Detailed Calculation
Detailed calculations are handled through the BoQ Budget Calculation page, which is essentially the same as the Project Budget Calculation page but with additional functions for COSMO Project Construction. This page is opened from the Construction Project page or BoQ Position List by choosing Budget Calculation on the Calculation menu.
If the project's Structure Type field = <blank>, then the Project Budget Calculation page will open instead of the BoQ Budget Calculation page.
BoQ Budget Calculation Page
Many of the fields on the BoQ Budget Calculation page are the same as fields in the BoQ Position List. Therefore, only the fields that are specific to the BoQ Calculation are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Determined Quantity | Indicates the calculated determined quantity from the Quantity Determination page for BoQ lines only. For more information, see Quantity Determination. |
Price Parts Required | Specifies whether the position requires the usage of price parts. This checkbox can be selected/cleared automatically when the Split Prices toggle is turned on/off in the Project Card; however, individual lines can be changed. For more information, see the Split Prices field description in the Project Card. |
BoQ Price Type | Indicates whether the total price of the BoQ position is calculated in the total amount of the project. If set to Without Total, the values in the Sales Line Amount, Sales Line Amount Budget (LCY), Total Price and Total Price Budget (LCY) fields are hidden. |
COH Apportionment / COH (LCY) / COH Apportionment (LCY) / COH % | Distributes construction costs to the BoQ positions, based on cost types. For more information, see Construction Overhead Apportionment. |
Allocation Status | Indicates the status of allocation. The options are: - None: used if the allocation is completely removed. - Partially: used if the complete quantity is not assigned. - Complete: used if the complete quantity is assigned. |
Allocated Quantity to PaC | Indicates the quantity assigned to a PaC Project. |
Allocated Total Cost to PaC | Indicates the Total Cost assigned to a PaC Project. |
Allocated Sales Line Amount to PaC | Indicates the Sales Line Amount assigned to a PaC Project. |
Supplement Type | Indicates the type of supplement. The options are Supplement, Increase, Decrease, Service Change, Service Discontinuation, Service Ordinance, and Hourly Paid Work. This field is not shown by default but can be added using the Personalize feature. |
Assigned PaC Project No. | Indicates the Pac Project which is assigned to the Project Line. |
Supplement No. | Identifies the supplement information for the selected position. For more information, see Supplement Administration. This field is not shown by default but can be added using the Personalize feature. |
Supplement to BoQ Pos. No. | This field currently has no functionality. |
Supplement Status | Indicates the current status of the supplement. The options are Identified, Declared, Offered, Revoked, Rejected, Contradiction to Rejection, Objectively Recognized, and Approved. For more information, see Supplement Administration. This field is not shown by default but can be added using the Personalize feature. |
Exp. Alloy Price / Exp. Alloy Amount | If you have the integration with Advanced Construction Suite (ACS), these fields are available. For more information, see Alloy Surcharges in BoQ Budget Calculation. |
Home Menu
The actions on the Home menu that are related to the BoQ Calculation are described in the following table.
Action | Description |
Change Calculation Status | Opens the Calculation Status dialog box, which allows for the change of Calculation Status for the selected position(s). |
Insert Placing Unit | Opens the Execution Units page to insert selected Placing Units below the current WBS Project Line. For more information, see Execution Units. |
Actions Menu
The actions on the Actions menu that are related to the BoQ Calculation are described in the following table.
