COSMO Quality Assurance has been integrated to the Ingredients Management functionality in COSMO Process Manufacturing.
General setup
The setup areas for ingredients that are affected by the integration with COSMO Quality Assurance are explained in this section.
Lot-/Serial No. Status
In the Lot-/Serial No. Status page, the Color Code field indicates a color to provide visualization to the Status field on the Ingredient Lot Overview and Ingredient Lot - Select pages.
Ingredient Card
In the Ingredient Card, the Test Property Code field links the ingredient to the test property in COSMO Quality Assurance (see Test Properties). Choose the drop-down arrow to enter/allocate a test property that will be applied when the determined actual value is to be allocated in a receipt test. A test property code is only to be allocated exactly to one ingredient.
The Test Property must be set up with a specific Alloc. Unit of Measure for ingredients processing for proper value transfer to the lot ingredients (see Receipt Testing).
Test Property Card, Ingredients FastTab
On the Test Property Card, the Ingredients FastTab includes the Alloc. Unit of Measure Code field which is used with measuring actual values of ingredients.
Ingredient Lot Overview
After ingredients have been processed in production, the Ingredient Lot Overview page provides two functions:
- Displays the current ingredient structure of a production order in a single view
- Assignment of lots for a production order component based on the Lot No. Ingredients
This page can be opened from the production order header or lines (Ingredient Lot Assignment) or directly using the Tell Me feature.
A range of filter criteria is available for restricting the display to certain production orders. Once filter criteria are entered or changed, choose the Get Records action to populate the lines. In the Entry Type field, choose the icons to expand or collapse all the lines, or the
icons to expand/collapse individual rows.
The benefit of accessing the page from the production order header or line is that all necessary filters are preset and line detail information is populated. The difference between opening the page from header and lines is that all production order lines are included in the view or only the selected line is included.
When accessing the page directly using the Tell Me feature, populate the Prod. Order Status Filter, Prod. Order Filter and, if necessary, the Prod. Order Line Filter fields and then choose the Get Records action.
General section
The fields in the General section are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Prod. Order Status Filter | Indicates the status of the production order to be included in the view. |
Prod. Order Filter | Indicates the production order number(s) to be included in the view. Standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central filters can be used, such as a filter string like PO1..PO2 where PO1 is the number of the first production order and PO2 is the number of the second production order created from Sales Order lines. |
Prod. Order Line Filter | Indicates the production order line number(s) to be included in the view.Standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central filters can be used. |
Due Date Filter / Item Filter / Variant Filter / Location Filter | Additional filters to be included in the overview. |
Show Component Ingredients | Determines if ingredients assigned to the components are displayed in the lines. NOTE: The Get Records function must be run to update the lines. |
Include Item Ledger Entries | Determines if posted item ledger entry information is displayed in the lines. NOTE: The Get Records function must be run to update the lines. |
Entry types
The Ingredient Lot Overview page shows several elements of a Production Order qualified by their Entry Type. The valid Entry Types are described in the following table.
Entry Type | Source Information |
Order | Production Order |
Output | Production Order Line |
Component | Production Order Component |
Ingredient | Ingredient information based on: - Prod. Order Line Ingredient (related to Prod. Order Line) - Prod. Order Component Ingredient (related to Prod. Order Component) - Lot No. Ingredient (related to Item Tracking) |
Item Tracking | Item Tracking (Reservation Entry) |
Not all fields in the lines are populated for all Entry Types.
Ingredient Lot Selection
On the Ingredient Lot Overview page, choose the Select Component Lots action to open the Ingredient Lot - Select page for lot selection and ingredient surveillance.
The Ingredient Lot - Select page shows the outstanding quantity from the Prod. Order Component; reserved and requested quantities from the component and other documents; and the captured quantity from existing Item Tracking, as well as calculates the Undefined Qty. and the assumed resulting Prod. Order Component Ingredients.
