Sales Line Splitting
Sales Quote and Sales Order lines which already have checklists and/or Document BOMs can be split into separate lines for individual configuration. The Checklist and/or Document BOM information is transferred to new Checklists and/or Document BOMs on the split lines.
The splitting function is only available for item lines and if no reservation exists on the sales line.
A sales order and document BOM have been created for 10 units of item D-1000. The Split Order Line function is run to split the order into three lines with quantities of 5, 2, and 3, respectively. The Sales Line Splitting page opens with the quantity of the sales line on the first line, which cannot be manually edited because this line is linked to the sales line, and the cursor in the second line for entering the first split quantity.
In the second line, the user enters 2 and the quantity on the top line changes to 8. On the third line, the user enters 3 and the quantity on the top line changes to 5.
The quantity on the first line cannot be 0 or less. If the split quantity total is greater than the original sales line (thus making the first line 0 or negative), an error message opens and the quantities must be adjusted.
The user chooses the OK button and the sales line is split into three lines with quantities of 5, 2, and 3. In the Document BOM for the first line, the quantities are adjusted from 10 to 5. For the new sales lines, Checklists, Document BOMs (with relevant quantities), and Attributes are created based on the information from the first line.
If you have the integration with Advanced Manufacturing Suite (AMS), the line text from the first line is transferred to the new sales line as well. For more information, see COSMO Text Module.
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