Menu | Action | Description |
Create Structure | New BoQ Group | Creates a new group on the same level as the source line. The source line must be a BoQ group. For more information, see BoQ Structure. |
New BoQ Sub Group | Creates a new sub-group below a group. For more information, see BoQ Structure. | |
New Normal Position | Creates a new normal position on the same level as the source position or below a BoQ group. For more information, see BoQ Structure. | |
New Text Position | Creates a new text position on the same level as the source position or below a BoQ group. For more information, see BoQ Structure. | |
Functions | Copy to | Copies the entire position line in the BoQ Budget Calculation; used with the Paste from function. |
Paste from | Pastes the copied position line to a new position in the BoQ Budget Calculation; used with the Copy to function. | |
Replace Catalog Items | Searches for and suggests an existing item that matches certain criteria or will give the option of creating an item. For more information, see Replace Catalog Items. | |
Calculate Alloy Surcharge | If you have the integration with Advanced Construction Suite (ACS), this action is available. For more information, see Alloy Surcharges in BoQ Budget Calculation. | |
BoQ | Copy Calculation | Opens the BoQ Position List page, where budget lines can be copied to a single position or multiple positions to reduce manual entry of the same item/service on other budget lines. |
Wage Group Change | Opens the Wage Group Change request page, which is used to adjust service costs. | |
COH Apportionment | Opens the Apportionment Distribution page, where the overhead distributions are entered per cost type. For more information, see Construction Overhead Apportionment. | |
Precalculate BoQ (Catalog BOMs) | Recalculates components for BoQ Positions relating to ZVEH catalog items. For more information, see ZVEH Catalog. | |
Calculate Unit Price Parts | Calculates the price parts for the selected position(s) as defined in the Price Part Base setting in the Project Card. It considers the mapping between cost types and the price parts 1–6 on the Project Card and updates the values accordingly. This calculation can be set to run automatically via the Automatic Price Parts Calculation setting in the Project Construction Setup page. For more information, see Calculate Unit Price Parts. |
Update Base Calculation | Opens the Update Base Calculation dialog box, which is used to calculate values based on cost types. The Base Calculation is used with the EFB Calculation to update base calculation records. It calculates unit price parts per cost type and backwards the cost price parts considering the EFB surcharges. | |
Apply Determined Quantity | Applies the calculated determined quantity from the Quantity Determination page. For more information, see Quantity Determination. | |
Set BoQ Position No. | Creates a BoQ Position No. for current position and substructure or all positions based on the ON Mask field from the Project Card. NOTE: Gaps in hierarchies is possible for Normal, Optional, and Alternative positions. |
Related Menu
The actions on the Related menu that are related to the BoQ Calculation are described in the following table.
Menu | Action | Description |
Statistic | Opens the Calculation Statistics page, which displays detailed calculation information. For more information, see View Calculation Statistics and Edit Vernier Adjustments. |
Line | Short/Long Text | Opens the BoQ Project Texts page, where short and long text for the selected positions can be viewed or added. BoQ Project Text is transferred to the BoQ Purchase Text during Procurement release and BoQ Sales Text when the Sales Quote/Order is created from the BoQ Budget Calculation. |
Line | Base Calculation | Opens the Base Calculation Card page, which provides an overview of the agreed upon calculations. For more information, see Base Calculation. |
Line | Alloy Surcharge Lines | If you have the integration with Advanced Construction Suite (ACS), this action is available. For more information, see Alloy Surcharges in BoQ Budget Calculation. |
Views | BoQ Position List | Opens the BoQ Position List page, which includes the complete BoQ but opens to the selected BoQ position. |
Alloy Statistic | If you have the integration with Advanced Construction Suite (ACS), this action is available. For more information, see View Alloy Statistics. |
The BoQ Budget Calculation page also includes the Long Text and Base Calculation FactBoxes.
If you have the integration with Advanced Construction Suite (ACS), the Document Box FactBox is available. For more information, see Integration of COSMO Document Management System.
Add Items and Services in BoQ Budget Calculation
As previously mentioned, any data entered in the Fast Calculation and/or updated in the BoQ Position List is transferred to the BoQ Budget Calculation.
Actual services and items that are known during the quoting process can be entered in the BoQ Budget Calculation. These positions can then be copied to other positions in the calculation with the Copy Calculation function. Any services/items entered in the BoQ Budget Calculation will transfer to the PaC Project, which reduces data entry during the processing phase.
Create new lines in the BoQ Budget Calculation just like in the Project Budget Calculation:
- Select the position to add a line and then choose the New Level action on the New menu.
- In the Type field, enter Item or Service. 3. In the No. field, enter the relevant Item or Resource.
- Update quantities as needed and then enter any costs.
- Add another line by choosing the New Line action and then filling in the Type, No., quantities, and cost fields.
- Scroll to the Calculation Status field and note that the status on the position is set to Progress.
