Construction Invoice Plan Pages
The Construction Invoice Plan Sales and Construction Invoice Plan Purchase pages are accessed from:
- Project Cards by choosing Related > Construction Invoicing > Construction Invoice Plan Sales or Construction Invoice Plan Purchase.
- Construction Project by selecting the project in the Projects FastTab and then choosing Invoicing > Construction Invoice Plans Sales or Construction Invoice Plans Purchase.
- Sales Orders/Purchase Orders by choosing Related > Construction Invoicing > Construction Invoice Plan.
- Tell Me by choosing the
icon, entering Construction Invoice Plans Sales or Construction Invoice Plan Purchase, and then choose the related link.
Since the differences between the pages are minimal, the fields and actions of both are described below. In general, the differences are:
- The Construction Invoice Plan Purchase page includes the Project Line Procurement field, which links the invoice to the project procurement processes.
- The Construction Invoice Plan Purchase page has purchase-specific document fields and actions, like Purchase Order No. and Vendor Ledger Entries, respectively.
- The Construction Invoice Plan Sales page has sales-specific document fields and actions, like Sales Order No. and Customer Ledger Entries, respectively.
General FastTab
The fields in the General FastTab on the Construction Invoice Plan Sales and Construction Invoice Plan Purchase pages are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
No. | Unique identifier of the Construction Invoice Plan as defined in the Invoice Plan Sale Header Nos. field or Invoice Plan Purchase Header Nos. field in the Project Construction Setup page. |
Construction Project No. | Indicates the construction project number assigned to the project. |
Construction Project | Indicates the description of the construction project assigned to the project. |
Project No. | Indicates the project number. |
Project Description | Indicates the description of the project. |
Sell-to Customer No. | Indicates the number of the sell-customer assigned to the project. This field is only on the Construction Invoice Plan Sales page. |
Sell-to Customer Name | Indicates the name of the sell-customer assigned to the project. This field is only on the Construction Invoice Plan Sales page. |
WBS | Identifies the WBS position to allocate all sales invoice amounts. The WBS must be set up with a General Component, Item, or Resource. For Construction Invoice Plan Sales, the WBS must be defined as a Sales Position using a Sales Code. The WBS is used to create invoices and credit memos from Construction Invoice Plan lines. |
WBS Description | Indicates the description of the WBS position. |
Project Line Procurement No. | Specifies the Procurement No. of the WBS position in the Construction Invoice Plan Purchase header. This value will be transferred to the purchase document line. This field is only on the Construction Invoice Plan Purchase page. |
Contract Type | Indicates the type of contract that the invoice is based on. The options are: - Unit Price Contract: The unit price is used if measurements are created as the basis for the invoice amount. - Lump-sum Contract: Used if a payment plan is based on order value and payment amounts. |
Invoice Model | Indicates the invoice model assigned to the project or the sales order entered in the Sales Order No. field or the purchase order entered in the Purchase Order No. field. |
Sales Order No. | Specifies the Sales Order that this Construction Invoice Plan is connected to. Once validated: - the total amount from the sales order is transferred to the Order Value (LCY) field if it is empty. - the sales order number is transferred to new lines with Type = Down Payment and Final Invoice. This field is only on the Construction Invoice Plan Sales page. |
Purchase Order No. | Specifies the Purchase Order that this Construction Invoice Plan is connected to. Once validated: - the total amount from the purchase order is transferred to the Order Value (LCY) field if it is empty. - the purchase order number is transferred to new lines with Type = Down Payment and Final Invoice. This field is only on the Construction Invoice Plan Purchase page. |
Bill-to Customer No. | Indicates the number of the bill-to customer assigned to the project or the sales order. This field is only on the Construction Invoice Plan Sales page. |
Bill-to Customer Name | Indicates the name of the bill-ro customer assigned to the project or the sales order. This field is only on the Construction Invoice Plan Sales page. |
Pay-to Vendor No. | Indicates the number of the pay-to vendor assigned to the purchase order. This field is only on the Construction Invoice Plan Purchase page. |
Pay-to Vendor Name | Indicates the name of the pay-to vendor assigned to the purchase order. This field is only on the Construction Invoice Plan Purchase page. |
Order Value (LCY) | Indicates the total order value for the Construction Invoice Plan. |
Total Amount Invoiced (LCY) | Indicates the total amount of invoices posted. |
Remaining Value (LCY) | Calculated value of Order Value (LCY) - Total Amount Invoiced (LCY) fields. |
Reverse Charge Procedure | Determines if the Reverse Charge Procedure checkbox is selected in the lines by default. |
Person Responsible | Indicates the person responsible for the Construction Invoice Plan. |
Status | Indicates the status of the Construction Invoice Plan. The options are: - Open: changes can be made to the Construction Invoice Plan. - Released: all the information in the General FastTab has been defined and cannot be changed. - Finished: all the information in the Invoice Plan Lines FastTab has been defined and cannot be changed. |
Deduction Template Down Payment | Indicates a released deduction template for down payments. For more information, see Deductions. |
Deduction Template Final Invoice | Indicates a released deduction template for final invoices. For more information, see Deductions. |
Overdue Payment Plan Lines | Indicates whether an invoice plan has overdue payment plan lines. This field is not shown by default but can be added using the Personalize feature. |
Invoice Plan Lines FastTab
The fields in the Invoice Plan Lines FastTab on the Construction Invoice Plan Sales and Construction Invoice Plan Purchase pages are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Status | Controls whether changes can be made to the line. The options are Planning, Released, and Finished. |
