will only include the project team data defined for the project line. | |
Activate Project Line Person Fil. | Determines if the Project Line Person Filter setting is activated. | |
Person in database | User ID | Opens a list of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central user, where a user can be assigned to the resource; used to personalize the Role Center activities. |
Salesperson/Purchaser | Assigns a salesperson or purchase code to the resource; used to personalize the Role Center activities. | |
Time Entry | Project Journal Time Entry / Project Journal Batch Name | Identifies a unique project journal/batch for the resource. NOTE: Every person must have a personal Journal for Time Entry. |
Terminal Password | Currently has no functionality. | |
Daily Time Entry | Time Entry Warning Limit Template Code | Specifies the Project Work-Hour Template Code containing the maximum allowed hours per day, before a warning is created in the time sheet entries. Used with Project Time Recording. |
Time Sheet Approval | Controls the approval workflow from time entry recording to posting for the resource. This overrides the setting in the Time Entry Setup page. Used with Project Time Recording. |
Calculation FastTab
The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field Group | Field | Description |
Services and Traveling Expenses | Project Calculation Group | Default for budget calculation as a base for the calculation in a calculation schedule. |
Sales Unit of Measure | Default unit of measure for the budget calculation. | |
Manual Pricing | Provides the ability to deactivate automatic pricing on the resource. The options are Direct Unit Cost, Unit Price, and Both. | |
Default Unit Price Basis | Indicates the Unit Price Base that will be defaulted to the Project Budget Calculation line when the resource is entered in the No. field. If this field is empty, the default value from the Project Card is used. | |
Services | Service Work Type Code | Default for budget calculation. Flexible pricing option for services when used in combination with a project type. For more information, see Pricing Setup. |
Milestone | Default for budget calculation. Defines a resource to be a milestone resource that will be considered in process planning. This is equal to general components that are marked as milestones. | |
Traveling Expenses | Traveling Work Type Code | Default for budget calculation. Used to assign a Work Type Code for resources of Type = Traveling. |
Component Groups | Component Type | Used to assign a group of components defined as a component type. |
Component Group 1 Code – Component Group 5 Code | Displays the component group hierarchy for the project, as determined by the Set Component Groups action on the Resource menu. |
Processing FastTab
The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Process Channel | Processes are created if the calculation position is linked with a process channel. The options are: - Work: Processes will be created with Work and Duration. - Lead time: Processes are created only with Duration. - Structure: Processes are created without Work and Duration. |
Procurement Channel | Services can be internal (Time Entry) or external (Purchase Quote or Purchase Order). |
Procurement Cost Source | Allows the setup on the Project Card to be overruled. The options are Standard Costs, Project Line, and Procurement Line. |
Procurement by Project Order | Determines if the procurement is handled by the Project Order document. |
Vendor No. | Used as the default vendor for purchasing. |
Realized % (Base) | The options are: - Quantity: Calculation is based on quantity. - Cost: Calculation is based on amounts. |
Shipment Channel | Typically not used for Services because invoicing is enough. However, it could be used like an activity report as a proof of delivery for fixed price projects. |
Vacation FastTab
The fields on the Vacation FastTab are described in Vacation Administration.
Home Menu
The COSMO Project Manufacturing-specific actions in the Home menu are described in the following table.
Action | Description |
Create Person Capacity | Creates capacity entries for one or more resources based on Base Calendar Code and Project Work-Hour Template Code. |
Create Planning Resources | Creates planning resources for one or more person resources, which are used for Process Planning. |
Resource Menu
The COSMO Project Manufacturing-specific action in the Resource menu is described in the following table.
Action | Description |
Set Component Groups | Assigns the component group hierarchy that was selected in the Component Groups Selection page to the Resource Card. |
Actions Menu
The COSMO Project Manufacturing-specific actions on the Actions menu are described in the following table.
Menu | Action | Description |
Functions | Application for Leave | Opens the Vacation Entry page where an employee's requested leave is entered and approved. |
Component Groups | Delete Component Groups | Clears the Component Group 1 Code – Component Group 5 Code fields on the Calculation FastTab. |
Related Menu
The COSMO Project Manufacturing-specific actions in the Related menu are described in the following table.
Menu | Action | Description |
Resource | Comments and Documents | Opens the Project Comment Lines page where comments can be added for the specific resource, which will be transferred to the project lines based on the selected Comment Type. |
Equipment | Equipment Entries | Opens the Equipment Entries page where reserved and issued equipment is managed. For more information, see Equipment Entries. |
Equipment Appointments | If Resource Type = Machine, this action is available and opens the Equipment Appointments page where appointments such as maintenance or safety inspections are scheduled for the equipment. For more information, see Managing Appointments. |
Attributes | If Resource Type = Machine, this action is available and opens the Resource Attribute Values page, which shows the equipment attributes, such as color, size, or other characteristics that help to describe the equipment without the need for adding fields. You can use Equipment Attributes to filter the Equipment list by choosing Filter by Attributes action on the Resource menu. To clear the filter, choose the Clear Attributes Filter action. For more information, see Equipment Management. |
See Also
Project Budget Calculation Page
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