- With the position selected, choose the Change Calculation Status action on the Home menu to set this position as Calculated.
Calculate Unit Price Parts
If not set to run automatically via the Automatic Price Parts Calculation setting in the Project Construction Setup page, price parts can be calculated manually via the Calculate Unit Price Parts action from the Actions > BoQ menu. The request page gives you the option to update current, all, or selected lines or Bill of Quantities.
The price parts are calculated based on either the Unit Price (LCY) or Direct Unit Cost (LCY) field, as defined in the Price Part Base setting in the Project Card.
Copy Calculations
Calculations that have been added to positions can be copied to other positions in the BoQ Budget Calculation. This is useful when the same items and/or services are used in multiple positions.
- With the position line selected, choose BoQ > Copy Calculation on the Actions menu. The BoQ Position List opens for selection of position(s) to copy the calculations.
- In the BoQ Position List, select the position(s) in which to copy the calculations from the position selected in the BoQ Budget Calculation, and then choose the OK button.
In the BoQ Budget Calculation, the positions selected in the BoQ Position List are updated with the calculations copied from the originating budget position. The Calculation Status field was set to In Progress during the copy process.
Copy Positions
Similar to the Copy Calculation function, one position can be copied to another position using the Copy to and Paste from functions.
- In the BoQ Budget Calculation, select the position to be copied and then choose Functions > Copy to on the Actions menu.
- Select the position where to copy the position and then on the New menu, choose the New Level action.
- Select the new level position and then choose Functions > Paste from on the Actions menu. The copied position is pasted below the selected position.
In the empty line above, a line for an item, for example, can be added.
Change Wage Group
Wage Groups can be changed on positions using the Wage Group Change function, which swaps service components and work types or changes the average calculation wage for a title, subtitle, position, or the complete BoQ.
A new service calculation is added to a position in the BoQ Budget Calculation.
All new entries that have not been set with a calculation status of Calculated are selected and the Change Calculation Status function is run. Once finished, choose BoQ > Wage Group Change on the Actions menu to open the Wage Group Change page.
The fields in the Wage Group Change page are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
BoQ Pos. No. | Specifies the BoQ Position No. to be included in the Wage Group change. If the main position for the new calculations is selected from the BoQ Position List, then the Complete BoQ toggle is turned off automatically. |
Complete BoQ | Determines if all positions in the BoQ are to be included in the Wage Group change. |
Calculate Fixed BoQ Positions | Determines if BoQ Positions that are set as Fixed will be included in the Wage Group change. |
Include Requisition and Alternative Position | Determines if BoQ Positions that are set as Requisition and Alternative Positions will be included in the Wage Group change. |
Extra Charge % | Specifies how to update the Extra Charge % field in the BoQ Budget Calculation. The options are: - Keep (Calculate Unit Price) - Update (Keep Unit Price) - Find (Calculate Unit Price): updates the Extra Charge % field from the Project Calculation Group page, which recalculates the Unit Price based on Unit Cost + the new Extra Charge %. |
Wage Hours | Displays the current number of wage hours for the selected position(s). |
Wage Cost | Displays the current wage cost for the selected position(s). |
Avg. Wage (h) | Displays the average wage (in hours) for the selected position(s). |
Avg. Wage (h) (New) | Specifies the new average wage (in hours) to be used for the wage change. |
Calc. Res. No. | Specifies the Calculation Resource to be changed. Opens the Resources page, which is filtered by only the resources included within the BoQ Position. |
Calc. Res. No. (New) | Specifies the Calculation Resource to replace the current Calculation Resource during the Wage Group change. Opens the Resources page, which displays all service resources. |
Work Type (New) | Specifies the new Work Type to be added to the Calculation Resource during the Wage Group change, if necessary. |
In the Wage Group Change page, choose the OK button. The resource for the relevant position is changed.
Create Sales Quote
Now that calculations have been added to some positions in the BoQ Budget Calculation, a Sales Quote can be created.
- On the Home menu, choose the Create Sales Quote action.
- In the dialog box, select the Bill of Quantities option to omit internal calculation components in the Sales Quote, and then choose the OK button.
