Configure to Order Setup
The Configure to Order Setup page is accessed using Tell Me. Choose the icon, enter Configure to Order Setup, and then choose the related link.
General FastTab
The fields on the General FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Activate Appl. Area | Makes pages and controls visible for COSMO Discrete Manufacturing (see App Activation). The setting in this field in combination with the settings in the Product Configuration Management tool control the Application Areas in standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. For more information, see Product Configuration Management Tool. |
Special Characteristic Search with Variables | Determines if the special characteristic searching feature includes variables (see Search Characteristics). |
Item Description Catalog | Determines if the Item Description Catalog functionality is activated (see Description Catalog). |
Select Checklist to Copy | If turned on and more than one Checklist Template is linked to an item, you are asked if you want to copy all linked Checklists or only one of them when you insert the Item No. into a Sales Order, for example. |
Sales Line Deletion Warning | Specifies if the user should get a warning when deleting a sales line where a production order was already created. |
Suppress Document BOM Change Warning | Determines if a warning message is shown when a Document BOM is changed or deleted while a Construction Order exists (see Change Document BOM Warning). If turned on, the message will not be shown. |
Include in Supply Planning | Determines if Document BOMs or Construction Orders are included in supply planning: - If turned on, released Document BOMs and/or Construction Order Lines will be included in supply planning. - If turned off, requirements are only planned if production orders were produced. |
Allow Diff. Customers in Service | Determines if service items from different customer can be used in service quotes/orders. |
Allow Diff. Ship-to Code in Service | Determines if the Ship-to Code can be changed on a Service Item Card if Service Contracts or Service Lines exist for the service item as well as for service quotes/orders if service contracts exist (see Different Ship-to Codes). Ship-to address changes are tracked in the Service Item Log. |
Make-Or-Buy | Determines the Inventory Posting Group that will be used with the Make-Or-Buy function (see Make-or-Buy). |
KANBAN | Selections made in this section are used with the Kanban system (see General Setup). |
Construction FastTab
Settings for working with the construction order are defined on the Construction FastTab. The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field Group | Field | Description |
Document BOM | Assignment of a number series for Document BOMs. | |
Construction Order | Assignment of a number series for Construction Orders. | |
Cost from (Line) | Defines which price is used for the evaluation of the individual positions in Document BOMs and Construction Orders. The options are Unit Cost, Standard Cost, and Last Direct Cost. | |
Create empty Const. Order | If turned on, a Document BOM will not be copied to the new Construction Order when creating a Construction Order from a Sales Order. For more information, see Create Empty Construction Orders/Copy Checklists from Sales to Construction. | |
Create Items and BOMs | Create Item and BOM Dialog | Determines if a dialog window will open when the Create Items & BOMs function is run in the Document BOM or Construction Order. If this toggle is not turned on, no dialog window will open and the settings in the following fields will be used. For more information, see Create Items and BOMs for sales and Create Items and BOMs for construction. |
Default BOM Type | Defines the default target document that will be suggested in the dialog window when the Create Items & BOMs function is run. The options are Production BOM, Production Structure, and Master BOM. | |
Create new Items/Variants | Defines if new Items or new Item Variants should be created for each assembly group when Production BOMs and Routings are created. If the Item Variants option is selected, Stockkeeping Units will be created and the Production BOM and Routing will be assigned to them. | |
Exclude Prototype Items/Variants | Determines if Prototype Items or Item Variants should be replaced by newly created Items or Item Variants. For more information, see Excluding Prototype Items/Variants for sales and Excluding Prototype Items/Variants for construction. | |
New Item No. Series | Specifies the number series that will be used when new items are created. | |
New Variant No. Series | Specifies the number series that will be used when new item variants are created. NOTE: The selected No. Series must not generate codes longer than the Item Variant Code (10 character limit). |
Master BOM Type | Specifies the Master BOM Type that will be assigned to new items when Master BOMs are created. | |
New Routing Manufac. | Specifies the number series that will be used when new routings are created. If empty, the standard No. Series will be used. |
New Prod. BOM Manufac. | Specifies the number series that will be used when new production BOMs are created. If empty, the standard No. Series will be used. |
New BOMs/Routings Status | Specifies the status of new production BOMs, routings and Master BOMs. | |
Location for Stockkeeping Unit | Specifies the location that is used when new Stockkeeping Units are created for item variants. Leave this field empty if the location from the source document should always be used. |
Manufacturing FastTab
Integration with the Manufacturing modules in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is defined on the Manufacturing FastTab. The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
