Integration of COSMO Calculation
Although similar to the Calculation Structure in COSMO Project Manufacturing, calculations that are performed using the COSMO Calculation module have different requirements for set up and usage as well as offer different functionality.
The calculation from COSMO Calculation is used mainly for controlling purposes, not for calculating a sales price (as is the COSMO Project Manufacturing Calculation Schedule).
Additionally, the Concurrent Calculation functionality in COSMO Calculation provides the ability to show several calculations with different time bases next to one another and/or to put two calculations based on two different projects into one (for example, alternative Projects, similar Projects, and so on). Calculations can also be performed on Project Groups, which provides a single calculation for multiple projects based on specified criteria.
This section describes the functionality that is specific to using COSMO Calculation in COSMO Project Manufacturing and does not include standard COSMO Calculation field descriptions, and so on. For detailed setup, configuration, and usage information, see the COSMO Calculation Help.
Price Source for Calculations Based on Projects
In the Calculation Setup page, the Price Source for Projects field determines the source of the unit costs for calculating project components in the Calculation Schedule Card of COSMO Project Manufacturing and the Calculation Card of COSMO Calculation. The options are:
- Unit Cost: The calculation uses the Total Cost Budget (LCY) value from the project budget line.
- Direct Unit Cost: The calculation uses the Total Direct Cost Budget (LCY) value from the project budget line.
This setting defaults to the Calculation Schedule Card and Calculation Card but can be changed as needed.
Calculation Schedule Setup
The Calculation Schedule Card is accessed using Tell Me. Choose the icon, enter Calculation Schedules, and then choose the related link. This card is similar to the Project Calc. Schedule Template in COSMO Project Manufacturing however there are many different fields or fields with similar functionality but different names.
To use the Calculation Schedule with a project, the Totaling Type / Totaling fields must always be mapped to a Project Calculation Group, unless it is a summary row.
Since the Project Calculation Groups from COSMO Project Manufacturing are also used in the calculations from COSMO Calculation, it is important to consider how Calculation Groups will be used in each product. If a calculation is using data from the Project Budget Calculation, the calculation groups need to be mapped correctly to the lines in both the Calculation Template (in COSMO Project Manufacturing) and the Calculation Schedule Card (in COSMO Calculation) to ensure proper calculation.
Rows can be indented below a main row to create a hierarchical structure using the actions in the Functions menu on the Lines FastTab.
It is possible to review the rows that are part of the summaries by choosing the summary row and then choosing Functions > Update Sum Calculation on the Lines FastTab.
The Calculation Schedule does not need to be certified in order to use it on a project although a message will open if it is not, and it will be automatically certified when certain processes are performed in the Calculation Card.
Project Calculation
Once the Calculation Schedule has been created and Calculation Groups have been assigned to the Project Budget Calculation lines, a calculation can be performed on a project by choosing Project > Calculation on the Related menu in the Project Card.
The Calculations page opens, which displays any existing calculations and from where new calculations can be added. Choose the New action to create a new calculation or Manage > Edit to open an existing calculation.
In the Calculation Card page, press Enter to insert the next calculation number.
The Select Project Calculation Type dialog box opens, which determines the data that is the basis for the new calculation. The options are described in the following table.
Option | Uses data from... |
Quote Calculation (Version) | Project version that is assigned to a Sales Quote |
Order Calculation (Version) | Project version that is assigned to a Sales Order |
Expected | Lines in the Project Budget Calculation |
Actual Cost | Project Ledger Entries assigned to Project Budget Calculation |
Liability | Purchase Lines assigned to Project Budget Calculation |
Select the option for calculation and then choose the OK button to open the Calculation Schedules page, which displays the list of available Calculation Schedules. Select a Calculation Schedule and then choose the OK button.
If a schedule is not selected, one can be added after the calculation is created by assigning it manually in the Schedule FastTab.
To see calculated values, choose the Update Calculation action.
Concurrent Calculations
Concurrent Calculation functionality allows you to calculate from project versions (sales quotes/orders), expected/actual costs, to posted project ledger entries and purchasing, and provides a matrix view to compare the different calculations.
There are numerous ways to create/assign a concurrent calculation:
- create automatically from a universal setting on the Calculation Schedule Card.
- create by choosing the Concurrent Calculation action on the Calculation Card.
- assign an existing Concurrent Calculation manually in the Concurrent Calculation Code field on the Document FastTab of the Calculation Card.
- assign an existing calculation to an existing Concurrent Calculation line.
When a Concurrent Calculation is created by choosing the Concurrent Calculation action on the Calculation Card, the Concurrent Calculation page automatically opens.
When a new calculation is created for an existing project calculation type, it can be manually added to the existing Concurrent Calculation for comparison, either by filling in the field on the Calculation Card or in the Concurrent Calculation line.
To display the concurrent calculation in a matrix view, choose the Concurrent Calculation Matrix action. All project-related calculations in the concurrent calculation can be recalculated by choosing Functions > Update Project Calculations on the Concurrent Calculation Matrix page.
Any calculation from any project can be assigned to a concurrent calculation for comparison purposes.
Project Group Calculation
With the calculation feature for Project Groups, a single calculation can be created for all entries in a project group, which can be beneficial for having an overview of a project with multiple sub-projects.
Choose the Calculation action to create a calculation for the project group. The rest of the process is the same as for a Project; see Project Calculation.
Once the new calculation is created for the selected project calculation type, it can be updated to show the calculations for the entire project group. On the Document FastTab, the Reference Type is set to Project Group.
A concurrent calculation can be created for the Project Group as well (see Concurrent Calculations).
Calculations for other project calculation types can be added to the concurrent calculation.
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