- A message opens asking to budget all sales positions; choose the No button to have the ability to use the Wage Group Change or Vernier Adjustment functions later in the calculation process.
- The Sales Quote opens. Close the Sales Quote to return to the BoQ Budget Calculation.
View Calculation Statistics and Edit Vernier Adjustments
The Calculation Statistics page displays total values as well as values for the selected position based on where the page is opened:
- from a component line, the statistic is calculated for the entire project.
- from a BoQ position, the statistic calculates values for the entire project as well as values for the BoQ position.
- from a BoQ group, the statistic calculates values for the entire project as well as values for the BoQ group.
In the BoQ Budget Calculation page, select a position and then choose the Statistic action on the Related menu. Fields in the General FastTab provide detailed information about total values and position values. Each is described in the following table.
Field Description BoQ Positions (Open/In Progress) Displays the number of BoQ positions for the total project budget and/or for the selected position that have a Calculation Status = Empty or Progress. BoQ Positions (Calculated/Fixed) Displays the number of BoQ positions for the total project budget and/or for the selected position that have a Calculation Status = Calculated or Fixed. BoQ Positions (Fixed) Displays the number of BoQ positions for the total project budget and/or for the selected position that have a Calculation Status = Fixed. Wage Hours Calculated Displays the number of wage hours for the total project budget and/or for the selected position. Wage Days Calculated Displays the number of wage days for the total project budget and/or for the selected position. Average Wage Displays the average wage for the total project budget and/or for the selected position. Calculation Group Filter Total / Calculation Group Filter Position Filters the values for the total project budget and/or selected position by a Calculation Group. BoQ Pos. No. Displays the BoQ position number if the Statistic action was run on a line with a BoQ position. On the Home menu, choose the Calculation Statistics Details action to view calculation group totals grouped by cost type and calculation groups of all cost types. In the Calculation Statistics Details page, overhead cost apportionment can be accessed via the Overhead Cost action.
On the Vernier Adjustment menu of the Calculation Statistics page, choose the Init Preview action to open the Overall (Preview) and Position (Preview) FastTabs with the transferred preview values.
Additionally, the Edit Vernier Adjustment Total, Edit Vernier Adjustment Position, and Apply Preview functions become available on the Vernier Adjustment menu after the Init Preview function is run.
Choose the Edit Vernier Adjustment Total action to make temporary changes in the Calculation Statistics, not directly in the BoQ Budget Calculation. This page is used for trying different calculations without affecting the actual budget calculation. New calculations that are beneficial to the bid can be transferred to the BoQ Budget Calculation.
The Vernier Adjustment Edit Values page contains basically the same information in all FastTabs, with the Total (External) FastTab containing a few extra fields. This page provides the ability to change average Line Discount %, Line Discount Amount, and Target Price for the entire project, or average Extra Charge % and Line Discount % on individual components (Wages, Materials, External Service, Equipment, Others) for the entire project.
For example, to change the average Extra Charge % for Wages from 20.00 to 23.00, enter 23 in the Extra Charge % (Average) field in the Wages FastTab. Leaving the field prompts a message regarding transferring values to positions.
Choose the Yes button to transfer the changes or the No button to stop the process. If Yes is selected, values are updated in the Vernier Adjustment Edit Values page.
Choose the Close button to close the Vernier Adjustment Edit Values page and return to the Calculation Statistics page, which has been updated with changes.
Vernier Adjustments can be made for specific positions using the same process with the Edit Vernier Adjustment Position function.
In the Calculation Statistics page, choose the Apply Preview action on the Vernier Adjustment menu to apply the changes to the BoQ Budget Calculation.
A message opens asking to apply the preview values. Choose the Yes button to apply the values to the BoQ Budget Calculation or choose the No button to cancel the application.
The Overall (Preview) and Position (Preview) FastTabs are cleared and hidden again.
Values in the Overall and Position FastTabs are updated with information from the BoQ Budget Calculation.
To restart the Vernier Adjustment process, choose the Refresh Statistics action on the Home menu.
Choose the Close button to go back to the BoQ Budget Calculation page.
See Also
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