Calculation Charges
Calculation Charges are used to define percentile or absolute charges to a calculation, such as discounts, freight costs, or mark-up.
To set up calculation charges
- Choose the
icon, enter Calculation Charges, and then choose the related link.
- Choose the New action.
- In the Code and Description fields, enter a unique code and short description for the calculation charge.
- In the Starting Date field, enter the date when the price increases and discounts for the calculation will begin.
- In the Type field, use the drop-down list to select if the calculation charge is a percentage of cost or an absolute value.
- In the Rate field, enter the value of the percentage or absolute value as defined in the Type field.
- Use the Personalize function to show the Type of Reference Value field.
- Set the Type of Reference Value field to Reduced Basic Value to calculate the correct discount and payment discount in calculations.
The charge is calculated with the basic value if this field is blank or set to Basic Value. - Go to the next line and add another calculation charge.
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