Type | Indicates the type of invoicing process. The options are Down Payment, Final Invoice, Invoice, and Credit Memo. |
No. | Indicates the number of the Construction Invoice Plan line used to link various invoice processes. |
Description | Short description of the Construction Invoice Plan line. |
Planning Date | Indicates the date the invoice process is planned. |
Predecessor Down Payment No. | Specifies the sequence of down payments for adjusting subsequent invoices. For example, there are three down payment lines: - First line = No. field is set to 01 - Second line = No. field is set to 02 - Third line = No. field is set to 03 To indicate the link between the lines: - Second line = Predecessor Down Payment No. field set to 01 - Third line = Predecessor Down Payment No. field set to 02. Therefore, the second down payment is offset by the first down payment, and the third is offset by the second. |
Payment % | Automatically calculates the Net Amount (LCY) based on the order value (see Invoice Model). |
Net Amount (LCY) | Indicates the net amount for the invoice line. |
Net Deductions (LCY) | Indicates the net deduction for the invoice line, such as previously invoiced amounts, security or warranty deductions. This can be calculated automatically using the deduction templates (see Deductions). |
Net Total Amount (LCY) | Calculated value of Net Amount (LCY) - Net Deductions (LCY) fields. |
Sales Order No. | Indicates the number of the open or closed sales order relating to the invoices. The customer from this sales order is used in the invoices created for Down Payment or Final Invoice lines. Defaults from the field in the header. This field is only on the Construction Invoice Plan Sales page. |
Purchase Order No. | Indicates the number of the open or closed purchase order relating to the invoices. The vendor from this purchase order is used in the invoices created for Down Payment or Final Invoice lines. Defaults from the field in the header. This field is only on the Construction Invoice Plan Purchase page. |
Posting Date | Indicates the date the sales or purchase invoice was created for the Construction Invoice Plan line. |
Reverse Change Procedure | Determines if the invoice is subject to the reverse charge procedure. The value is transferred to the Sales Invoice and Sales Credit Memo or Purchase Invoice and Purchase Credit Memo. |
Net Amount Invoiced (LCY) | Indicates the amount from the posted invoice or credit memo. |
Gross Amount Invoiced (LCY) | Indicates the amount including VAT from the posted invoice or credit memo (if VAT is set up, otherwise the amount is equal to the Net Amount Invoiced (LCY) field). |
Amount Paid (LCY) | Indicates the amount that has been paid by the customer (sales) or paid to the vendor (purchases), or posted by credit memo for the Construction Invoice Plan line. |
Posted Invoice No. | Indicates the number of the posted invoice. Choose the value to open the posted sales/purchase invoice. |
Posted Credit Memo No. | Indicates the number of the posted credit memo. Choose the value to open the posted sales/purchase credit memo. |
Ledger Entry No. | Indicates the number of the customer ledger entry or vendor ledger entry created by the posted invoice or credit memo. |
Measurement Summary Code | Indicates the measurement summary code created after the Calculate Net Amount from Measurements function is run. |
Net Deduction Row No. | Determines which calculation row is used for transferring to the Net Deductions (LCY) field in the Construction Invoice Plan line. For more information, see Deductions. |
Actions on the Invoice Plan Lines FastTab
The actions on the Invoice Plan Lines FastTab of the Construction Invoice Plan Sales and Construction Invoice Plan Purchase pages are described in this section.
The Process menu contains the following actions:
- Release Line - sets the line status to Released and creates the sales/purchase invoice or sales/purchase credit memo of the selected line. For invoices, the customer defined in the related sales order or the vendor defined in the related purchase order is used.
- The Calculate Measurement - calculates the registered measurements until the Planning Date on the line and transfers the values to the Net Amount (LCY) field.
The Line menu contains the following actions depending on if the sales or purchase page is opened:
- Sales Order or Purchase Order – opens the sales or purchase order related to the selected line.
- Sales Invoice/Cr. Memo or Purchase Invoice/Cr. Memo – opens the sales/purchase invoice or sales/purchase credit memo related to the selected line.
- Customer Ledger Entry or Vendor Ledger Entry – opens the customer or vendor ledger entry related to the selected line.
- Deduction Calculation - opens the Deduction Calculation page where you can calculate a deduction for the selected line using the deduction template. For more information, see Deductions.
- Measurement Lines - opens the Measurement Document page related to the selected line, which shows all lines for the measurement. Any measurement lines that need to be reset for new invoicing can be managed using the Reset Accounting Status action.
This action is only on the Construction Invoice Plan Sales page. - Measurement Summary - opens the Measurement Summary page for lines with a Measurement Summary Code.
This action is only on the Construction Invoice Plan Sales page.
The total fields at the bottom of the page are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Net Total Amount (LCY) | Displays the sum of the Net Total Amount (LCY) values from all invoice lines. |
Net Amount Invoiced (LCY) | Displays the sum of the Net Amount Invoiced (LCY) values from all invoice lines. |
Amount to Invoice (LCY) | Displays the sum of the Net Total Amount (LCY) - Net Amount Invoiced (LCY) values from all invoice lines. |
Get Invoice Plan Template
The Get Invoice Plan Template action opens the Construction Invoice Plan Templates page from which you can select a template to create the structure of the Invoice Plan lines.
Overdue Payment Plan Lines
In the Construction Invoice Plan Sales list, the Overdue Payment Plan Lines field indicates whether an invoice plan has overdue payment plan lines.
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