Transfer Attributes from Sales to Manufacturing Dimensions in Production
As in standard COSMO Discrete Manufacturing, when an item/item variant with attributes is added to a sales line, the attributes are accessible from the Lines FastTab by choosing Line > Attributes (DM).
After the Document BOM or Construction Order is created, and from those a production order is created, the attributes are passed from the sales line to the production order line as manufacturing dimensions. Any other assigned manufacturing dimensions that were not synchronized with the attributes are included in the production order line as well.
Any changes that are made to the linked attributes in the sales line before the production order is created will be transferred to the manufacturing dimensions in the production order line.
Additional synchronizations can occur in the sales/production process when attributes and manufacturing dimensions are synchronized with document BOMs and Construction Orders. For more information, see Transfer Attributes from Master BOMs to Document BOMs and Construction Orders.
The "ITEM_COLOR" attribute has been synchronized with the COLOR manufacturing dimension. A production item has a color attribute of GREEN.
When you create a sales order for this item and view the attributes on the line (Lines FastTab > Line > Attributes (DM)), you see that the "ITEM_COLOR" = GREEN attribute is listed in the Sales Line Attributes page.
After creating the document BOM, you create the production order. When you open the production order and view the manufacturing dimensions on the line (Lines FastTab > Line > Manufacturing Dimensions), you see that the "COLOR" = GREEN manufacturing dimension is listed in the Mfg. Dimension Set Entries page.
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