Filters section
The fields in the Filters section are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Item No. | Indicates the item number of the component. |
Variant Code | Indicates the variant of the component, if used. |
Sum Outstanding | Displays the Remaining Quantity from the component. |
Sum Selected Quantity | Displays the sum of Qty. to Handle (Base) from the component Item Tracking Lines. |
Sum Undefined Quantity | Displays the calculation of Sum Outstanding Quantity - Sum Selected Quantity. |
Unit of Measure Code | Indicates the unit of measure code from the Prod. Order Component. The Sum Selected Quantity and Sum Undefined Quantity fields are calculated using this Unit of Measure. Lot inventory is shown in Base Unit of Measure. |
General section
The fields in the General section contain information for each lot with inventory. Each is described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Lot No. | Indicates the lot number available for selection. |
Item Description | Indicates the description of the component item. |
Selected Quantity | Editable field, used to select the number of units of this lot to assign to the component. |
Status (Lot/SN) | Indicates the current status of the lot- or serial number. |
Expiration Date | Indicates the lot expiration date from the Item Tracking Entries. |
Total Available Quantity | Displays the total available quantity for the lot, filtered by the location code of the component. |
Current Reserved Quantity | Displays the lot quantity that has been reserved for the selected component in the current production order. |
Total Reserved Quantity | Displays the total lot quantity that has been reserved for the selected component in the current production order and in other documents or entries. |
Total Requested Quantity | Displays the total quantity of the lot number that is currently requested in all documents. |
Current Pending Quantity | Displays the quantity that is entered in the current instance of the Ingredient Lot - Select page but is not yet committed to the database. |
Unit of Measure Code | Indicates the base unit of measure of the component item. |
Ingredient UOM | Indicates the unit of measure of the ingredient. |
Ingredient 1 .. Ingredient 8 | Displays the summed expected or actual (measured) ingredients assigned automatically or manually in the Lot No. Ingredients page. The summed quantity is calculated (based on the available quantity) from the following values: - If the lot ingredient has not been measured, then the value from the Quantity (Expected) field is used. - If the lot ingredient has been measured and the Actual Value checkbox is selected, then the value from the Quantity (Actual) field is used. Up to eight ingredients can be displayed in this page. |
The Ingredients FastTab displays the Production Order Component Ingredients, with all resulting values regarding Expected, Captured, and Posted Ingredient Quantities (Ratio / Total) from updating the Item Tracking.
The action bar includes the Lot No. Information Card action. On the General FastTab of the Lot No. Information Card page, the Update Prod. Order Ingredients field indicates if an ingredient of the lot has changed, and, therefore, it might be necessary to recalculate the production order ingredients.
To select lots for a production order component based on ingredients
- On the Ingredient Lot Overview page, select the Component line for which to change the Item Tracking or one of the related lines below and then choose the Select Component Lots action.
- In the General section, in the Selected Quantity field, type the Quantity (Base) to be displayed in the Item Tracking Lines from the specific lot.
- Choose the Close button to close the page and update the Item Tracking Lines (Reservation Entries).
The Ingredient Lot Overview page is updated based on the new Item Tracking information.
Receipt testing
The determination of the actual ingredients of a lot occurs in the goods receipt by COSMO Quality Assurance. Therefore, a test order with the according test properties is created in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. The potency of the respective ingredients is allocated to the according test properties in the form of the determined actual values.
The link between COSMO Quality Assurance and the ingredients of the lot is established through the test property that has been allocated to the ingredient (see Ingredient Card) and the Alloc. Unit of Measure Code assigned to the Test Property.
When the test order is finished, the determined ingredient proportions (actual values from the test order properties) are transferred to the tested lot. Therefore, a lot ingredient record exists for each lot. If a test property is to be tested several times (re-test), the test result of the latest test is always transferred to the according lot.
The Lot No. Ingredients page can be accessed from the Lot No. Information Card by choosing Lot No. > Ingredients on the Related menu.
The fields on this page are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Ingredient No. / Description | Indicates the ingredient number and description. |
Quantity (Expected) | Indicates the calculated and posted value from the source document ingredient, for example, production order. |
Quantity (Actual) | Indicates the real value from the finished test order. |
Unit of Measure Code | Indicates the unit of measure code assigned to the item ingredient. |
Alloc. Unit of Measure Code | Indicates the allocation unit of measure code assigned to the item ingredient. |
Actual Value | If selected, values have been measured through a test order. |
See Also
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