Assembly Documents
Calculations on Assembly Quotes and Orders are similar to production orders in that Expected and Actual cost calculations are available:
- Expected cost calculations consider the Assembly BOM for Assembly Quotes and Assembly Orders
- Actual cost calculations consider all posted values for an Assembly Order
The difference to production orders, however, is that calculations are performed at the order level, not the line level.
Calculations on Assembly Quotes
Assembly Quotes are created from a sales quote line (via the Qty. to Assemble to Order field). An expected calculation can be created or opened for the Assembly Quote from the Calculations page, which is accessed in three ways:
- from the Sales Quote line by choosing Line > Assemble to Order > Calculation Assembly (Expected) on the Lines FastTab
- from the Assemble-to-Order Lines page by choosing Calculation (Expected) on the Home menu
- from the Assembly Quote by choosing Calculation (Expected) on the Related menu
If no calculation is available for the Assembly Quote, no calculations are displayed in the Calculations page. Choose the New action to create a new calculation and then choose the Enter key to assign a number. It is possible to create more than one calculation for one Assembly Quote.
If the Standard Calc. Schedule No. field on the item used in the Assembly Quote is filled in, the standard calculation schedule is used for the new calculation. Otherwise, the Calculation Schedules page opens for you to select a calculation schedule manually.
The values of the Assembly Quote are transferred to the calculation header; note that the Replenishment System field is set to Assembly because the item has an Assembly BOM. The link between the Assembly Quote and the calculation is shown on the Document FastTab in the Calculation Card.
Calculations on Assembly Orders
Assembly Orders are created either manually (via Tell Me) or from a sales order line (via the Qty. to Assemble to Order field). An expected or actual calculation can be created or opened for the Assembly Order from the Calculations page, which is accessed in three ways:
- from the Sales Order line by choosing Line > Related Information > Assemble to Order > Calculation Assembly (Expected) or Calculation Assembly (Actual) on the Lines FastTab
- from the Assemble-to-Order Lines page by choosing Calculation (Expected) on the Home menu
- from the Assembly Order by choosing Calculation (Expected) or Calculation (Actual) on the Related menu
If no calculation is available for the Assembly Order, no calculations are displayed in the Calculations page. Choose the New action to create a new calculation and then choose the Enter key to assign a number. It is possible to create more than one calculation for one Assembly Order.
If the Standard Calc. Schedule No. field on the item used in the Assembly Order is filled in, the standard calculation schedule is used for the new calculation. Otherwise, the Calculation Schedules page opens for you to select a calculation schedule manually.
The values of the Assembly Order are transferred to the calculation header; note that the Replenishment System field is set to Assembly because the item has an Assembly BOM. The link between the Assembly Order and the calculation is shown on the Document FastTab in the Calculation Card.
Calculation Groups in Assembly BOM
Item and capacity calculation groups are transferred from the item and resource via the Assembly BOM lines to the Assembly Quote/Order lines.
Since Assembly Quote/Order calculations use the calculation groups from the Assembly BOM – not directly from the item and resource – the calculation groups can be changed on the Assembly Quote/Order lines.
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