Integration of Master BOMs and Automatic Sub-Checklists
The features of the Recalculation and the Variable for Transfer to Manufacturing functions in the Master BOM work together with the Automatic Sub-Checklists for calculating how often an assembly is used in a Document BOM and for calculating the measurements in the assembly.
The Recalculation function of the Dynamic Master BOM corresponds with the Automatic Sub-Checklists. The Master BOM line contains the Recalculate checkbox. If this checkbox is selected, the Master BOM line will be copied to the Document BOM as many times as was entered/calculated in the Exp. Quantity field (if calculated, from the Formula Quantity). Each created Document BOM line will be set with Exp. Quantity = 1. The number of created Document BOM lines will be the quantity that was entered in the Input field on the Checklist line (with Variable for Dynamic BOM = CL_NO_SCL).
The counting variable "i" is also available. In the description and formula fields in Master BOM lines and attributes, the syntax "#i#" can be used as a placeholder.
When the Master BOM is opened in the Document BOM line:
- The placeholder is replaced with the contents of the counting variables.
- The variables produced correspond with those from the automatic sub-checklist.
- The values assigned in the checklist are available in the Document BOM.
Variable for Transfer to Manufacturing
In the Dyn. BOM FastTab in the Configure to Order Setup page, the variables for Transfer to Manufacturing are used to:
- Calculate the Wait Time, Move Time, Length, Width, Depth, and Weight fields.
- Copy them to the fields of the Document BOM and thus to the Production Order.
The MWEIGHT variable is automatically added and populated with the Weight from the Item Units of Measure or Net Weight from the Item Card when an item is added to the master BOM. For more information, see Variable for Net Weight.
In the following example, the weight variable has been omitted.
In the following video, two master BOMs were created:
- one for the main item of a produced item with the Recalculate checkbox selected, the Formula Quantity using the variable from the automatic sub-checklist, and the #i# placeholder was added to the description. This Master BOM is assigned to the produced item.
- one for the components of the main item that includes the measurement variables (length, width, depth) assigned as Attributes using the same values used in variables for Transfer to Manufacturing fields in Configure to Order Setup. Additionally, the #i# placeholder is used in the Formula Value fields. This Master BOM is assigned to the main item.
An automatic sub-checklist with counting and measurement variables was assigned to the produced item.
The produced item is added to a Sales Order. In the document checklist, the number of sub-checklists to create is entered in the Input field on the last line, in this example 3 sub-checklists need to be created.
Three lines are added below the input line and the end of the Description field uses the syntax placeholder to add a counter to show checklist 01, 02, and 03. The Show Sub-Checklists toggle is turned on to show all the entries directly in the lines.
For each sub-checklist, the syntax "i" is replaced by its value, for example, Length 01, Width 01, and Depth 01 for Sub-Checklist 01; Length 02, Width 02, and Depth 02 for Sub-Checklist 02; and so on. The variables also contain the syntax placeholder 01, 01, 01 for Sub-Checklist 01 and 02, 02, 02 for Sub-Checklist 02, and so on.
The document BOM is created from the Sales Order line and there are three sets of items with the counting values:
- Main item 01
- Four components of main item
- Main item 02
- Four components of main item
- Main item 03
- Four components of main item
For each component line, the Length, Width, and Depth fields are updated with the values entered in the document checklist, which were transferred from the Document BOM variable attributes.
A production order is created from the sales order line. The produced item and three sets of drawers are created in the lines. The Prod. Order Components show the components with the transferred measurements.
See Also
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