New Variant Manufac. | Specifies the number series for Variant numbers. It is used for Items with Part Type = Purchase when releasing Document BOMs or Construction Orders. |
Enclosure by | During the creation of purchase orders for subcontractors, the enclosed part is moved to the stock location. The options for how the parts are moved are Reclass. Journal and Transfer Order. |
Enclosure Transfer Journal Template | Identifies the Item Journal Template that will be used if the Reclassification Journal is selected in the Enclosure by field. |
Enclosure Transfer Journal Name | Identifies the Item Journal Batch that will be used if the Reclassification Journal is selected in the Enclosure by field. |
Per Purchase New Journal Name | Determines if a new journal name needs to be used for each external purchase order. The order number will be used in the name of the Reclassification Journal. |
Last Journal Name | Name of the last assigned Reclassification Journal. |
In-Transit Code | Assignment of the in-transit code that is used with Transfer Orders created for external purchase orders. |
Create Enclosure Whse. Shpt. | Automatically creates a Warehouse Shipment during the subcontracting process if a warehouse management location is used. The options are Create Whse. Shpt. Open and Create Whse. Shpt. Released. For more information, see Subcontracting with Warehouse Management. |
Due Date from | Determines if the due date of the construction order defaults from either the originating sales order header or line. |
Dummy Routing Code | Used to directly create a Production Order from a Construction Order with Routings. |
Dummy Prod. BOM Code | Used to directly create a Production Order from a Document BOM and Construction Order with Components. The dummy Production BOM must have an empty Unit of Measure Code. To create the dummy production BOM, choose the ellipsis button. |
Certify New Prod. Structure | Used with the integration of COSMO Process Manufacturing (see Integration of COSMO Process Manufacturing). |
Default Prod. Order Status | Specifies the status of the created Production Order when the Auto. Create Prod. Order toggle is turned on in the Checklist Header and the Run Configuration Automatically action is used in the Sales Order line. For more information, see Automatic Configuration. |
Auto. Sync. Attributes to Mfg. Dimensions | Determines if attributes are automatically synchronized with manufacturing dimensions in document BOMs and construction orders. Used with the integration of COSMO Process Manufacturing (see Transfer Attributes from Master BOMs to Document BOMs and Construction Orders). |
Dyn. BOM FastTab
Dynamic BOM functionality is defined in the Dyn. BOM FastTab. The fields on this FastTab are described in the following table.
Field Group | Field | Description |
Variable for Component | With the configuration of the Dynamic BOM, variables can be calculated. This field specifies the variable to transfer its value to the No. field of the Document BOM and Construction Line. | |
Variable for Unit Cost | With the configuration of the Dynamic BOM, variables can be calculated. This field specifies the variable to transfer its value to the Unit Cost field of the Document BOM and Construction Line and also to the Unit Price field of the Sales Line. | |
Variable for Extended Text | With the configuration of the Dynamic BOM and the integration with COSMO Text Module in Advanced Manufacturing Suite (AMS), text can be entered in the checklists, which can then be transferred into Document BOMs and construction orders. For more information, see Variable for Extended Text. |
Variable for Net Weight (Item) | With the configuration of the Dynamic BOM, variables can be calculated. In this field, the variable for Net Weight of item variables is defined. This variable can be used for further calculation. | |
Variable for Specific Weight | With the configuration of the Dynamic BOM, variables can be calculated. In this field, the variable for Specific Weight of item variables is defined. This variable can be used for further calculation. | |
Transfer to Manufacturing | Variable for Wait Time | With the configuration of the Dynamic BOM, variables can be calculated. In this field, the variable for Wait Time between two processing steps is defined. |
Variable for Move Time | With the configuration of the Dynamic BOM, variables can be calculated. In this field, the variable for Move Time between two processing steps is defined. | |
Variable for Length | With the configuration of the Dynamic BOM, variables can be calculated. In this field, the variable for Length is defined. The content of this variable is corresponding with the content of the Length field in the BOM table. | |
Variable for Width | With the configuration of the Dynamic BOM, variables can be calculated. In this field, the variable for Width is defined. The content of this variable is corresponding with the content of the Width field in the BOM table. | |
Variable for Depth | With the configuration of the Dynamic BOM, variables can be calculated. In this field, the variable for Depth is defined. The content of this variable is corresponding with the content of the Depth field in the BOM table. | |
Variable for Weight | With the configuration of the Dynamic BOM, variables can be calculated. In this field, the variable for Weight is defined. The content of this variable is corresponding with the content of the Weight field in the BOM table. |
Numbering FastTab
Number series for COSMO Discrete Manufacturing are defined on the Numbering FastTab.
Actions Menu
On the Actions menu, choose Functions > Set Standard Setup to automatically assign standard setup in the system. Running this function will overwrite any other setup that has been completed in the Configure to Order Setup page. These standard settings can also be created using the Assisted Setup.
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