Automatically Allocate Calculations to Concurrent Calculations
Concurrent calculations can be transferred from existing documents to new documents during creation processes.
Sales Orders Created from Quotes or Blanket Orders
If a sales order is created from a sales quote or a blanket sales order and a calculation with a concurrent calculation number exists for the document line, a sales order line calculation is created automatically. The calculation number is transferred to the concurrent calculation line.
Production Orders Created from Sales Orders
If a production order is created from a sales order and a calculation with a concurrent calculation number exists for the document line, a production order line calculation is created automatically. The calculation number is transferred to the concurrent calculation line.
An expected cost calculation for production order lines is created. If the production order status is changed to Released or a released production order is created directly, an actual cost calculation is provided automatically.
Assembly Quotes Created from Sales Quotes
If an assembly quote is created from a sales quote and a calculation with a concurrent calculation number exists for the document line, an expected assembly quote calculation is created automatically. The calculation number is transferred to the concurrent calculation line.
If a sales order is created from the sales quote and a calculation with a concurrent calculation number exists for the document line, a sales order line calculation is created automatically as well as an expected assembly order calculation. The calculation numbers are transferred to the concurrent calculation line.
When the assembly order status is changed to Released, an actual cost calculation is created automatically and is transferred to the concurrent calculation line.
Assembly Orders Created from Sales Orders
If an assembly order is created from a sales order and a calculation with a concurrent calculation number exists for the document line, an expected assembly order line calculation is created automatically. The calculation number is transferred to the concurrent calculation line.
When the assembly order status is changed to Released, an actual cost calculation is created automatically and is transferred to the concurrent calculation line.
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